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Everything posted by Eri

  1. Eri


    My first attempt at glyphs. I hope it's better than my trying to read them. It's harder than it seems. Name of the first moon, Salas. (I'd do all three, but the letter for M is still unknown. ) It's supposed to look moon-shaped, with the moon between half and full (is it called gibbous?), like I guess Salas is. Done in Inkscape (if anyone wold like the SVG for whatever reason, ask me). I'll probably do some more, and most of them non-spoilery. It's fun to do those glyphs. Big thanks to Harakeke, who translated the alphabet used here. (warning, link leads to WoR subforum)

    © whatever

  2. I think there is a WoB about Kaladin having SAD. Didn't see any about Renarin and ASD though. As for why stormlight didn't heal it — I think it's a similar case to Kaladin's slave brands: he sees himself like that, so it won't heal.
  3. I think number 1 was the their father. Makes a lot of cultural sense to me. Edit: No, after he's dead, Nan Blat is still Nan. So you're probably right.
  4. Wow, Harakeke, awesome lots of work! I'm glad I don't have to use a script like that, because even with that key, I still can't see the letters in half of the glyphs and why do they read as they do. I wonder what is the text of surge symbols, but I cannot figure it out. Also: Those are the colored symbols from rear WoK endplate, thanks to the vector version I was able to straighten them quite well. I cannot translate them (I've tried), maybe someone else will be able to do it? I'm not sure if they even make sense, but maybe they are the Unmade names or something. I don't know. They may have right/left halves wrong, since the originals are circular, I had to guess where they begin.
  5. Thank you, I must have missed that topic. I did search, maybe on wrong phrase. Sorry.
  6. Hi, I found there are some words in Alethi slightly visible in the picture of lait plants. It's almost invisible in the book, better in the web version of that picture. I've enchanced it a bit and mirrored (judging by shape of letters, it was needed) but I can't decipher it, even with the magic bookmark. Can anyone help? (big pic, downloading suggested)
  7. Actually if Taln is not Taln and real Taln is not dead (as suggested here) then the other Herald in the prologues may be the real Taln.
  8. How do we know that? I don't think we do.
  9. Heralds on chapter headings suggest that the one in WoK epilogue is Taln, but the one met by Amaram in WoR is not. Who could possibly steal a Herald, hmmm? ^^
  10. Read WoR. Cool.

  11. How many Heralds were present at the SA prologue party (= the party where Szeth killed Gavilar)?
  12. Maybe the change in Sadeas' personality is caused (among other reasons) by the corruption of having a Shardblade?
  13. Um, it's Nale, who says "my lord's own Blade", not his companion. Also, "my lord's", not "our lord's", so the other guy isn't a Herald, I think. But he tells Nale to shut up, knowing (I assume that from the dialogue) who he is. Pretty sure of himself, that guy. Looking at what Nale ends up with, I think it may be Vasher. But shouldn't Jasnah recognize him? I'm not sure about the timing. When did Zahel start being a swordmaster for Adolin and generally living in Alethkar? I'm pretty sure Nale's companion is a worldhopper anyway. Edit: OK, sorry, I misread.
  14. Thank you everyone for the comments (also, I've turned on comments on the doc)! As I have mentioned in the comments, columns with non-bolded headers are all pure guesses and my opinions. Other are based on the wiki and have guesses marked with question marks.
  15. Yes, I'm trying to tie the forms to Heralds, not spren, and there'll probably be more than one form per row. Also, creationspren may be "lesser" Lightweaver spren --- I mean, attracted to them as windspren to Windrunners. So they are kind of related to Cryptics.
  16. Hi, I made a kind of reference document (mostly stuff from the wiki) on Heralds and Surges and chapters (in progress) + some wild guesses, I thought maybe it could be useful to someone: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1R7NoW7vMfWMSezANJ1Me7p4rK72kutmnc5kuMKugqQU/edit?usp=sharing
  17. Nah, I think Zahel is Ishi. Both his chapters have double Ishi's head on headings. Also, he seems too much an expert on Shardblades for a non-Rosharian. Could be there for some time, I guess. Vasher may be the guy talking with Nale in the prologue, sounds like him too. Also: hello again everyone, I've finaly read WoR and kinda came back to the forum (but not much time for them )
  18. +1 that. But I'd rather bet on some Julia set (it's connected to Mandelbrot). Or one of those things you get after zooming far into Mandelbrot (normal, pow=2; example: ), but they're almost the same as Julia sets.
  19. Eri


    I think it's braided up on her head. I really like it, though I'm not sure about the eyes, I believe she should have a fold or whatever is that thing called. Asian-type eyes. Everyone on Roshar except Shin has them. And they look a bit different than what you did, I'm not good at explaining unfortunately. That part of upper lid with makeup wouldn't be visible, I think.
  20. Got WoR! :D:D:D Kudos for Amazon for fast shipping (we chose cheapest option to Poland and it came here yesterday). But why did it have to come during such busy week???

  21. Maybe they are giant gems?
  22. Are we sure that Braize = Damnation? Also, unless they have some way of syncing, planets on different orbits have different speeds, so Braize would be close to Roshar only once per some time (which may be half a year to some years, I think). Hm… Weeping? Anyway, distance between neighboring planet's orbits is millions km-scale. Moon orbits are thousands of km. Which means that even at it's closest Braize is still really far from the moons.
  23. Wow, huge work you put into that! Also, thx for the info about zero tilt, I suspected it, but didn't see a WoB on it before. I agree that it's a logical conclusion from observation. But this is a very strange phenomenon, normally impossible. It might be caused by: - Planet's gravity… if the speed of light was much lower (relativity magics, I don't quite get it, but my husband said it's possoble and Sun works on Mercury like that IRL, but for a planet to affect its moon in such way c wold need to be lower) – unlikely for Cosmere to have different c, I think. - Star's gravity, with very high excentricity (like 30?) of moon's orbit it's possible. This would however make it all unstable and you can forget about any Lagrangian points… but hey, we have a future-seeing beings and gravity-affecting magics. Instability? What instability? ^^ - Generally by magic, we've seen it messing with gravity already. Some big gravityspren (hmm… it reminds me of Cusi-whatever's the name) / Jezren / Cultivation / something similarly powerful. And seeing the future or really good at maths, so probably Cultivation. Also, the question here is: why and what for would somebody do it? I think you forget to take Roshar's rotation into account. 1/day orbit, in different orientation (I'm not sure if we can call it geosync) would mean they are visible 1 times per day (one in day and one in night) and it would be impossible for almost all night to have moonlight. Which it doesa, I believe, since the darkest time is a gap between moons, and there is no mention of another darkest hour. Edit: I have no visual imagination. What you wrote makes a full lot of sense, I think it must be right. (though still I'm not sure about calling it geosync if it's in different direction, but I agree with general idea) With an orbit like that they already move very quick by night (in terms of angular speed). As far as I could figure this out (by direction of sunlight, but I'm not 100% sure), Roshar continent is on southern hemisphere. I wonder why do they call it "south" then – but this is another matter…
  24. Roshar day = 1/500 R year = 1.1 Earth year / 500 = about 0.78 Earth day = a little below 19 Earth hours Erm... I'm not sure if I understand your question, but we know that moons' and sun's perceived movement is in the same direction (they rise at east and set at west). At least sun and 2 of the moons I'm sure of. Direction of moons' orbit is a hard one... according to my hypothesis (synced with Roshar orbiting its star) we can't know it, because it depends on Roshar's orbiting, not its rotation. I think. However I'm not really good at astronomy, most of my "research" about Roshar astronomy = I've asked my husband (who studied physics) and I've read Wikipedia.
  25. This is not true. Take the planet's rotation into account. I really don't have time to do the gifs, but a period of 1 day = something "hangs" in the same point of the sky (think: Calamity in Steelheart), not it appears always at the same hour.
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