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Everything posted by Eri

  1. Justice / Retribution / something like that maybe?
  2. Knowing that they're affecting you. Obligators are well trained in that.
  3. Eri

    Alloy of Law Map

    I agree that it is rather unnatural, but considering that this whole landscape was created by Saze to look pretty or something, it doesn't have to be very natural. It's kinda hand-made and had only 300 years to develop via natural means (like erosion).
  4. I'm not a guy ;-) but the 3rd Mistborn trilogy is (as I've heard) going to involve faster-than-light space travel. Probably with visiting other Shardworlds.
  5. Smoke in various colors. The mists, the stormlight, the thing from Nightblood... every Shardic energy seems to be portraitable with smoke brushes (if you use Gimp, Photoshop etc.). Numbers 3,10 and 16. Therefore various math stuff. Steiner triplets and tha game of SET. Binary system, binary trees... OK, I'm just weird. Shardworlds, forming some mathematical structure. And Hoid, of course. And a sphere, shattered and the pieces moved apart, but still remaining aligned. It's hard to describe, but kinda like those Dali pictures with deconstruction of things; only the parts are more irregular, like... well, like shards. I'll attach a skech to show, what I mean. --- I did the skech (attached), it's something like that. Only the parts should be a bit further away and match each other better in shape, and look more rough, like shards of glass, and look crystaline, and darker/more transparent, and... well, skeching with a mouse is hard, and I don't draw very good anyway. I hope you got the idea. And the background should probably be more like space — stars etc.
  6. I've tried to learn Javascript a few times and faled, it was to ugly. Then I've heard about JQuery and instantly fell in love. If you already use CSS, you'll find JQuery very intuitive. I'd suggest starting here: http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials:jQuery_For_Designers
  7. Eri

    Alloy of Law Map

    I also don't think it helps. Maybe if you make the original background, especially that skechy lines lighter, it will be more readable. I'd recommend: use Inkscape, because it's vector, therefore better for a map (you can import SVG to Gimp later, if you want). Also, it'll be easier to change colours if you need to. draw a whole new map (cities, roads, rivers, coast, mountains, but ) atop of the original, and then remove the original. This way, you'll get just the contour, and none of those filling lines that make the map hard to read. As for big dots — a city that is resonably big for it's part of the world, maybe? (sorry for my English, it seems to be worse than normally, maybe because I have a flu)
  8. Ubuntu is nice, and with the Unity3D turned off it isn't very slow. For word procedding I recommend Libre Office — it's like Open Office, but without the bugs.
  9. I believe there's a power limit, not only force limit for an allomancer. (power as in P=dW/dt, not as ‘strength’.) It is possible to ‘fly’ – move oneself upwards; but thrown coins are dodgeable without Atium. First I've assumed just a constant force, as you do, and I've tried to calculate that force. And it made no sense – either you should be unable to overcome gravity on your body, or the coins would shoot insanely fast. And without a limit on power Pushing yourself against a coin flying in the air would work as well as against one lying on the ground. I'm not sure, why, but my husband says so, and he'd studied physics.
  10. Eri


    Very nice. I like her face, it's probably the first Vin portrait I saw in which she actually looks like an urchin. I'm not sure about the mistcloak, but I'm not criticizing your drawing here, I just imagined it to look different on the top. And drawing her with charcoal (or is it just a soft pencil?) was a great idea, charcoal fits Scadrial so well. It makes the picture look full of ash, and that is a good thing.
  11. She is told that they cannot be affected by emotional Allomancy, I'm pretty sure of that.
  12. Eri

    Mistborn ducks

    Yes, it works! Thank you both for your help. You're great mods! Also, I'm glad you like it.
  13. Eri

    Mistborn ducks

    The comments engine hates me... (Last post should show the image at http://img688.imageshack.us/i/screenshotat20120303145.png )
  14. Eri

    Mistborn ducks

    I'm not sure what do you mean, but I don't think I see it. Bottom of the sidebar looks like that for me:
  15. Eri

    Mistborn ducks

    I wanted to add more description (uploaded it in a hurry), but I can't see any edit button. Can anyone please help and tell me, how to edit the picture's description?
  16. Eri

    Mistborn ducks

    Yes, I've drawn Kelsier's crew (and TLR as a bonus) as antropomorphic ducks. Background for that: our 2yo totally loves ducks and so my husband dared me to draw a duck steel inquisitor for her... And that is what happened. Various types (species? I'm not sure if they're different species) of ducks taken from Wikipedia. From left to right: Top: Vin, Kelsier, Breeze, Ham, Elend Bottom: Marsh, Sazed, Spook, Clubs, TLR (wrong clothes, I misremembered them) I forgot Dox, maybe because he's the least interesting character for me. Also, I should switch TLR's and Elend's species.

    © I did it, you can use it.

  17. Actually, it would be quite interesting if she tried that. It wouldn't make the book less awesome, I think.
  18. Yes, and some of it is just plain wrong. ;-) I mean, the book is awesome and the rules are really good. It's just that the people in Crafty Games aren't Sanderson-geeks who read Mistborn trilogy 3 times or something (like me), so they are some things in their book that aren't faithful to the novels. I don't meen simplification for RPG, like quantisation(sp?) of Allomantic charges and Feruchamical storage taking full hours. That is necessary for playability. But there are some ommisions, like not writing about Rioters being able to control koloss/kandra just as well as Soothers. And falsehoods, like Hemalurgy described as fatal by definition, not by technical level of the setting. Little, unimportant mistakes... but if you really want all the little details correct, better check the RPG info with the novels. I recommend buying the book anyway, as I've said, it's really good.
  19. Thank you. Is there a source for „no moon on Scadrial”, besides no mention of the moon? I disagree — spikes and metalminds can be burned ant they are Invested. They can be steelpushed in a normal way, which is weird, but I'm pretty sure they are Invested. Maybe the amount of Investiture is to small to interfere with steelpushing (part of human, as opposed to more direct part of a Shard)? I think that burning an Invested metal either gives you the effect similar to burning someone else's metalmind (normal metal, no acces to power) or to burning own metalminds (a huge surge of power). It may depend on your compatibility with the type of Investiture used. Also, I believe Invested metal can be targeted, it's just harder to affect (like metal in the body). Which reminds me of Szeth believing that it's impossible to use Lashings on a Shardplate... i guess Kaladin will disprove that. I mean — not many things are impossible in the Cosmere (they are, as you said, usually impossible), but magic often interferes with another magic. And random things sometimes interfere with magic, too. (I'm starting to wonder, is it possible to Push aluminum, BTW...)
  20. OK, it's more a reference than a fanart, I did it for my (hopefully soon to begin) RPG campaign, because I'm bad at descriptions. It's not good enough for the gallery, I think. Two pics (I'll probably do more of them). One shows my idea of fashion in the Empire (with Polish captions, sorry... if you want, I can translate) – Obligator robes are my favorite part of it. The other is Kredik Shaw + Lord Ruler + how the sky actually looks like. BTW I'll probably post some of my campaign ideas someday, because they're really... well, very different from regular Mistborn stuff. Some of my players are very Cosmere-savvy, so I've changed the mythology and almost all other secret background. No Cosmere, no Ruin, no Rashek, different unknown metals.... almost only the things that characters can know are kept. Link, because they're big and it's an album, which will probably grow: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/112474257675445741075/albums/5711232459151775313
  21. It would be cool, but I'm afraid the actual quote doesn't involve liyng, it's something like ‘in a place closest (closer?) to honor’. I'm not 100% sure if I remebmer correctly, but pretty sure, say, 90%. Edit: Check the first post. It is, indeed, ‘nearest to honor’. Or were you speaking about some other quote?
  22. Sorry, I didn't remabmer he got a scar.
  23. I got an idea – it may be Demoux, but not that one from the trilogy. Think about Demoux junior (I bet there was one), recruited when he was somewhere between 15 or, say, 18. No wife, maybe even no girlfriend. And, more, important, a resonably high probability of being Atium twinborn, or even more. Considering that all we're told is his last name...
  24. Scadrial has no moons, right? Roshar has 3, what about the other planets? Edit: Also, I think this list should be on wiki, it would be easier to add questions in one place and mark answered ones.
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