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Everything posted by Silk

  1. I shall put your name on the list as a motivating factor, then.
  2. Speaking of slow weeks: So far I haven't had any requests to submit tomorrow. Throwing it out for those who may have a chapter or a story lying around.
  3. No problem. A couple of slower weeks around this time of year is probably just as well. I've got you down for the 30th.
  4. I suspect it'll be a slow week, so you're probably good to go.
  5. That's four so far (The Goat, Shadow, Mandamon and Yankorro). So there's at least one more opening for tomorrow (as always, if someone who hasn't submitted in a while would like to, one or two of the folks who've been submitting regularly can drop back).
  6. You're actually only in the fourth slot (four for this week and one for next, so far) so go ahead.
  7. So far I have Andyk, Mandamon, and Yankorro for next Monday. As usual, if we end up with a lot of people submitting I may ask one or two of the more frequent submitters to hang back. As a heads up, one of our newcomers has also requested a slot for Monday the 16th.
  8. Just send me a message with the email address you'd like to receive submissions at and I'll add you to the mailing list so you can receive emails from the group.
  9. Sorry for the delayed reply! I think I thought today was still Sunday. Looks like it'll be a slower week, though, so go right ahead.
  10. CJ: No, but it's not a terribly interesting story, so there's that. Mandamon, go ahead.
  11. Heh. Guitar was my first, too; I've been playing for twenty-one years, so I think I'm all good there. I was exaggerating a bit when I said "new instrument," actually. I've been playing the trombone for thirteen years, but I'm used to (of course) playing slide trombone. However, the only instrument I have to play at the moment is a valve trombone (long story), which I've never played before, which means getting it figured out before next Thursday's big band rehearsal. So yeah, it should be doable.
  12. Pretty much all I have to do is learn a new instrument before next Thursday. Easy, right?
  13. Okay, I have Andy, Mandamon, JParker, and Yankorro tentatively for Monday. There's still one slot left, and if necessary, more room can be made by asking one of our frequent posters to hang back for a week. In terms of new blood, tell you what: I promise to submit a chapter of this superhero novel if I ever get around to actually writing it. XP
  14. How early is early? I'm basically fine with it provided no one else objects--I just don't want to mess around with the schedule too much or it'll get hard to keep track, especially since we have basically the same group of people submitting right now. Yankorro,same thing as last week--if we get a whole lot of people wanting to submit this week I'll ask you to hold back a week, but if not then you're good. Andy, you should also be good to go.
  15. Go ahead. There are still a couple of slots left, if anyone's interested.
  16. JParker, you're on for sure. Yankorro, if we get a whole bunch of people wanting to submit this week who haven't recently I may ask you to hold back, but as you're only the second one signed up for this week so far I suspect you'll be good to go.
  17. It's been a pretty slow few weeks, so go ahead and submit if you want.
  18. Just noticed this comment. This is something that'd have to be run past the admins--I have no control over that myself. Of course, there's also nothing wrong with having one or two threads just on the regular forum either.
  19. Yes, go ahead--you're the only one so far.
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