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Everything posted by Arook

  1. I I will point out that she killed ruin to preserve the planet and the people on it. maybe Leras did not Because there was not a person like Sazed to take the shards and become harmony. I will admit is has been some time from my last reading so I will accept being wrong how how she used it. As for what happens to a unheld shard I thought that was what happened but now that you mention it I think you are right.
  2. The only reason I thought it might be possible is that age is something that is a constantly increasing thing on a person. Always going up so the record of it is stored somewhere. Can you steal that record? Otherwise I agree with your statement. Also it is not stored as time to live, so much as how long you have lived total and what you should be for that age. Hence why the lord ruler did not immediately die and turn to dust when his bracers were removed. Edit note: edited for poor writing.
  3. But the thing is she did not actively use the power to kill him. More like she used the turbulence of the 2 powers held in intense proximity each other to cause the death of the holders that is why she died too. Leras knew way more about the power than Vin did. Vin never cared what would happen to the power when she died. If no one was around if sazed was not there to pick them up the power would have broken apart and been lost. Preservation by the point he trapped ruin maybe could not bring himself to died in that fashion like Vin. Vin had not yet been bent to the shards focus when she killed Ati having only held it for minutes.
  4. Do they? What if some worlds have more than the normal way like shallan does. Jasnah does something that others don't to enter so her entrance is different then all the other orders and people. It could be how Kaladin and Shallan enter the way all other shard worlds do.
  5. They did recently produce a Liger that was not sterile so not impossible just really really hard.
  6. So I was thinking about this and, with atium can you steal old age? Stealing youth is possible clearly but, can you steal the old off someone and what effect would that have on them. The idea being that they live through the spiking of course. Now if you can who in the cosmere would you suddenly make really old via a spike or two.
  7. But see that is the thing is there a minimum. With how ferrings and mistings are, you have the genetic potential of a feruchemist or mistborn but are unable to use more than one. With power level in allomancers some are stronger than others like vin an Eland. But even vin is only slightly stronger in power than others in this age. Even with mistings verses mist born they all are about the same strength. With allomancy the power's strength is what is lost when a spike sits before implantation. So what is lost when a feruchemical spike sits? I think it is more of an on off option that gets stolen and the power level in allomancy weakens
  8. In this context I would say that the % of the portion of the SDNA associated with that power. So if it is possible to take power from someone that does not actually have the ability but is a recessive trait laying dormant in a person it should grant power albeit very little but usable. Feruchemy is more complex because what is the limiting factor what is lost while the charge is transferred. It can not be power because that is internal and speed is the other factor in power. Capacity is not a function of the user but the metal the user has available. So what is the difference from 100% feruchemical power and 10% other than available metals to store into. For that matter is there any benefit from 200 % over 100% power.
  9. I know I'm being picky but I don't think it cuts the physical body but the spiritual connection of said object. Ie arm to torso. All of the cuts are super smooth I bet it is eliminating a small amount of the spiritual essence of what it touches making a hair line cut by removing the tiniest bit of an object From existence. Of course that is based on my theory of what Night blood does to walls and stuff.
  10. So as I understand it everything that exists in the physical exists in the other 2. Not everything in the cognitive or spiritual has a physical aspect. With that when you cut a person you cut the soul of a person but not the spiritual aspect of the body. The blades have an unnatural ability to cut it can not be a simple matter of it just cuts the thing in the way if no soul is found. A interesting thing to note the blades fuzz around a body visibly when cutting the soul.
  11. ya but how much is lost is hard to tell and my understanding of taking directly from one to the next person gets far more then 25%. I did not disagree with keeping them alive until you finished taking all powers just that melting down a hundred spikes would not be as efficient that is all. Also don't leave the bodies, crazy people can talk still.
  12. That is not true they can but it weakens them anything not used for their intent is lost to them forever. I believe
  13. You could melt the ones of the same metal and combine them but that would not be as effective as just using one spike. The loss created would be to great just pushing the spike through the subject into the intended recipient would be far more effective. you lose very little charge by not having any time out of a body. Though you should be able to use the same one over to steal more until it is full. More bodies not needles is a better way.
  14. No if I understand correctly to use the mists you need to have some kind of link to preservation other wise all mistings and mistborn would have used the mist.
  15. True but how much of that connection was inherent in the bond or because of what Kaladin was trying to do at the time and where his mind was focused.
  16. I wonder if you made an alloy of Atium and Lerasium if it would instead give you Feruchemy. I thought I heard Brandon say one time that Lerasium if mixed with a different metal would make them a misting of that metal but that could have just been a theory I read once. I thought the concept was that the solid form of a investiture was fixed in place where the liquid and gas states were in greater flux and can be used for anything withing the system. Being that Lerasium and Atium were both made by preservation using different powers. If I remember from that signing preservation created Lerasium specifically to create Mistborn and that harmony changed Atium after he repaired the planet. The pool of preservation's power was supposed to alter the person so they could accept the full power of preservation existing as the mist, while even the smallest hemlergic spike interfered with that.
  17. I would say that cognitive realm is all about perception a normal person or animal does not see them self in the cognitive realm so have no body there. But when a person begins to perceive actively the cognitive realm then they take the shape they think they should have. as for who can enter I think it only has to do with mental state. I do not think any additional things are needed but some people like jasnah have a greater affinity than others. I think the key diffrence jasnah has is she might be able to shift others into the cognitive with out the mental aspect needed for Shallan and Kaladin to view that realm. Although it is possible that a focus is needed for someone without some kind of inherent investiture to view and interact with the cognitive realm.
  18. So I asked Brandon once if the change to feruchemists having ferrings instead of only making more feruchemists was just breeding or if it was something harmony did and he told me it was both so Sazed can make some changes to the system but that does not really change the system but so much as how people interact with the system. As for the magics being in place before I have only heard that the Spren existed before, not the magics which are too closely aligned with the individual shards to be pre shattering. I have always felt that the Parshendi were the original people of Roshar and that odium corrupted them because they are most susceptible to outside influence via spren
  19. I would say a better way to say what Nightblood does is consumes the spirit of what it attacks and a shard blade just cuts the spirit apart. Anything touched by Nightblood vanishes into the black vapor and a shard blade just severs the connection. living things react differently then something dead in fact each living creature must have 2 types of spirit now that I think about it one while alive and then replaced by the second one when that is destroyed. That is why you can't cut a living person because you can only cut the primary soul of an object. Shard blades type objects can attack the spirit See a splinter or sliver is something that has a large amount of investiture. All shard blades a splinter or sliver but not all splinter and slivers are shard blades.
  20. @Weirywriter We do know that they can not bond with spren the same was humans do So can not be a knight Radiant in the traditional sense. Whether she joins one of the orders later is uncertain.
  21. Right sorry I'm not being clear I'm saying investiture works like stem cells for the soul using the remaining bits from the other 2 realms to help form the missing bit of the soul. Is that better if not then I give up
  22. It is possible that kaladin Was able to heal the arm because cognitively he new he had an arm and there was an arm physically. He describes what he does as pushing on something. So maybe for lack of a better example he filled his arm with investiture using it like stem cells for the soul. His physical arm's cognitive Aspects knowing how an arm is supposed to work guided it patch his soul.
  23. I had not thought about the need for blood that does make it a little sticky. I wonder if plants have bind points. As for your second point isnt that basicly what they do with awakening all the time so i don't think the concept is flawed but you are right not imbued with human strength but maybe the blessing of presence would work. although maybe if plants work stick a bunch of blessings of presence in a tree then then cut a sword out of it using the section with the spikes in it then bam. Other spikes could grant other powers. but you would need a lot that is for sure.
  24. It has to do with the fact that the Pashendi had just spent 6 years losing a war. they were slowly dying having the gods come back was better then dying to them. they had orginally thought the alethi would get bored and leave them be.
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