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Wittles last won the day on April 10

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About Wittles

  • Birthday June 22

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  • Member Title
    It's hard to be someone, and it hurts to be nobody
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  • Location
    At a point between here and there
  • Interests
    All the music things,
    art things,
    abstract philosophical theorising about really obscure random things
    Tim Drake
    Jason Todd
    Dick Grayson
    Over the Garden Wall
    Avatar: the Last Airbender
    Twenty one pilots
    Legend of Zelda
    Magical Realism
    Looking for commentary on anything through everything
    and other assorted fun stuff

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  1. I've been stuffing down panic attacks all day so that's been fun. My parents decided to use what I have dubbed "adrenaline fueled panic wake-ups" as in my dad literally drags me out of bed and acts emotionally manipulative until I'm out of the door. My mom just kind of sits back because I don't think she really knows how terrible that kind of thing is for my mental state. Nevermind the fact that the night before last she decided to come talk to me and we were able to work through a lot of things that were seriously impacting our relationship and how I talked about this exact kind of thing.

    I've just been trying to distract myself from being in my head for too long by talking about shared interests with friends or listening to music. This worked until the class right after lunch(I have some friends in there, but not very good friends, just those acquaintances you feel safe around in a class with no friends). I've been so anxious about coming home and I thought I might be able to use this nifty thing called logic to talk about the way I do schoolwork the most effectively,(basically letting me have access to things like music and the ability to take micro breaks every few minutes). But you know, the magic words that all parents can say to end any argument ✨because I said so✨. Coupled with the special kind of logic only parents have.

    Currently I can hear my dad telling my mom how I need to have even less freedom with what I do. Even though I am literally stuck in a monotonous and almost endless cycle of waiting for the day where I can actually be myself.

    I guess I just really needed to talk about this. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      That is rotten, absolutely rotten. I'm so sorry, you have ways to reach me if you need a friend. I'd second Star, we love you for who you are.

    3. Cinnamon


      I’m so sorry friend. Not being able to be yourself at home or with your friends is horrible and stress is an absolute sucky feeling. We love you and if you ever want to rant or get advice or just have a chat my PMs are always open. *hugshugshugs*

    4. Kajsa


      Oh, Wittles! That's so horrible. I wish I knew exactly what to say to help, but I don't so I'll try my best.

      I can relate to this a little bit, since my mom is very controlling and wants me to do exactly what she tells me to, ALL THE TIME. It's not fun, and I hate that you have to go through a similar experience. Is there a way you could stay at your school after hours to do your homework there? That might help, though I don't know if your parents would be okay with that (sigh). 

      This world is broken, and I wish there was a way to just fix it. But that starts with us. So keep your head high, and I'll pray that your situation will get better. We love you Wittles <3

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