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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Night 2 was when TJ said they scanned Drake. Edit: also, happy birthday Waffles.
  2. Agreed. It's unlikely the Elims have a Knight at this stage. Hopefully there is only one more as I really don't want to think about there being two. So far we've had a good deal of luck that Link hasn't been attacked yet but I don't think we should count on that streak continuing. Role-wise, my guess of the remaining elim is one of the two remaining Postmen. Admittedly it could be a roleless but balance-wise having two Postmen would work as it helps the elims know who is talking to whom allowing them to narrow down suspects a little faster instead of just having Revali alone. Player-wise I would take Mist off the list of suspects as they couldn't have placed kill orders with Leet being absent. Devotary is unlikely due to their vote on Drake which almost resulting in their death. Everyone else, all are suspects with my primary being Quill as it was last Day cycle. Them being a Postman doesn't exclude them being evil. Ash is probably the least likely of the remaining.
  3. I asked in my PM when I saw Gremlin survived the execution and was told Durians don't protect from it so...
  4. Interesting given Durians don't let you survive the day hanging. Only Daruk can do that.
  5. Personally, Quill is the only one that seems suspicious to me and even then it's only slight. Given how my only other two elim reads (Tani and Azmine) turned out to be completely wrong, I'm not overly confidant in my Quill read either. I doubt there is another elim Postman given what we have seen. It's likely to be either an Elim Knight and/or Daruk.
  6. It happens. Things will pick up again when a new book is released. And there is that audiobook coming out soon...
  7. If there is only one elim remaining then I think we can, hesitantly, rule out Yeet. I don't think Striker and Bip would keep the game going if the only elim left was going to be inactive for a couple of cycles. I'm not 100% on it though as I don't know how long they said they were going to be away so for all I know they might be coming back during this cycle. Postman, if you don't mind, could you please give me a PM with Devotary.
  8. But did he sing to you like I did? Or try and get some horse tranquilizer? An enjoyable game Kas. Now that it's over maybe you can get some sleep. My thanks. I'm sure it will come in handy when/if I build my golem. Your welcome? Nope. I played exactly as I would've if I was the Tineye. Admittedly I didn't know Striker was evil but even if I did, I would've made sure to vote on an elim at least once during the first couple of elections. It's too suspicious to never have a misvote.
  9. Unless that was Steels plan all along.... Edit: And since the game isn't over. GO TO SLEEP KAS! ♪♫♪ Stay awake, don't rest your head Don't lie down upon your bed While the moon drifts in the skies Stay awake, don't close your eyes Though the world is fast asleep Though your pillow soft and deep You're not sleepy as you seem Stay awake, don't nod and dream ♪♫♪
  10. For those interested: Known Elim voting patterns. Day 1: Araris voted for : Ash, Azmine, TJ Drake voted for : Azmine, Stick, Pyro, Steel Wei voted for : TJ, Pyro Purple voted for : Archer Day 2: Araris voted for : Ash Drake voted for : Szeth Purple voted for : Stick Day 3: Drake voted for : TJ, Tani Purple voted for: TUO Day 4: Drake voted for : Szeth Purple voted for : Drake Those whom voted on now known elims: Day 1: Voted on Araris : Mat Voted on Drake : Kas, Tani Voted on Wei : Steel, Kas Voted on Purple : Archer Day 2: Voted on Araris : Mat Voted on Drake : TJ, Devotary, Mat, Archer No votes on Purple Day 3: (Bandwagon on TUO so not overly useful) Voted on Drake : TJ, Steel No votes on Purple Day 4: Those that didn't vote on Drake: kayla, Alvron, Random Bystander, quillinthestars Those that voted on Drake then removed votes : Waffles, Tani Day 5: No one voted on Purple In light of what I know of Araris and Drake, I'm voting for Azmine. Voting on a fellow elim is standard practice and the best time to do it is Day 1 when it's easiest to explain away a random vote. Please note, I would've spoilered but they don't seem to be working right for me at this point.
  11. As much as I would love to revive Fron, RL has decided that I've had my fun for the next month or so. I'll take a Pinch-hitter spot though. Right down at the very bottom if possible Kas just in case something comes up.
  12. I had the double vote a couple of cycles ago too and didn't use it. I have no intention of voting this cycle. Rollover for me in this game is 3am so it would be impossible for me to hammer anyone but having my two votes hanging out there with hours to go in an election would make it easier for the elims to vote one of their own in should I vote wrong. The safest thing for me to do is not vote which is what I have done last time and am doing this time. Instead you should vote Klaas Vaak into office. Klaas Vaak, he won't abuse the power given to him. Vote now.
  13. Sleep dear Kas, you know you want to. Just close your drooping eyes and let the Sandman come. ♪♫♪ Now it's time to say good night, Good night, sleep tight. Now the sun turns out his light, Good night, sleep tight. Dream sweet dreams for me, Dream sweet dreams for you. Close your eyes and I'll close mine, Good night, sleep tight. Now the moon begins to shine, Good night, sleep tight. Dream sweet dreams for me, Dream sweet dreams for you. Close your eyes and I'll close mine, Good night, sleep tight. Now the sun turns out his light, Good night, sleep tight. Dream sweet dreams for me, Dream sweet dreams for you. Good night, Good night, everybody, Everybody, everywhere, Good night. ♪♫♪
  14. Do you have proof that my voters are in the pocket of a noble or are you simply imposing your fear onto them? I said I wasn't sure if I wanted to be voted on not that I didn't want to be voted on. That however was a lie. I was hoping that others would see it and think 'that's a village thing to say, let's vote for Alv'. Didn't work so now Klaas Vaak is taking over the drivers seat. Crap, they're on to us @Liranil! What should we do? A vote for Klaas Vaak is a vote for village. Vote village. Vote Klaas Vaak! And if someone doesn't vote but has a plan for C7 are they evil too?
  15. C1 was the offer and your pairing. Steel and I didn't kill you until C3 though. Of course I'm better than Wyrm. I've only killed you once while he's killed you 2-3 times. Attacking my supporters? A little low if you ask me. I however will not stoop to your level as I believe that everyone should vote for whomever they wish without having to fear reprisals from opponents of their chosen candidate. (Love you Steel ) Remember, a vote for Klaas Vaak is a vote for the future! Yes, you are in the game and yet I still keep forgetting about you. One of these days you have to tell me your secret. Even I can't hid e as well as you do.
  16. Did I not post at all D5? I am here and kinda paying attention but I guess I got a little too caught up with the MR.
  17. This coming from the person that offered to pair up with me only to turn around and team up with Devotary before I even had the chance to respond? Also, I don't recall ever saying you could trust me that game. In fact, I don't recall ever saying to anyone to trust me. (Except maybe jokingly) Quite the opposite as I've repeatedly told players to not trust me. But that's besides the point as Klaas Vaak does not ask for your trust, only for your vote. He won't let you down!
  18. Ladies, gentlemen and Immortals among us. I present to you the only logical choice for todays election. Klaas Vaak He has held the office of Leader of the Workers not once but twice! And never has he (ab)used his power. The Gods themselves approve of his election as proven by his current elevation. He has not been involved in the election of any of those loyal to Demas Starrick unlike some others we could name. Safety of the Workers is a priority for Klaas as shown by his diligence in the continued care of Khassid. (Go to sleep Kas) Fellow Workers, Klaas Vaak is the one to trust in these turbulent times. He has your back! Do you have his?
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