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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Really? Cause, Archers vote on Illwei is missing, Illweis vote on Mat is missing and my vote on Ventyl is also missing. Mat claimed he had two chalk during the Day so they most likely came from him. Also, some good news, I used a Bucket of Acid during the Day so that's one less Chalkling we need to worry about.
  2. The more accurate the data and all that.
  3. Fun times. Analytical!Alv is still around. He's gathering information and trying to see any patterns but at moment needs a dead elim to work with.
  4. Nope. Connie currently doesn't have an active vote.
  5. First Araris starts slipping back into the Shadows and now Laidback!Kas is leaving? @Burnt Spaghetti, stay with me! Don't become the PM Spider again!
  6. Nope. Several vote counts have missed that Random moved their vote from Archer to Illwei. See.
  7. Hey Kas. How's it going? Well chull. Here I was all set to vote for you and you go and do this. My analysis has/had at least one elim in the group of Archer, Quinn or Devotary. But it's only preliminary results and I was looking forward to your death to see if I was on the right track.
  8. I did not use it and I haven't been told I no longer have it so one would assume I still have it.
  9. Blackbane wrote a letter too. It was a.
  10. Stop asking the GMs to do a vote count and do your own. It's not the GMs job to keep you informed of the VC.
  11. I hate this. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it. There is a chance at a tied vote and I'm not allowed to make one as that's not my playstyle this game. Now, if someone else was to tie it up..... please
  12. Storm it people. How am I meant to do my notes if you keep PMing me every minute or two? Kidding. I'm loving the PMs as it's not something I get very often. Stiker on the other hand needs lots more PMs. Lots and lots more. He needs to drown in PMs if he is going to truly become SpiderEZ. Plus it might drive him to Madness.
  13. You mean 22-sided dice right? There are 23 players, take yourself off the list as there is zero reason to vote for yourself and you have 22 players left to roll for. And 22 sided dice aren't that hard to come across. Although sadly, I am yet to get one so cards are what I use for the moment.
  14. To those that have PMed me, I'll get to each of you tomorrow. I'm just here to deal with this. Oh hell no. You did not just advise using an electronic device/program for invoking The Gods of Luck and Chance! For such an affront, I'm going to have to go after your Shadowblaze now. Firstly, burning iced animal crackers can gain their favour. Whole crackers mind not the broken bits. You can eat those. This step is not necessary but it can help if you wish for their continued blessing. Secondly, one must use physical dice/coins/items to receive their answer. Saying "May the Gods of Luck and Chance smile upon me." as you roll/flip brings their attention to what you are after resulting in a more favourable outcome. Dice are the preferred vessel of their will but if you don't have the right denomination of dice, a deck of cards works well too. Just use as many cards as you have options and assign a name/task to each before shuffling and drawing the chosen one.
  15. Possible but even if there was a Gun, I wouldn't have gone for it as Analytical!Alv isn't RandomFun!Alv and has to do things logically. And of course @Gears does another great starting post, which is why I enjoy playing with them, but they said basically everything I was going to say. IMO I believe we should all be going for Chalk, Acid and Maps in that order. Chalk and Acid for defense while the Maps need to be used asap to fill the camp supply as much as possible so there's more resources and less likely someone misses out if too many go for essential items. While I can see the uses for the Specialization books, they will likely paint targets on the backs of those that go for them. Part of the reason the Village lost the last time this game was run was because we only worked on getting the exact defense we needed to, we didn't really bother with extras in case of roleblocks and we tended to go after fun or interesting items from the camp. So long as we can keep a good supply of chalk flowing both into and out of the camp we should have an easier time of defense later down the line.
  16. @Sart, you forgot the Gun in the supply! What am I suppose to go for now????
  17. You didn't know there was a Conversion role/item? Oh dear. Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. We might need a psychiatrist on standby for this game. And maybe a straitjacket. What if you're evil and get the Shadowblaze? Will you convert or shall Good Guy Fain make an appearance?
  18. Indeed. Relaxed!Kas is paranoia free so everyone roleclaim to him.
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