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Everything posted by Silk

  1. We use an email list to actually send and receive submissions (so that people's work isn't posted publicly), though yes, the feedback threads are posted here. There are particular formatting guidelines and a weekly submission schedule, so you can't just post whenever you feel like it. There are no genre restrictions, but we're mostly geared towards speculative fiction writers. We'll have the rules and everything up soon--probably this weekend--as soon as we can import that stuff over from the TWG database.
  2. Kchan: Yeah, Eric mentioned that too actually. I think I might. =) Hah, yes. There's a reason I don't let myself revise a book anymore until after the first draft is done. I only feel fortunate that I got the "book that never ends" syndrome out of my system in my teens
  3. Cynic: The other reason you just found out about the transition is that it just happened. Welcome back! Fireflyz: Yeah, I'm really bummed to lose TWG too. I'll miss the community there. And now I'm out a place to post book reviews.
  4. Heh. Yeah, only reason we haven't done so yet is because we're bringing it over from the TWG database so we don't have to rewrite it. =)
  5. Yes. The RE domain and email list aren't actually associated with TWG, so all of that should continue to work as it has. Carry on.
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