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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Hmm, 6 hours is far too long for you to have the Win.
  2. Which is why they should give it to me. I;m not entirely certain why but I trust you and it turns out that I'm not going to be on at rollover so ... Ventyl.
  3. Use the outlet of the GM PM. It's loads of fun to rant to the GMs and them not being able to say anything. It's also fun for the GMs as they get to see your rantings and have a good laugh depending on how far off your reads are.
  4. Is there a particular reason you want to win?
  5. Extra money is always good imo. Plus the work is easy enough.
  6. Mostly work. With Christmas coming up most of my colleges are looking at taking time off to be with family / travel so I'm picking up extra shifts here and there.
  7. Wonderful. How do you think you have done so far?
  8. I'm doing good at moment. How about yourself?
  9. Fair enough but still, let's give them a chance to answer shall we.
  10. Now, now. Let's give them a chance to answer before you jump down their throat.
  11. I agree that pinch hitters aren't really that helpful. On one hand it gives those that couldn't join a chance to play but on the other, we tend to give them a few cycles to catch up and if they are evil, that can be devastating for the village. An extra vote for the village is always a good thing but an elim with fresh ideas and an outsiders view greatly helps the elims. Overall, I would say it's a good idea to have pinch hitters but it's close to a push. Stinks playstyle is very much his own. I've seen him play this way as village, elim and neutral. I've seen him commit suicide as an elim on D2 simply to do it. Personally, I would lean closer to elim the village on Stink but with Stink, it's a coinflip and even I couldn't call it with any degree of accuracy.
  12. There's an idea. Chanarach, if I'm still alive at the end of D6, please, please send me your Blade. I have a very good track record of killing elims so it would really help the village if I could get my hands on a kill.
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