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Status Updates posted by Just_a_Fan

  1. Just came up w/ a DND one shot set in the sonic universe.

    You're accompanied by EEeEE, from the 2011 poképasta prevention of evolution, which is based on the 2008 pasta forever mine. 

  2. Quote

    It's also a romance. (No, not with the dragon-bird-creature-thingy...why would you think that?)

    @The Bookwyrm

    tldr; yes with the dragon. 


    a sleep deprived Just_a_fan. 

  3. "fun" d&d fact: orange dragons breath sodium, purple dragons are op due to being able to chose whether they want to have a line for a breath weapon, or a cone. they can also ignore fire res, yeet a bolt of plasma that deals their un-nerfed breath weapon damage on hit, aka no save, and can use their bright breath weapon as a flashbang, AND their lair actions negate darkvision and dim light producers... there's a reason why they got left behind in 2e... 


    I'll be  back w/ more obscure dragon info later.

  4. just got back from a vacay to DC. would've kept in touch, but hotel wifi kinda iffy, you know?

  5. "you just fell for one of the classic blunders!

    Never get involved with a land war w/ Asia?

    Only slightly less well known;

    Never go in against an children's show OC when death is on the line! *Mad laughter*"

    *Le ohko hyper beam*

  6. there is a huge rabbit in my bio classroom. it appears to be the size of a jug of milk. 

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      w o a h

      one time in middle school my agriculture teacher brought a baby cow and just let it chill in the classroom. 

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      My 7th grade art teacher used to push all the desks together into a giant island and let a bunny loose on them then have us sit around the edges and draw it.

  7. strawberry.


  8. *looks at insanity clinic character that might as well as be a reincarnation of some glitch character, with how "often" he appears, and all the weird abilities he has.*


  9. a twist of the "princess-dragon-knight" tale:

    "Claw the knight of the mystic forest is trapped by the evil tyrant of barkingburg. help his dragon friend Sparks save him."

    ye characters are from paw patrol lol

  10. person: *tries to explain how a billion lions could defeat one of every canon Pokemon*

    me: *explains that these could easily solo, due to several effectively being deities, even when canned to gameplay.*

    person: A BiLiOn LiOnS iS a LoT oF LiOnS!


    hold up, dont care.jpeg

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Arceus would absolutely demolish the lions. They have no chance.

  11. whenever I find a fanfic or mod or other fanworks, I start a timer that starts at the beginning of its development, and ends when the head of the project is inevitably revealed to be someone who is muy taboo/"not a very good person", and the project dies due to a lack of management, and/or devs just drop it, then various "revival" copies start appearing because why not.


    also: (source: Wikipedia.) 


  12. another idea: we have random roles, but what about random AUs?

  13. 1 billion lions vs one of every Pokemon.



    -too little information to even discuss.

    -any attempts to solve are ruined by trolls.


    1 billion lions try to defend Reach.



    -might actually be logical.

    -the lions have a reason to fight.

  14. I feel like i'm running on 3 1/2 hours of sleep, the result of forcefully inserting a creepypasta BBEG into a coffee shop/ collage AU wingfic of my cousin's favorite children's TV show, bible verses, and a poorly microwaved omelet. 

  15. how to find an ace/aro in a crowd: summon dragon. watch who runs toward it not away. 

    there. you've found the ace/aro in a crowd.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Either that or you found me about to tame/adopt a dragon. (Hey, if it worked for Daenerys…)

    2. Just_a_Fan


      ^ the post above is fair enough.

  16. me doing homework: *can't stop thinking up good memes and fanfics.*

    me, the instant I stop doing homework: *math, bio, etc suddenly seems super interesting.*

  17. dude, update your about me.

  18. read a Paw Patrol fanfiction. failed to recognize that "sonic" referred to the writer's self-insert, not Sonny Ogilvie Maurice Wentworth Hedgehog, Freedom fighter of green hill zone, until the comments.

  19. turned a cut area of my campaign into a horror one-shot. then I added hallucinogenic spaghetti to it. the spaghetti is made of vaporeon guts. lol?

  20. I'll be offline for a spell. tldr; homework.

  21. "There's nobody here, and the place is flooded with bots... not unusual in the slightest." - a TF2 fan.



  22. rpg-maker idea: le pokemon undertale au. but the aus are random too.

  23. things I've eaten today: 1 & 1/2 things of saltines. 

    2 glasses of 7 up. 

    (so far) 3 spoonfuls of chicken & herb dumpling soup. possibly more by the time you read dis. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      You know what they say! 8 glasses of 7up a day keeps the doctor away!! (jk)

    3. Just_a_Fan


      today i've eaten: an uncrustable.

      a spicy chicken sandwich w/ spicy ketchup. 

      a carton of milk.

    4. Just_a_Fan


      bland & textureless school fries. w/ stupidly spicy ketchup-like sauce.

  24. "oh, why don'tcha playfight if you like those fighting games so much?"

    what's the difference between a regulated, official match of airsoft and a game of imagination battle.

    that's right, jimmy-do can't just become Goku and curbstomp everyone just because he said so. 

  25. anti-memes: same thing as an anti-joke, ex.: "when you're in the shower." with a stock image of someone in a shower. 

    bone hurting juice: most edited comic memes, ex. the "amatures" meme format.

    speed of lobsters: meme made of captions from a show/movie, ex. speed of lobsters or icarly ostrich smoothie.

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