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Everything posted by Silk

  1. Looks like andyk and EndurantArchivist for this Monday the 11th so far, have I missed anyone?
  2. manaheim, Robinksi, Shivertongue and andyk so far. Anyone else?
  3. Manaheim, you and Robinski are the only two to ask so far, so unless there's a lot of interest over today and tomorrow I'd say you're good to go.
  4. Go ahead--Tal's submission is pretty short so I wouldn't be too worried about having an extra submission this week. In fact, even with Tal's submission, we're still only at four submissions so far for tomorrow.
  5. Update: I recently got a question about offensive content, and I've expanded the "Content Tags" section accordingly. Nothing that will come as a surprise to anyone, I don't think, but worth the clarification. Maybe I should finally get around to that how to give/get critiques guide that I threatened to write three years ago...
  6. Hi Tal, there are still a couple spots for the 28th (er, that's tomorrow already...) if you'd like to submit. I wouldn't worry too much about whether your submissions fit in solely on the basis of length--we've had people submit fairly short stuff before, including flash fiction (I've submitted one or two flash pieces to this group myself). As for poetry, that's definitely outside this group's usual focus; you're welcome to submit it but may find that people don't have too much to say about it (I know I'm not as confident critiquing poetry as I am critiquing fiction; I suspect that I'm not the only one but there may be other poetry readers/writers in the group). You're welcome to submit anyway and see what happens--if you submit some poetry and find that you're not getting much useful feedback from this group there's definitely no obligation to keep submitting that kind of work. Submissions typically happen every Monday, and as I mentioned, there are a couple open slots for tomorrow if you want to try it. Details on how/where to submit are all in this thread. Let me know if you do decide to submit tomorrow so I can put you on the list if you do.
  7. So far I have andyk, Robinski, and manaheim for Monday. manaheim, you're probably good, but since you've been submitting the last couple of weeks I might ask you to delay for a week if there turns out to be a lot more interest between now and Monday.
  8. Haha. Welcome back! Still two slots available for tomorrow.
  9. You're both down for the 21st. Even though manaheim sounds significantly less enthusiastic than last week.
  10. Couldn't have said it better! PM me your email address and I'll add you to the list so that you can start receiving other people's submissions, and check out the two threads that Endurant Archivist just linked to find out more about how critiquing and submitting works.
  11. No worries, that wasn't a hint! Just thought I'd mention in case anyone else wanted to submit today.
  12. You're the first to ask for the 14th so far. Still plenty of room for tomorrow, the 7th.
  13. FYI, I've added this thread to the "Other Resources" part of the Welcome to Reading Excuses thread so that people can easily find it.
  14. Durr. I probably should have assumed that to begin with. I think I was thinking that because there were no submissions last Monday...
  15. Sorry for the delayed response, Manaheim, it's been a busy couple of days over here. At this point it's probably easier just to start again on Monday, I'll put you down for then. Robinski: Snrk. Amazing how much that sounds like my writing process.
  16. Just send me a PM with the email address you want to receive emails at and I'll set you up.
  17. Sorry for the delayed reply, but go ahead.
  18. You're the first to ask. Welcome back!
  19. Thanks for the heads up, Mandamon--enjoy your vacation! That means it's just Andyk so far for tomorrow. Anyone else want a go?
  20. Noted. Anyone else interested in submitting this Monday?
  21. You're the first to ask so far.
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