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Everything posted by Eri

  1. Another Mistborn question, not adressed in the RPG (or I am bad at searchnig...): How does impure metal work with Feruchemy and Hemalurgy? Is it impossible to use, or like with Allomancy – weaker? I'd love to see an answer in game mechanics terms also. It is something that many players will possibly try, so it may be useful to have an official answer.
  2. Considering that this super-intuition is actually Ruin's voice, it's a really interesting question.
  3. Is it possible for one of identical twins to be an Allomancer while the other is not? I mean a difference in potential, not in Snapping, which is obviously possible. Or is it possible for them to be a different Mistings or one Misting and the other a Mistborn? Same question with Feruchemy. Can Feruchemists who are twins use each oter's metalminds (I guess not). In general — do identical twins have identical Spiritwebs; identical innate part of Spiritweb (sDNA?) or may they have them totally different? Even the first question may be a RAFO — I've noticed there are no twins in all published books (no magis users, and I'm not sure if there are any at all), so it's possible that there is something interesting here. Unless Push and Pull (those guys from AoL, that Set gave to Miles) were twins, but I think they just seemed similar because they had the same clothes and jobs, can't find a good quote.
  4. WeiryWriter, the theory in this thread is actually falsified – Sanderson said the same thing that you write here. :-)
  5. AFAIR from the book, it were trace metals present in water etc. They used metal pipes and jugs and whatnot; tiny amounts of metals got into water.
  6. I was doing a quick scan in search of Cosmere'y stuff I didn't notice before (the more one knows, the more one notices...) and I have some observations: 1. Nightblood's corrupted Breath. It can't be corrupted by another Shard (as we've assumed in similar case in WoK), because there isn't one. Now I think it's corrupted simply by being used extremly against the Shard's intent - Endownment's intent is to give, Nightblood just DESTROYS evil. In WoK it can be a similar thing. 1b. Vivienna feels nauseated near Nightblood. In WoK we have a similar feeling, but not permanent. 2. Awakening as a way to erase memories: First, I've noticed that Vasher tells the girl to repeat a Command, so it is actually she who erases them. It may be possible to affect another person's mind or it may be not. Whole thing seems something analogic to animating things, but it affects Cognitive instead of Physical. She commands her memories, but it's not very different from commanding a piece of cloth. What do you thing? edit: 3. High priest's name is Treledees. Dents was known as VaraTreledees. May be a coincidence though, like having a "John" and "sir John" in same story.
  7. Wow, thank you. I couldn't believe that I didn't notice, so I reread the AA. And I saw something even stranger to miss "duralumin" (I was sure it's "aluminium" and "duraluminium", as in Polish, because they're latin words so should be universal...) I was like "duralumin?! What, how? Ruin must have erased the "um" when I wasn't looking..." Seems imposibble to mis, but I've missed it, and I was reading quite carefuly, because I was afraid to miss the foreshadowing and Cosmere' stuff. And I've read the Mistborn trilogy in US English too. Two or three books (don't remebmer where it first appears) and I was still sure it's "duraluminium". Cognitive biases can be incredible sometimes. Sorry for hijacking the thread, but it was quite a shock for me.
  8. Maybe this is why they're working for the-person-Hoid-is-writing-to - they need his/her help?
  9. What's wrong with aluminium? (I spell color too, sometimes. p{colour: #000;} does not work. )
  10. Welcome, nice to meet you too. I hope you'll enjoy the discussions. (Also, in case I use too much of British spelling somewhere - I'm not Brittish, though from Europe too. English is a foreign language for me and I've learned mostly from British books. After reading a lot of Agatha Christie in original and all Sanderson's published works except Elantris and some short stories in US English, my English is probably a weird mix of both.)
  11. An idea came to my mind today: what if talking about strange things shortly before death on Roshar is a phenomenon in a way similar to Snapping on Scadrial? We know (annotations) that Snapping worked like that: extreme emotions made it harder for the part of Ruin in people to keep the Preservation part in place. Therefore under such emotions the part of Preservation could break free (i wonder where did it go after breaking free?). And it is said, that it's a general rule—emotions affect Shardic influence on people; it's a Realmatic thing, not specific to Scadrial. Dying is obviously a moment of extreme emotions, and I think that what happens on Roshar may also fit in this scheme. Something breaks free, a part of a shard. Which one? I don't know. Honor? Cultivation? Odium? It would be a interesting twist, especially if it turns out they're all lying / being cheated in their "visions". A scene in which Taravangian learns about it would be a great moment. This theory-thingie has a weak point—why only the dying speak? There are other extreme situations. But, maybe, they're not extreme enough? And why does it work with slow and painless deaths too? Maybe emotions aren't the exact trigger.
  12. Yes, it makes a lot of sense. However, with Aona and Skai, I suppose he manipulated them to fight each other (or he didn't even need to manipulate them into it) and when they were weakened by constant fighting or just busy and not expecting, he killed them. But obviously, him having full Shard power and them having invested in many things makes that plan easier. ;-)
  13. As I remember, Jasnah assumed (and I think it was true) that Parshmen were enslaved only after the "last" desolation; bcause humans thought they've won.
  14. Odium could have visited Scadrial and manipulated some people. He's not as trigger-happy as Ruin, also he doesn't wear a t-shirt saying "I kill my fellow Shards and brak their stuff", so how could Sazed know that he's a bad guy? Saze is pretty new, I think he was more like "Hmmm, that is something strange, I should invastigate it but not intervene too much. I hope they aren't mad at me for getting those Shards after Ati and Vin exploded, I'm not sure if it is a legal thing. Maybe he can teach me how to be a god? I'd better be cautious, anyway...". And Odium was like "Hmmm... This guy is powerful, but knows nothing. I'd better not make him angry, but he can possibly be manipulated. I should take a look at people here. *starts a crazy cult* Yep, that should evlove nicely... *checks the time* Must go now, I have a Desolation. I'll come back here when he's weakened by results of my evil plot and kill him then.". And Tan may be a part of this. Miles & The Set too. "Rust and Ruin" reminds me of Ruin changing the prophecies and other texts. Or Hemalurgical decay. No idea what does it have to do with Miles, so it's probably not the right thing.
  15. I know the topic is a bit old, but: Shardguy (or Shardgal).
  16. I don't care if it's posted on some deep, secret, 1337 hax0r site. But this is a public place, indexed by Google. I have two problems with that: - Every user's neighbour / ex-girlfriend / dog / whoever can easily find and possibly decode their TWG password with no IT knowledge needed, except how to use Google. And I do not believe that noone uses the same password everywhere and unchanged since then. In fact, I think many people do. - The fact that when one googles on my email, one of two results is a leaked password makes me look like an idiot. Even though it's not my fault at all.
  17. My guesses for some alloys (may be with atium or may be larasium, I don't know): - Iron (and Steel, Push) - Pull metals toward a chosen object (other metal, probably), not necessarily towards you. A bit like Magneto. - Aluminium (and that one Leechers use, don't remember. Chromium? - to work on others) - create or enlarge your metal reserves. - Cadmium & Bendalloy - do something cool with timespace and speed. Shorten space (like in a wormhole)? Speed up a moving object (incl. FLT)? Timestop / Leap in time? Travel to Shadesmar (I doubt that one, Shadesmar is Cognitive, not Physical.)? - Tin - see into other realms? Enter Shadesmar? - Copper - block Allomancy at all in your coppercloud? - Bronze - see people's souls? - Zinc&Brass - mindreading? Creating emotions that weren't there?
  18. MD5 hashes can be broken. (Google for "md5 rainbow tables".) Even salted passwords may be broken, with some luck and a good computer. And most people often use similar passwords.
  19. Eri

    Bloody Tan

    Not exactly. We know he wasn't an Aluminium Misting. Allomancy can be gained through Hemalurgy—and I wouldn't call such person a Misting, especially if they have gained more than one power.
  20. When Wayne makes a time bubble, can Wax Push outside objects while being inside of the bubble?
  21. I know they've been on the web for some time and most people have probably changed passwords since then, but this angers me every time I do a ego-search on Google. And I get some technical problems while trying to report it. I guess I'm not the only one who feels bad about that page - many people came here form TWG. http://pastebin.com/fYdHt3ni (all users + password hashes from Time Waster's Guide)
  22. Consider the time gaps. After a few hundreds years writing style may change. (However, living for hundreds years and trying to understand the realmatic theory may cause some serious mental problems, I think... ;D )
  23. It's an in-world painting, so it may be biased. As I understand, the theory is that the manes on the map are complete. The shape may be wrong... or irrelevand. It's a realm of thought, why should it have a set shape at all?
  24. If I could draw, I'd probably do a comic about Ruin and Preservation someday... Thinking about that, I've realized that I have pretty detailed ideas about how the Shard-guys look. I don't mean hair color etc (it's in the book) but style and expressions. And, since I was thinking about a non-serious, funny kind of comic, it's not very cannon. In fact, totally un-cannon, but fun. How I imagine them: Ruin - crazy/happy face with big, sharp teeth (like happy Zimmy from Gunnerkrigg Court), maniacal laughter, messy hair, likes to eat kittens. Always running somewhere, looking for something to destroy / eat / break. Preservation - seems nice, a bit silent or shy, good liar, evil twinkle in the eyes when he's lying ("Hi, Ati. Look, what a nice well. I'm sure there are some kittens inside...)", big sense of responsibility ("I had to lock my brother it this stupid well, I did it for the mankind..."). Kind of a good/well-intentioned (depends on how you look at it) mastermind. Endownment - a girl, long, wavy hair (chestnut or blonde, I'm not sure), lots of rainbows, unicorns and animated GIFs around. Sweet, flirty but not in a vulgar or indecent way. Loves to give everyone sweets and cherries. Calls everyone "darling" or "sweethart". Odium - a creepy guy, the kind you see in those ads telling you not to give your personal info to strangers. Greasy hair, not very clean t-shirt with some offensive "joke", likes to stalk everyone else and sometimes backstab them. Good at manipulating people, likes to make them argue with each other. Simply - a troll and stalker. Honor - Brittish accent, noble manners, no sense of humor. A sword or something like that, maybe. Cultivation - farmer girl, overall trousers, flanel shirt, boots covered with mud, straw hat. Shotgun. Chickens. Hates tresspassers (esp. Odium) and shoots them. Shouts at people much (mostly "get away form my land / chicken / whatever!") but can be nice and motherly. Personality of an older sister. Devotion and Dominion - no idea, I don't have Elantris and don't remember enough of it. Do you also imagine them sometimes in some funny / mundane / other interesting way? If yes, how?
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