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Exotic Almond

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Status Updates posted by Exotic Almond

  1. So, I've started a ravenloft campaign (which is like a spooky horror setting for dnd with multiple domains each dedicated to torturing 1 really evil person for all eternity, which usually ends with the evil person in charge but emotionally tormented by past mistakes etc.) and I have some ideas of what to do after the premade adventure but would like some more. Feel free to share any interesting ideas, the party's goal is to escape ravenloft btw (mists prevent people from leaving normally and magically)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Oh my gosh I've been waiting to be able to rant about this!

      Ok, so ravenloft itself is made up of many small demiplanes called domains of dread(this is all official content btw) The Dark Powers (yes, they're just called "The Dark Powers" never explained) trap people of immense evil (for example murdering a sibling during his wedding with the intent to steal his wife and use his blood to turn into a vampire). I don't know why evil things trap evil people but whatever. These domains are tailor made to torment the "darklord" of the domain (they're not always in charge but usually are.) They can control whether or not other people can leave their domain by opening and closing the mists but they can never leave. Only about 1/100 people born in these domains (which can range from the size of a building to an entire continent) have souls. This is because new souls can't get in and old souls can't leave so they endlessly reincarnate as new people. Sometimes The Dark Powers randomly kidnap capable adventurers and put them in horrifying scenarios for their own mysterious reasons.

      My campaign specifically is about a group of adventurers who got kidnapped (except for one who escaped his domain of birth and yes he has a soul) and they are currently trapped in a domain that includes just a house (The House of Lament). After this I'm going to have them go to a haunted orphanage at some point and am definitely going to have the party and the character who was born in one of the domains go back home for trauma at some point (it's A-OK with the player). Other than that I'm going to have to come up with stuff. I'm friends with all these people so I know their basic fears and will use them to the best of my ability to make a spooky atmosphere.

      TL;DR: Ok, so I just looked at this and apologize for the hyperfocus rant basically stuck in a horror dimension and trying to escape, looking for ideas for more spooky places.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      THATS EPIC I love it so much…

      It reminds me a lot of the Magnus archives, if you know what that is. Also um ✨ character trauma!!! ✨ 

      Hmm…more spooky places…

      complete and utter darkness

      something that messes with their memories (either makes them…like…relive one of their worst moments, or takes away memories and they can’t remember who they are while in it?)

      something where they become the monster


       Hmm idk if those will help but that sounds so fun, you guys better have a blast

    4. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      The memory one is actually a canon domain called blutspur, it features mind flayers and incomprehensible alien technology. Fun.

      Puppets is something that I didn't even think of even though I love spooky puppets. Will definitely use that one!

      Darkness can be hard because so many character races get dark vision but magical darkness can counter that so I could see (or rather not see) some potential there.

      becoming the monster is actually something I've been wanting to do forever (ever since I played Fear and Hunger 2).

      Really great ideas all around. Will definitely use most if not all of them, Thanks!

  2. I have a great (totally original) idea for a dnd world now too.

    So, it's a world where all people live in caves, covered villages (like, completely covered) or underground bunkers. It's set in a 1940s type era. So, people don't go out at night unless absolutely necessary and only for a short time because the light of the Moon God Rhehr (name might change) slowly changes people into terrifying amalgamations of their worst traits and overly-exaggerated physical characteristics.

    If you wanna know more about my inspiration look up Fear and Hunger but, be warned it contains some disturbing and adult topics.

  3. Hello all,

    I am going to start a new DnD campaign (in real life) and I'm making a Harengon (rabbit-person) who has antlers so he's more like a jackalope. Thing is, I am struggling to come up with a character backstory or class. I could use some pointers on how to do it or suggestions on backstories or classes if you feel like it.

    @Spark of Hope I know you're good at character backstories and development.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Oh! I just remembered! I want him to be a caster class! Like a wizard or druid or something.

    3. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Maybe came from a village where that’s not socially accepted and was excommunicated 

    4. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Nice! I knew asking the shard was the right choice! I'm thinking of making his antlers be the source of his magic.

  4. So...

    I'm in a digital design class (for credit) and earlier in the year we made posters for a library reading event over the summer and three people's would be chosen to actually be put up.

    Turns out, one of those three was me!

    Here's the file/


  5. Whoo! Finished! I feel absolutely awful!

  6. Second AP test in a bit.

    Not looking forward to it.

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I'm currently right next to him about to take the same AP test.

    2. Exotic Almond
  7. Hello! I like your new PFP.

    1. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Thank you! It's Aventine 😊

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Oh that's really cool!

  8. There is a new Clinic character in the works currently and I think it'll be a shocking reveal.

  9. Hello all

    I have decided to try rejoining the Insanity Clinic. Yay! however I have lost all of Exol's spare stuff (the stuff not written down in his backstory) I don't know what to do. I don't want to rewrite half his lore from scratch and kinda want to make a new character but,I don't know how well that would be received. so tell me, how well would that be received.

  10. Ok so I figured I might as well try one more time. Instead of Pathfinder however I think maybe just a DnD 5e/3.5e campaign would probably catch more people's interests. So, same as before Someone DMs and me and other people as players (or I can DM if I have to, I'm just bad at it)

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Ok so I know double post and all but, if I were to DM I would be running the House of Lament mini adventure and then either let someone else take over or make a larger Ravenloft campaign.

  11. *GASP*


    Screenshot 2024-04-25 12.34.10 PM.png

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Noo! My perfect 100! You monsters!


      JK not actually upset. Just gotta do the bit.


  12. Ok to gauge interest in the pathfinder game I want to start (but not GM) I'm going to make a post in the Roleplaying section and link it here.


  13. Would anyone be willing to start a pathfinder 2e game with me? I suck at GMing so someone else would probably have to. I could if I had to but, my storytelling abilities, especially with chaotic players, is very poor. Plus I prefer being a player.

    1. TwinSouls


      If it’s anything like D&D, then I’d love to!

      thing is… I probably have less experience than you.

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      I've studied the rules but I've never played before. If you're interested in learning then I would recommend looking up Pathfinder in 7 minutes or less. Really helped. I could also explain if more people are interested. out of curiosity though would you join as the GM or a player?

  14. I did NJAS yesterday instead of going to school. I'm sure most of you have read @The Bookwyrm's post by now but It's a regional science fair that my school forces us to do for our junior and senior projects. I ended up getting a blue ribbon which surprised me (I hated my project). I must also congratulate Bookwyrm for his win and wish him luck in State.

  15. As you can see this is one of my more active phases.

    Anyway, I haven't been talking about it on the shard but I recently went and got an ADHD test because of a concerning amount of inattentiveness.

    I was officially diagnosed with ADHD inattentive type, social anxiety, and autism spectrum disorder (mild) yesterday.

    I don't know how to feel really but, at least there is an explanation for the way I act in my everyday life now.

    1. Lego Mistborn

      Lego Mistborn

      Nothing wrong with being adhd. You're just you, that hasn't changed, you just know who you are better than you did before.

  16. Joyful Date of Birth.

  17. Hey all. I'm back.

    Soooo... I've decided to make a TTRPG based on real life. I'm going to call it Backyards and Bullies and It's going to be like Dungeons and Dragons. All the players are students and they would have different "Specialties" (Can't use classes because that might be a different thing later). There is magic but it would be more mundane (like a fire spell being a lighter). I'm having some trouble getting started so if you want you can leave suggestions.

    Current Specialties are:


    I'll try to answer any questions I can if I know the answer.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Good ideas.

      Implementation must happen now.

    3. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Sorry for the dbl post but if you contribute I will credit you in my spreadsheet. (not gonna be published or anything but I feel like y'all deserve it anyway)

    4. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Theater/band/orchestra/choir kid

  18. Well, I've been very inactive. Sorry about that. I find it difficult to focus on more than one interest at a time so I'll probably randomly pop back up every so often. Now back to disappearing!

  19. I just put my first post in the Insanity Clinic and I feel good and bad.

    I feel good because I want to do this but, I feel bad for just showing up. I know that's how everyone joins but I can't get over the anxiety of it all.

    1. Aeoryi


      Just wait :) it will be better

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Yeah I just need to get past the first awkwardness wall and then I can start having some fun.

  20. Spoiler

    Ok does anyone know what a Soulburst (Nicrosil/Nicrosil) Twinborn would do? Like what does compounding Investiture do? Does Identity affect it? Does Intent? And can you boost yourself with your Nicrosil? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!

    I don't know if this counts as spoilers so I thought I would be safe and put it in a bax

    1. Sequence


      Maybe take this to the theories or another question thread of the sort, that way some of the more nerdy in this community can see this and help you out.

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Oh I didn't even think of that. Thanks!

    3. Sequence


      Yeah no problem! The Shard's theorizers will likely give you some elaborate answer to this :P.

  21. Uurgh. I want to join The Insanity Clinic but I don't know how to join. I don't want to just pop in because I don't want to disturb anyone.

    1. InfiniteInsanity


      That's how everyone joins.

      You can come join the peoples I'm with.

      I already disturbed them.

      And I have a plan to disturb them more.

      Join the Insanity.

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Maybe I will. Still gotta think of a character though. Right now it's just a bunch of random ideas in my head

  22. I conducted in front of the band for the first time today. My goal of drum major grows ever closer.

  23. oof I have been checking the shard for 2 weeks now and haven't seen any notifications and when I reload the site I have apparently missed out on so much. That's annoying.

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      SUs don't give notifications anymore.

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      dang this update is going to take some getting used to

    3. Thaidakar the Ghostblood
  24. Ok so last year I joined at the tail end of Ookla season and I can't for the life of me remember when it starts. I want to be able to participate this year though so can anyone tell me when it begins?

    1. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Bro I don't even know what that is lol

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      If I'm remembering correctly it's the time between Brandon's and his editor's birthdays.

      everyone changes their name to Ookla the (insert fun name here)

    3. Spark of Hope
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