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Everything posted by eveorjoy

  1. Indeed. I hope you come back for book three or maybe other new cosmere books as they come out. This has been a delight to listen to.
  2. Awesome finale. Thanks so much for sharing, Feather. Thanks for all the work you did. And thank you as well, Chaos. I do hope you will tell us what Brandon told you about Renarin's first week in Urithiru. If you can't that's okay, but it would be nice.
  3. Yeah Feather didn't explode as much as I thought she would. Well done. I agree this proves the flaws with shipping. Feather saw Shallan as a kind person but her kindness only came through in calmer moments. In times of crisis (killing Tyn and killing her father) Shallan was always described as cold and calculating. A person like that would demand any voice that spoke against her success to shut up. Now that they are both known radients and in a calmer situation at Urithiru they might have a kinder relationship. Or maybe they won't. The truth is Renarin needs someone more emotionally stable than Shallan. Maybe he should avoid dating radients all together.
  4. Nah. Chapter 86 is when she will snap... or want to snap Shallan in two.
  5. Hugs to Past Feather. It will be okay sweetie. I feel so bad for you. :'(
  6. Perhaps, but the suggestion to gag him I'm sure made her livid.
  7. Feather commenting on Renarin going with Shallan, "Maybe things will happen." Oh poor past Feather. I imagine the flip out when a suggestion of a gagging Renarin appears in the text is coming soon.
  8. I have a feeling Renarin would not be happy with you in real life. What have you been doing to him in your fanfiction?
  9. Is there any true fan of the books who thinks Kaladin is white?
  10. You have been doing excellent, Chaos. I apologize for ever doubting you.
  11. Actually, Brandon's award winning Novella, "The Emperior's Soul", has the protagonist imprisoned in one room for the majority of the story.
  12. Awesome. Thank you continuing to release these. Chaos, maybe you should try a less ambitious schedule. Releasing one episode a week on a set day would be enough. That way you don't get overwhelmed and we would know when to expect the next episode. I love it when you read the dialogues, Feather. It is a joy to listen to. Looking forward to more.
  13. Thanks so much Chaos and Feather. I hope school is going well for the both of you and Chaos I hope you are feeling better.
  14. Yay! Happy Dance. I understand life comes first, but it is nice to see episodes again.
  15. Think your annoyance with her stems from where her story stopped in WoR. it is interesting that even though WoR was "Shallan's Book" she didn't get a complete character arc in WoR. Kaladin and Dalinar had far more complete character arcs. Dalinar changed into his more administrative role in WoR and surprisingly became somewhat competent at it, though I think he has further to go on this journey. He also faced his brother's killer and realized their is nothing could have done to save him, completing that story arc. Both were issues that carried over from TWoKs, but at least one of them was completed in WoR. Kaladin also had two issues carry over from TWoKs. His trust issues with Lighteyes in general and his personal issues with Amaram. The first character arc was completed and by the end he realized that some Lighteyed people are good people. The second is ongoing. Considering we have 3 to 8 more books to go with these characters this makes sense. Shallan came into WoR trying to figure out who she was. This was her ongoing conflict from TWoKs. She discovered many interesting things about herself. Considering she was still on a journey of self-discovery learning the arts of deception from a woman like Tyn is not surprising at all. It is a skill useful to Lightweavers so she would be drawn to naturally. At the end of WoR she finally has a big breakthrough, but not really a completion of her character arc. Dalinar and Kaladin are solidifying. Dalinar is the admin and Kaladin is the leader of the vanguard. Shallan on the other hand is still liquid as a character. She ends WoR with her feet on two different paths, the path of a Radiant and the path the Ghostbloods wish to lead her down. She could go down a dark path and be the destroyer mentioned in the book description of TWoKs (Or maybe Dalinar was the destroyer because he pushed the Parshendi unto bringing about the everstorm but that is a discussion for another thread). I like Shallan as a character. I'm not sure I would like her as a person. I suspected going into WoR that she was a mess and I was right. Other than finding Urthihu, she didn't complete any of her goals in WoR. That is a risky thing to do with a character as an author. You need to have fans who trust you enough to allow a story to stop without the satisfying ending until a later book. Shallan is not a character Sanderson could have written earlier in his career. I enjoy her, but I understand why other readers might not. If you have issues with her, for now take her as she is. I trust Sanderson will make the payoff satisfying.
  16. All-nighters can be fun, but they get harder as you get older. Make sure you have good munchies ready before you pull another one. Oh what is "Scroungers"?
  17. Life comes first. We understand. Thanks for letting us know why there is a delay and for this wonderful experience of hearing a fangirl be a fangirl. it is so fun.
  18. Actually, Dalinar would agree. I think he didn't visit Kaladin sooner because he was bonding the blade. However, he told him while in prison that he understood why Kaladin did what he did and may have done the same if he were in Kaladin's position. Elhokar is still king and the choice was still his. What Kaladin did was punishable by death. By Alethi standards Kaladin got off easy. Psychologically it was hard for Kaladin, but all and all he wasn't treated badly. Also I'm confused as to why people don't think Dalinar asked for more information from Kaladin when he start his investigation. He did ask.Kaladin for more information. Should Dalinar have hounded Kaladin for every little detail of what happened? I think if Dalinar had pressed Kaladin for more information, Kaladin would have felt he was doubting his story all the more. Yes, Dalinar most likely did doubt Kaladin at this point, but can you blame him? Amaram isn't just well known for his spotless reputation, he has been a dear friend to Dalinar for years. Yes, Kaladin saved his life but he has barely known this trouble youth for about a month. If someone I just met told me my sister had committed murder, I'm going to call them an outright liar. Dalinar didn't call Kaladin a liar. He listened and respected his word, even though at the time I doubt he believed Kaladin.
  19. Syl - To Encourage Pattern - To Study Truth and Lies Wyndle - To Grumble Stormfather - To Lose Faith Glys - To Remain Hidden
  20. That is one of the reasons he writes the cosmere so well. Taking breaks to write non-cosmere works keeps his cosmere books fresh. I don't want him to get burnt out on writing SA books. It would reflect in the quality of the work. WoR was so awesome because he took a break and wrote other things in between.
  21. I think much of the annoyance people have with the Lighteyes connects to the values of our culture and the belief that all men are created equal and should be equal before the law. This is not Vorin culture. Vorin culture teaches that everyone has a place. The Almightly placed Lighteyes as leaders and that is the way of things. We disagree, but in judging these characters we need to look at them from the perceptive of their culture. Kaladin originally believed in this ideal. His goal to reach the shattered plains was to be around "real" Lighteyes, just like Amaram. Amaram's betrayal destroyed his faith in all Lighteyes. His faith in this ideal is one of the things Kaladin is seeking in WoR while defending Dalinar. He wants one of the Lighteyes to live up to the Ideal. In the end I think he discovers the ideal was a misunderstanding of a distant memory of the Knights Radiant.It is interesting that the focus of this thread is Lighteyes apologizing to Kaladin. I don't think he ever wanted an apology. I think he wanted the Lighteyes to live up to what they were supposed to be. Further he admits in several places in the book that he isn't giving certain Lighteyed individuals enough credit. His anger makes sense and some of the characters (Dalinar, Adolin) even understand that. Nonetheless, justified anger can still destroy you and I doubt Amaram's apology settled things with him. Still several of the characters have nothing to apologize for. I'm not going to go into the reasons Dalinar doesn't need to apologize to Kaladin again. I discussed that in an earlier post. I will add this regarding Roshone. By the end of the book I think Kaladin believed Dalinar would have done more to deal with Roshone's actions if he asked him to. He told Moash that they could go to Dalinar and bring Roshone to justice. I don't think he was just saying that to save his and Elhokar's life. Kaladin doesn't say things he doesn't believe. As for Shallan, she apologized for being offensive to Kaladin and that was more than enough. Shallan was mostly civil to Kaladin during the entire book. Okay she tricked him out of his boots (I love that scene) but as was mentioned that had nothing to do with him being Darkeyed. Then we have their second confrontation. She called him out on not referring to her as brightness, but she would have done the same to a Lighteyes of lower rank. She was playing a roll and that roll demanded respect. And in their first meeting Kaladin did call her Brightness and further admits that he is being offensive during their second meeting because he believes her to be a con-artist. Moving on to their third interaction at the training grounds, she acknowledges him when she doesn't need to and informs him that she has improved his boots and will be returning them to him soon. Later, Kaladin liked the improvements. Then we have the carriage ride. Kaladin interrupted Adolin and Shallan's conversation. Lighteyed or dark, he was being inappropriate. He was there as a bodyguard not a friend. And yet did Adolin or Shallan correct him? No, they included him in the conversation like an equal. They continued to treat him with friendly respect during the entire outing even though he was acting sour, and he admitted this in that scene too. Then we have their interactions on the plains. Yes, Shallan called him out for being unfairly mean to Adolin, when he was being unfairly mean. Adolin was treating Kaladin like a buddy at that point and even though Kaladin liked him he still was cruel. At last we have the chasms. Shallan and Kaladin were equally curt with each other, and yet she apologized. He never did, though he admitted he liked Adolin. Kaladin later realized he had more in common with this Lighteyed woman than he thought and was completely wrong about her. I don't see what Shallan had to apologize for in any of these interactions. As to Elhokar's sloppy apology. The fact that he apologized at all is shocking and hopeful. Elhokar is a king. Kings don't apologize in Vorin culture or even our culture. Further he recognized how capable Kaladin was to the point of humbling himself to ask for guidance. I think Elhokar does have the potential to be a good leader (a good king is stretch but there are eight books left where he could come around). He just needs to recognize his flaws and take direction from those he can see are successful. He can do this. He recognized it in Kaladin after all and doing so is going against Vorin culture, because Kaladin is Darkeyed. That's remarkable. So I'm willing to cut Elhokar some slack. As for Amaram.... He apologized and I think he meant it. He still needs to die. He is far more dangerous than Sadeas. At least the way he apologized broke his false reputation. Yes, only the bridgemen were focused on in that scene, but I think Roion and his men also heard Amaram's admission. it's not enough, but it did hurt Amaram. For Lighteyes to become humble and realize where they went wrong they need guidance. Hopefully the new Radiance will give them that guidance.
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