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Everything posted by Silk

  1. Kuiper and Asmodemon for Monday.
  2. Welcome back! You're on for Monday the 21st. Apologies for the delayed reply.
  3. Source: Welcome to Reading Excuses
  4. So far I just have manaheim for Monday--have I missed anybody? (I was dancing in a huge show that took up basically all of Friday and Saturday, so I'm a bit more scattered than usual.)
  5. It happens--no worries! Just to clarify, are you planning on submitting this Monday as well?
  6. Manaheim and Robinski so far for Monday.
  7. I have Kuiper, Robinski, Lerroy, and Manaheim for Monday--am I missing anyone?
  8. Yes, Lerroy, you're good to go.
  9. Ah, I'd wondered. Yes, that's fine.
  10. andyk and Robinski, you're the first to ask so far so I'll put you down tentatively for now, but it will likely depend on how many requests we get over the weekend. Hello, manaheim! I responded to your pm.
  11. Jagabond and Robinski makes five for this week. It's late enough that we probably won't have any more requests at this point so you should all be good to go, but that's our cap.
  12. So I have hawkedup, neongrey, and andyk for this Monday. Btw, I just realized I missed your question about mailing on Monday or before Monday: mostly we send out the subs on Monday, but if you figure you're going to be away from your computer or whatever on Monday and want to send it out Sunday night, that's totally fine too. We have a few different time zones going on in this group so there tends to be some variance anyway
  13. Five. (With andyk, we're at four right now.)
  14. Whoops, sorry about that! But yes, I have Neongrey with an e (you, uh, may be stuck with that nickname now, sorry ), Robinski, and hawkedup so far for Monday. Don't worry about taking anyone's slot--we always try to prioritize new folks and people who haven't submitted in a while to make sure everyone gets a shot.
  15. Update: I've heard back from the other new member and he definitely wants to wait a week or two before submitting, which means that you'll likely be good to submit on Monday, Robinski. That's two slots claimed so far (three if the other new member decides on submitting). Neongray being one of the new members in question, everyone say hi.
  16. You might still be able to submit this Monday--one person hasn't decided yet and the other hasn't got back to me, so I'll let you know. If you don't get to go this week I'll put you down next week for sure.
  17. I've had two more people message me about joining the group this week and I've informed both of them that they can submit the upcoming Monday if they want to, so not totally sure how many slots we still have yet. I'll put you down tentatively too, Robinski, but yeah, keep an eye out because there may be a bit of juggling needed.
  18. The number of submissions varies quite a bit from week to week so it's hard to say whether you'd be able to submit four weeks in a row. I'll put you down for this Monday for sure, and tentatively for the two weeks after that--just be aware that I may ask you to hold back one of your submissions if we have a sudden spurt of activity. It's pretty rare that I actually have to ask someone to delay their submission, so consider yourself good to go for those weeks unless you hear otherwise. There's also an optional alpha reading group for people who want to submit larger chunks of their books all at once, though I'm not sure how many people are still using it.
  19. I have TheGoat, Robinski, andyk, and Kuiper so far for the third,so there's one slot left. Andyk and TheGoat, you guys have been submitting fairly frequently in the last few weeks so if there's a lot more interest I may ask one or both of you to hang back for a week, just a heads-up.
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