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Edema Rue

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Everything posted by Edema Rue

  1. “Me?” She glares. “I admit to being human and to having goals of my own. That doesn’t make me evil. We all have our own goals. You know more of me than I do of any of you anyway.”
  2. Rayvyn shrugs. “I don’t really mind. It’s mostly mental work, believing I really am in danger, and I’m used to it by now.” Turning to Cufre, she says, “I don’t know why he’s scared of me now. I have no intentions to harm him, I swear it.” She bites her lip. “I admit for not having…the purest of intentions…but I only want to help him.”
  3. Rayvyn flips her knives. “I can fight. Well. I can also teleport, move quickly, and have minor healing abilities, but I have to put myself or someone I care about in mortal danger to use them, which is why I cut myself before teleporting.”
  4. “All right,” Rayvyn said. “All right. So we’re all pretty much useless, no one knows where the kid went, and none of us like, let alone trust, one another.” She groans and mutters, “What have I got myself into?”
  5. “And yet he seems to have teleported away easily enough. I can only go to places I’ve been before, or seen in excessive detail, but I thought one of you would be able to do something.”
  6. “You’ve all been showing off awesome power all afternoon! Can’t one of you teleport to him or something?”
  7. Rayvyn also jumped up as Tacien disappeared. She clenched her dagger with one hand, and the other fidgeted with a bandage on her wrist. “Are we going to try to find him, or just let this happen, maybe go find some breakfast?” Her voice drips with venom.
  8. Rayvyn sat quietly through the entire exchange. Once or twice she looked like she wanted to say something, but she stopped herself.
  9. Rayvyn looks impressed at that. "Good oath," she mumbles. "I don't know if I could classify anyone as a neutral third party in this scenario, but you're either a very good faker or you're telling the truth. I suppose I can agree with this, so long as I can keep an eye on him."
  10. "Really?" Rayvyn asks. "I'd like a very detailed list of the others. I can provide you with my own list, if you want to trade!"
  11. 1/4/23, Spirit talker person and also lots of other words I don't want to write:
  12. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "Good idea." She lets out a peaceful smile. "It is good to remember better days when darkness comes." @InfiniteInsanity
  13. Rayvyn looked him in the eye. "Perhaps not alone, but together, we can do far more than anyone would expect."
  14. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway Rue chuckles. "True enough. I was only saying that if they or others come back, it will likely be because of their hatred for me." @InfiniteInsanity
  15. Rayvyn covered her face with her hands, the sleeves of her cloak falling to reveal the matching bandages on her wrists. "He's scared of everything!" She looks at Marilyn. "I can swear oaths too, if it helps. We could all swear oaths to protect him to the best of our abilities."
  16. Rayvyn groans again. I hate debates. Life is so much simpler when you can just kill everyone who disagrees with you. "And how do we even know we can trust you either?" She starts laughing, not completely sanely. "How can we trust anyone? You could all be working together. All of you!"
  17. Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway "I hear you," Rue says. She's sitting with her back against a tree. "The wolves hate me more than the rest of you, but the Compulsion will keep them away. Still, I probably won't be sleeping much anyway." @InfiniteInsanity
  18. Rayvyn sighed, groaned, then sighed again. "We're all idiots, you know that? We ought to let the boy make his own choice, and the rest of us can let him be. He looks exhausted." She surveys the group. "We all do. Why don't we try this again in the morning?"
  19. "Safety," she scoffed. "I don't even know if such a thing exists, and if it did, why should I believe that you have found it?"
  20. "He doesn't seem to trust anyone," Rayvyn objected. "He trusted us easily enough, and goodness knows that was hasty. He's less afraid of Cufre, but that could mean a variety of things." Rayvyn glares at the man. "How dare you? At the very least, you could have thrown the dagger. You don't need to destroy something so useful. And your insistence on taking the boy is only making you more suspicious, by the way."
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