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Everything posted by RoyalBeeMage

  1. "ahh that sound is never helpfull when the court is in session." high judge royalbeemage wispered to @Ravenclawjedi42
  2. ohh wow. that was... im lost for words. as always word choice is amazing. detail is nailed.
  3. looks good. what colour is the inside of the bowl?
  4. "does the chair person @Edema Rue have anything to say about this? otherwise, continue."
  5. "umm. yes sure. umm go ahead. raven and ráven get back here." @Ravenclawjedi42 @TheRavenHasLanded @Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  6. see this is where the whole court incident started.
  7. "well.. yes. oh fine." royalbeemage sighs as he raises his hand for recess.
  8. "im not going to deny ether of you ravens"
  9. royalbeemage shurgs "it will take a few minutes to print all the paper work so sure."
  10. royalbeemage colects his cup but stays silent about who wanted to go to court as it may or may not have been himself
  11. royalbeemage retuns the high-five and shares a look with ráven
  12. "Exactly the reason we are all gatherd here today."
  13. "raven!! dont look disapointed." "i prepose that the movement is made!"
  14. no way are we doing that!!! "go ahead and tell us what you are thinking"
  15. "acording to the 17th shards profile info the order of people who joined the shard was panda in may 27th 23, stick November 2nd 23 and part of the narrative November 7th 23. this gives panda longer to have met sick than naritive."
  16. "Shall we ask the child?"
  17. "what evidence do you have to suport this?"
  18. "theres one behind you. you dont mind if make me a cup too as well do you?"
  19. "part of the narative. what makes panda irisponsible in your eyes? and panda why are you supior to part of the narrative?"
  20. *bangs gavel just for the fun of it* @Part Of The Narrative "What case do you present?"
  21. welcome to the Supreme Judicial Chamber. where Preserving Justice and Upholding the Rule of Law is our number 1 priority. we are gathered today under judge royalbeemage to decide the custody of just-a-stick @Just-A-Stick @SmilingPanda19 @Part Of The Narrative please can smiling panda please present their case to the jury
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