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Everything posted by RoyalBeeMage

  1. pancakes or wallfles. i cant deside between the two.
  2. “I was being sarcastic. I caused the *redacted* war.”
  3. Ok now I’m very confused. Any one able to explain the current theory
  4. Constable-General's secutary roy yawned as he found a new report that had been filed just that morning. strangely it was also related to the last one he had spent a long time looking through. only this time it was leading away from observation report one and lead him to a third document. Observation Report 2 - Siblicide. will the paper trail ever end.
  5. "intresting. say i was to promise that i would shut my mouth. would you be willing to tell?"
  6. "why? why do you risk his wrath like that. expessialy right before a god."
  7. "you dare imply that odin himself would not be privy to every prophecy that has every been uttered."
  8. it could verry well be the meme. a blank box.
  9. only because i want to end the wall of posts in my face. faerie braids drakemarshall
  10. read it. devour it. spoil it all over the shard wwydiyf a copy of stormlight arcive book 10 in your pocket
  11. "yeah me never except that i was forced to memorise all 1427 of them."
  12. centure ares looks around for a new person to atttack.
  13. "i can see that. " "a bus is a metal box that can move you very fast across mudguard. it is written in the hall of prophacys as the herald of something far worse than ragnarok. climate change."
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