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Edema Rue

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Edema Rue last won the day on May 26

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About Edema Rue

  • Birthday 06/19/1874

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    "I forgive you. And for the next time too, and the time after that." Janner, Wingfeather 4
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    "Every day, I thought about how much I hated him. And I loved him. I still do. It hurts to think he's gone, even though he always told me he would leave." Vin, The Final Empire
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    "Anyone can love a thing because. That's as easy as putting a penny in your pocket. But to love something despite. To know the flaws and love them too. That is raw and pure and perfect." Kvothe, The Name of the Wind.
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    "How do you know there wasn't something that he touched kindly? Someone who loved him, who was blessed by his love? 'Destroyed everything he touched'--that's a lie that can't truthfully said of any human being who ever lived." --Speaker for the Dead
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    “Take what you want. I’ll hate you for it. But I’ll love you forever. I can’t help but love you. Ruin me, ruin us, and I'll let you.” The Burning God
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    "It's as if there is love and loss at the same time, together in a kind of beautiful pain." --The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern
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    "For I have sworn thee fair, and thought thee bright, Who art as black as hell, as dark as night." Shakespeare, sonnet 147

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    To see how the world could be, in spite of the way that it is.
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    "I cannot but remember such things were, That were most precious to me. Did heaven look on, And would not take their part? Sinful Macduff, They were all struck for thee! naught that I am, Not for their own demerits, but for mine."
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  1. Wait wait wait did I never update you guys on my region theatre piece

    I don't remember


    It's a contemporary scene with me and a guyIt's from a play called Love/Sick, and it's the scene called What?! If you actually do your research (don't, it takes scudding forever to find it) but yes, it is originally a scene between two gay guys. And yes, I'm still a straight girl. But our director cut a few lines and changed a character's name from Ben to Beth, so it works. 

    Anyway, it's such a sweet, funny, awkward scene.

    And the guy I'm doing it with is also doing it awesome, and we're both almost memorized, which is great. But it's so funny because it's going from us having spoken never, maybe once, to...ok so I say the words "I love you" six times. I say "I think you're really great." I say "I want to get somewhere. With you." And so many other things just like that (yes, this scene is less than 10 minutes) and it's so funny.

    Anyway...I'm excited to perform it, and even practicing it is just so fun. 

    In other news, I finished The Will of the Many at about 2am (I think it was recommended in one of Thaid's SU's, I don't remember who though...) It was good, I liked it. Musical theatre is going lovely, our choreo and vocals are all super hard, but they're coming. I had a debate tournament Friday, and while I didn't place, I was also in a round with the 3 people who got the podium, and it was my first time doing open oratory and not novice, and I gave my speech better than I have before.

    Hmm what else...oh yeah, I also had an hour long discussion about semicolons with someone that was weirdly fun, we also started discussing our favorite torture methods, genocides, character traumas, and made bets on how long it'll take before our search histories get us arrested. 

    I'm good.

    Life is crazy, but I'm good.

    OH OH OH OH OH AND OUR CONCERT WAS FANTASTIC WE HAD HUGE AUDIENCES BOTH NIGHTS AND EVERYONE DID AWESOME. The soloists are all so good, but one of them completely stole the show, he was singing I am Aldopho from The Drowsy Chaperone, and he was literally wearing a black jacket with roses embroidered on it (his jacket that he's also worn to school because he can) and a red cape. He's one of the best actors at our school, and like...top 10 guy singers, maybe top 5. All the music was so good though and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it, even though it added a lot of stress.

    Aaaaand yeah there's a really unnecessary update on my life. How are you guys doing?

    One family.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I love semicolons; using semicolons is one of my favorite things when writing, though not when making lower effort posts on here.

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Semicolons are my favorite; my 5th grade teacher once complimented me in front of the whole class for using one right. 

    4. RoyalBeeMage


      i dont think i have ever actualy used a semicolon in my writing before.

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