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Everything posted by EHyde

  1. I'm guessing there's more than that, after all the city is named after him.
  2. Since this thread has been inactive for a while I would just like to let everyone know that I can no longer hear without thinking of Kaladin.
  3. Brandon has a list of his upcoming conventions and appearances on his site through August of next year, if that helps you any (I'm personally hoping he comes to Dragon*Con again, but he hasn't said yet, and I'm pretty sure D*Con and Worldcon conflict this year so maybe not).
  4. Yes, instead of the more traditional alcohol, Pulsers keep their metals in chai now.
  5. Also, the fried potato recipe I posted earlier is very good with sweet potatoes as well (I left out the onion powder and added a very small amount of cardamom).
  6. I made Turkish Delight (lokum) last night! If you live in the US there's a good chance you've never had it, though if you've had the Liberty Orchards "Aplets & Cotlets" it's basically that. It's a bit complicated to give the recipe here, but I'll link to the one I've used. This is the best recipe for it I've found, but just as a warning, the author felt the need to illustrate it with someone in a sexy maid uniform doing the demo cooking ... don't ask me why. Nothing too scandalous but thought I'd let you know. http://www.ranum.com/fun/recipes/turkishdelight.html I used a nontraditional flavor this time, 1 tbsp banana flavor, 1 tbsp cranberry juice, and about 1/4 cup finely chopped cranberries mixed in at the very end. If you like nuts you can pour it over a layer of finely chopped walnuts and then you don't have to worry quite so much about it sticking to the pan, though I've decided I'm not a huge fan of walnuts with this flavor combo (they were quite good with orange/mango though). Next time I think I will try a more traditional rose flavor.
  7. I like the effect, but it's not really how I pictured them, either (also, didn't it specifically say that the eyes didn't change?)
  8. I doubt anyone needs this, but as I have had someone mispronounce "Hyde" in real life, it sounds exactly like the word "hide." Hyde was my last name before I was married. I started using it online a few years ago because I wasn't creative enough to think of a pseudonym that really suited me and I decided that I wasn't particularly worried about crazy internet stalkers. As a bonus, everyone thinks I'm making a literary reference.
  9. In case anyone hasn't seen this yet, a NaNoWriMo pep talk from Brandon: http://www.writingexcuses.com/2011/11/09/nanowrimo-pep-talk-from-brandon/ I am just over 19,000 and behind schedule, but I'm hoping to get a lot done this evening.
  10. EHyde

    Occupy Luthadel

    I actually was inspired to make this after seeing KChan's photo of people camping out by the store
  11. I'm @HydeDesigns, I'm both new to twitter and not terribly active yet.
  12. Going Postal is my second-favorite Discworld book, after Night Watch, but I think Going Postal is definitely the funnier of those two. I recently read The Lies of Locke Lamora as well, and I really enjoyed it. Sometimes fantasy novels feel like their entire world was invented just for the sake of the story, but with this one I really got the feel that the world was there, and the story just happened to take place inside it. If that makes any sense. I have not read the sequel, but honestly, LoLL has a satisfying ending on its own. I'm glad there will be more, but even if there weren't, I wouldn't let that stop you from reading what's there.
  13. I'm at 17,578 and ... well, the stuff that I wanted to happen, is happening, is about all I can say for it. Still, I've at least got some ideas of what needs changing.
  14. Ah, I was not aware of that. I see your point.
  15. Yeah, I would say that while I think (not even sure on this) that Miles can heal faster, Wolverine's a better fighter by far and would end up winning this one.
  16. Okay, I think now we have to debate
  17. I think the funniest part for me had to be the aluminum-foil hats.
  18. Just as a heads-up to all the Cat Inquisitors out there... Mistborn kitteh begins her training (Shadow does not like her mistcollar AT ALL)
  19. EHyde

    Occupy Luthadel

    LotR and Dune have their own Occupy posters, so why not?

    © Ellen Hyde

  20. I will be doing nanowrimo this year. I've done it before, in high school and my freshman year of college, but I've taken the past few years off (during college because I was too busy, and last year because I had no idea what to write about). But I think I've got a promising story in mind this year so I am going to take the challenge again. I think the story I'm working on would probably be classified as YA sci-fi...not sure about the YA, but that's what it feels like right now. Who knows, after I write more. And there will be some fantasy elements in there as well. I went to the regional kick-off party last night and I realized I need to come up with a good, short summary, so that I have something to say when people ask me what I'm writing about. I am E. Hyde on the nano site as well.
  21. So has anyone seen this yet? It doesn't seem to be getting good reviews but then I often find myself disagreeing with professional film critics.
  22. I just read "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch" which is a children's book that I somehow managed to avoid in elementary school (it's a Newberry winner, which translated to "a dry book that grown-ups like"). But this one, despite being children's lit from the 50s, was quite enjoyable...though I guess I am a grown-up now. It's a fictionalized biography of Nathaniel Bowditch, who published a book on navigation in 1802, and I suspect the book might make readers almost as interested in math as in sailing--though, not if you tell them that beforehand.
  23. I would like to announce that me + mistcloak = klingon, according to a really confused con-goer. I took the SAT the very first time they gave it with the essay, so no one had any idea what it would be like...apparently following the essay-writing guidelines we learned in AP US History, though, was not the way to go. Also, even if you score high enough on the PSAT to qualify for the scholarship, a lot of colleges don't offer anything for it.
  24. Oh...and that style *could* have worked so well for Warbreaker, too. Anyone else find it odd that the Warbreaker cover seems to have the least color of the lot of them?
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