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Exotic Almond

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Status Updates posted by Exotic Almond

  1. Hey all. For school I made some good news stories as pictures and am supposed to share one so…

    This is a link to the article if you want to read it.

    News Article.


  2. I have a friend. (shocking I know)

    We want to play MAG someday and she keeps saying she wants to spike her horse.

    Would this actually work because I feel like it shouldn't, at least with what I know about hemalurgy.

    Please help, maybe if an entire community convinces her she'll stop pestering me.

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I'd ask on the forums if Hemalurgy works on animals...

    2. Ravenclawjedi42


      I feel like it would work. But I don’t know.

  3. I finished Tress of the Emerald Sea a while ago and forgot to post about it so...

    I really liked it. It's probably my favorite Brandon one shot.

  4. 11:37 and just finished Rhythm of War. Whoo

    I'm too tired to stay awake now so good-night.

  5. I haven't posted in forever.

    Summer school has kept me busy and when I get home I'm too tired to do anything.

    I got Xenoblade Chronicles 2 like Bookwyrm told me too and I beat it and new game plus within 2 weeks.

    I also finished The Lost Metal and am about halfway through Rhythm of War so that's fun.

  6. I recently finished Mistborn Bands of mourning!! yay!

  7. what happens when you type a curse word? I know that some people say storms and such but is that just an alternative or does the site actually change the words?

    1. Potato's Wit

      Potato's Wit

      I think so... I'm too scared to try...

    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Yes, I'm 99.99% sure that it does have an autofiller.

    3. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond


      I think so... I'm too scared to try...

      I'm also too scared I don't want to have a negative reputation (like socially not rep) or get restricted.

  8. Welp. Just finished the dissection of a skate (a stingray-ish thing with no stinger) I will describe it in more detail in a spoiler box but needless to say it smelled bad. Please don't read if you think you could get squeamish or upset.



    It was pretty free form so the entire class ended up getting the eyes and stuff in addition to the organs. There were many a sarcastic comment about the "Yumminess" and just all around weird time and I had my teacher take a picture of me holding the lungs, spleen, liver, stomach, intestines and eyes.


  9. I just had 2 nightmares in a row.

    Guess I won't be sleeping in after all.

    1. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      You wanna talk about 'em?

    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      I don't remember the first one but the second one was me and my mom being in the backrooms and then 2-d shrek started chasing us and we hid in a room where he looked right at us and I ran at him with a chair and woke up

    3. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      That's...... interesting.

  10. *Sigh*:(

    So there were some extra cookies left over from a school event so the next day I grab some. Except I forgot to grab some for my stepmom and stepdad and now I feel horrible. So close to Mother's Day to...

    1. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      She talked to me and I no longer feel horrible. :)

  11. I had a group playing DnD at my house on Friday and the final bosses of the dungeon (not campaign) were summoning a Dragon-blood Ooze (an ooze made from dragon blood) in a summoning circle. The paladin LICKED the circle and then before I could say anything rolled a 20 on a die (I wasn't going to call for a save) with that luck I had to do something so I turned them into an adult amethyst dragon as if they were affected by a potion of dragon's majesty (turn into dragon for 1 hour). He 1 shot every enemy and the whole party although luckily the party wasn't killed outright and everyone succeeded in the death saving throws. I now regret this as it ruined my boss fight. (Although it was pretty funny)

  12. When you really think about it...

    Music is just wiggling air

    Color is just wiggling light

    therefore musicians and artists are just Wizards of the Wiggle.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      Just bringing this to your attention... Australian kids artist that I listened to a lot as a kid...

      Bacchanal Headliner Announced: The Wiggles

      The Wiggles | TVmazeThe Wiggles | TVmazeThe Wiggles - The FOCUS Group

    3. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      (There were technical difficulties with the photos which is why the middle one repeated...)

    4. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Well, Bookwyrm, you could call color a constant stream of particles but


  13. I was on Wikihow and for some reason the "You might also like" section at the bottom of the page included...

    How to make someone wet the bed

    How to act like a baby again

    How to be a mean girl

    How to act like you're possessed

    How to be a spy

    How to act like royalty

    I love/hate wikihow so much

    1. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      The internet is a strange and mysterious place.

  14. Nice Pokemon Profile Pic. Wally and Mega Gallade.

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      ....I had honestly forgotten that Gallade had a mega evolution.

      Been a while since the old Kalos region...

    2. That1Cellist


      I really like Wally.

      He reminds me of myself in a lot of ways.

    3. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      He is pretty relatable

  15. So I figured out that we are in The Matrix.

    I found 1.50$ in my coat (yay) and wanted to get some pucker powder from the zoo gift shop (the tubes you fill up by yourself with flavored powder)

    I had enough for the smallest size but grabbed the 2nd smallest by mistake.

    It cost too much so my friend gave me an extra dollar and I gave it to them.

    I was like "Wait I wanted the smallest" got my money back and gave the dollar back to my friend and got the smallest.

    I went to pay (it cost 1.49 so I gave them the penny) but when I gave them the money I still had an extra dollar.

    My friend had hers. The cashier had the right amount so the only reasonable explanation is that we are living in a simulation and I accidentally discovered an infinite money glitch.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond


      and no we all double checked and had the same amount (except me who got a free dollar) so I don't know what happened

    3. Tea Leaf

      Tea Leaf

      You must have had 2 dollars. Also there was some joke about everything tasting like chicken because no one can remember what it should taste like.

    4. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond


      And yeah that's what I think really happened. The dollar was folded and the cashier would have had to flatten it out so she must have found the extra dollar and given it to me.

  16. I finished Oathbringer and got 80% of the way through Alloy of Law in the same night.

  17. So @The Bookwyrm decided to make me make a new DnD class loosely based on Hoid.

    The class basically lets you choose 3 classes and every morning you get to distribute your collector levels into 2 of them. (1d8 hit die doesn't matter what class. almost no features of it's own but there are a few)

    He actually got me excited about it and I'm calling it the Freelancer.

    I have 2 subclass options 

    Mimic: this would flavor it as a person who mimics other classes and would get the signature ability Mimic which lets you copy the last CLASS feature or spell used and use it (logistical nightmare but I'll make it work)

    Collector: Collects the lore of different classes instead of mimicking them and gets the signature ability Collection which lets it memorize a class ability that isn't it's own and use it like it is with restrictions like long rests and points and stuff still in place (again a logistical nightmare but i'm willing to figure it out)

  18. So I had to write a poem for my english class using certain prompts and my prompt was 

    "I see a face out the window"

    so I made a poem and am now worried about my sanity.

    Help for He is coming 

    A free verse poem by: Colin Lafferty (don’t worry, I’m sane. I think…)


    I see a face at the window,

    Help for He is coming,

    I hear a knock at the door,

    Help for He is coming,

    I run to my room,

    Help for He is coming,

    I hear a knock,

    Help for He is coming,

    He is in my room,

    Help for He has come,

    He is on my bed,

    Help for H…

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      hopefully. I quite like my cereal.

    3. Tea Leaf

      Tea Leaf

      Okay kill the cereal. NOW!

    4. Spark of Hope

      Spark of Hope

      But only the boring ones like fiber one and corn flakes. The rest can stay.

  19. I saw a desmos guide online (can't remember what channel or anything) and made 


  20. I just remembered to post this so it is a little belated but...


    I had an archery tournament on Saturday (I don't think I've ever mentioned it but I do archery for my school) and beat my personal best by getting a 276 (in archery this is out of 300). I do NASP which means we aren't allowed any sort of modifications or add-ons to our bows or arrows.

    All in all I was very ecstatic when I mathed up my final score.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      That's a good goal.

      I remember when I was first getting into archery (not NASP that came later) I made a resolution to "get a bullseye 75% of the time"

      It lasted about 5 minutes before I realized how difficult it would be.

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      It is very difficult :P

      I was doing very, very well on Saturday, but the last two 15 meter flights, I didn't do very good and so my score was lower than I wanted. I know what I did wrong and so I seek to improve, little by little. I know I have the ability to make it there, I just have to focus and take my time. Even more than I do. 

      Do you own your own bow?

    4. Exotic Almond

      Exotic Almond

      Yes. I have a recreational bow that has stuff on it but when I got into NASP my dad got me a NASP approved bow.

  21. I just remembered this one time my dad had to deal with a (drumroll please) A KAREN!!!!!!!:o

    We were picking up groceries from the pre-order counter with our step-mom and he was outside on the side of the road parked legally with his hazards on to make sure everybody knew to go around him. Some lady just started honking at him so he rolled down his window and started shouting "Go around!". She drove up to the other side of the road and started screaming at him and he just kept saying "keep going". Eventually another car got mad at the lady and she had to leave. Dad was driving around to keep my baby sister asleep and saw the lady filming him so he drives up and waves. She apparently (I was still inside) made a :o face and tried to hide her phone (to no avail) and he just kept driving. We eventually left and he told us the funny/irritating story.

  22. Just finished Edgedancer!!!

    Lift is my new favorite.

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Love her, what a fun character to read (and I imagine fun to write as well.)

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