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Vyzkel Willbender

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About Vyzkel Willbender

  • Birthday 03/18/2009

Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Friendly Neighborhood Crazy Man
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Utah(home if the most boring national parks)
  • Interests
    Pizza, Dark Humor, Things out of context, Books, Pig Pen Code, Demon Slayer, and Taekwondo

Vyzkel Willbender's Achievements



  1. Kyz looked at 25 flabbergasted,”and why didn’t you tell us this before?”
  2. What’s the weirdest thing you had to deal with as a security officer? Probably when I had to defuse a bomb that was inside my mother.
  3. “That sounds pretty Fire right now.”
  4. You watch Daniel Thrasher!?!(also that video was amazing) 598. Talk in long words to a person with the fear of long words.
  5. “Haha, sure,” Kyz takes out a Samsung and orders some.
  6. “You’re right, I’ll give it to a Planner.”
  7. I just try to… 597. Sing off beat and off key for the Birthday song every time.
  8. “Yes, I only have OneNote, we have to stay on Edge for any buzzkills.”
  9. Kyz cackles,”Word, these puns have a good Outlook.”
  10. Why did you execute thousands of people?!? Yes
  11. No… no not again Also we should make it so we all have to write a chant to summon people Example: You see her posts more common than grass, I NOW SUMMON @Through The Living Glass!!!
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