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J. Magi

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Status Updates posted by J. Magi

  1. Wanna hear a long and stupid rant? No? Too bad.

    Soooo basically I'm taking AP Art rn

    Basically it's like, the advanced college level (ish) art class you can take after you've taken most of the other art classes (Drawing, Painting, etc.). 

    For AP Art you have to make a portfolio over the course of the school year consisting of 15 pieces. Which is a bit much, and a bit overwhelming, but I can be pretty prolific when it comes to art, so I'm not extremely worried about it.

    the part I am worried about is the fact that we have to choose a theme to base our entire portfolio on.

    and I'm indecisive as heck. 

    we're 4 weeks into the school year and I have no idea what I'm doing. 

    Okay maybe not no idea, I have explored a few ideas, and written out some thoughts but . . . well . . .

    -Idea No. 1: "Dreams." 

    I really like this idea for the few days it lasted, I did quite a few thumbnails, I even told my teacher about this one. But after the initial inspo died down I just felt kinda "meh" about it. Not only that but I realized I didn't have enough ideas to cover 15 pieces. I do still kinda like this idea, it was meant to cover all definitions of dreams, like actual dreams, aspirations, daydreams, etc. It just wasn't broad enough. Plus a friend of mine is doing something similar, and I want to do my own thing sooooo

    -Idea No. 2 "Harmony,"

    This idea was perfect. In the sense that it checked all the boxes I needed it too. "Harmony" would be a much broader theme idea than "dreams", and I even have a list of 15 prompts for all of my pieces. As of last class, this is what I was going with. The idea was to explore the diff. definitions of harmony. And it was basically cheating hehe . . .

    Because "harmony" often applies to elements of an art, as well as just visually pleasing things, I could basically paint anything that looks pretty cool, slap on how the piece is harmonious, and move on. Perfect right?


    It's boring.

    In that, most of what I would paint would be still lifes and landscapes with nice composition or contrast or whatever. So while this theme could work, and I could make myself do it and everything would be fine, I just find myself not wanting to. It doesn't inspire me, I'm not excited about it or passionate about it.

    sooo what do I do??

    My teacher gave me three pieces of advice when coming up with a theme, and they've helped a little I guess:

    -Base your theme around what you already draw all the time, to make things easier.

    -Choose a broad theme that you can fit 15 pieces into, something you won't run out of ideas for.

    -No anime

    uuuuuuuugh why can't I just pick something bro ;-;

    I was gonna rant some more but this is already really long and I'm tired.

    Also guess where I am while writing this?

    AP art.

    I'm procrastinating. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wittles


      This is your profile where you can say whatever the heckity heck you want, don't feel bad for ranting here.


      I don't really have any idea how to help, lol (sorry)


    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Look up "Synonyms for Vague" and pick an adjective

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi


      This is your profile where you can say whatever the heckity heck you want, don't feel bad for ranting here.

      thanks lol, I just don't want to seem whiny


      Look up "Synonyms for Vague" and pick an adjective

      kinda brilliant actually . . . but then my paintings would have to be about being vague

      it's interesting though

  2. 6500a449a2e67_Screenshot2023-09-129_53_30AM.png.b1b94690ac4bee3b52283973f8fdd237.png

    It's changed already, but for a brief moment I know the sweet taste of glorious fame

    1. Wittles


      Just make sure to not let it go to your head!


      Just kidding! LET IT ALL GO TO YOUR HEAD!!


    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I shall rival megamind with the diameter of my skull!!

  3. *Ahsoka spoilers maybe, I tired to keep it vague*

    Me watching that one scene in Ahsoka episode 4, knowing full well that the rest of my family will complain about it (having not scene rebels) and dying a little bit inside.

    My dad the next day: I hate her so much-

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi



      I heard she's apparently revealed to be force sensitive. I'm fine with that, but apparently that's not the common opinion and I don't get it


      that's . . . not exactly what happened (and I'll tell you this because it's discussed in like, the second episode, so its not really spoiler)

      basically: Ahsoka tried to take Sabine on as a padawan, probably more because she already understands combat a good deal, and Ahsoka doesn't have access to a whole lot of other people she could train. 

      {mild mild mild spoilers, like I said above}

      the show discusses how they tried this apprenticeship, but butted heads a lot, and Ahsoka ended up calling it quits because things weren't working very well, (and in my opinion, I'm sure there were more important things taking her attention at the time), and because Sabine struggles to access the force

      time passes blah blah, Ahsoka finds the map to Ezra/Thrawn, this is the premise of the show as I'm sure you know.

      Sabine and Ahsoka decide to resume her training because they'll be working together to find Ezra anyway, and Sabine wants to be stronger etc. etc. they make up mostly and etc.

      But they make it clear that Sabine struggles to access the force. Shes not naturally gifted with it the way our general Jedi character would be. She's shown attempting to move simple objects and failing, attempting to use it in fights and failing. We haven't seen her use it on screen at all yet.

      Now, Ahsoka insists (correctly) that the force is inside everyone, and with enough discipline Sabine can use it. I think a good analogy for this would be Princess Lea, who really wasn't obviously gifted in the force and never used in the movies she's present in. But that didn't stop her from training as a Jedi and making a lightsaber because she did have a slight inclination to the force. 

      So, suffice it to say, yes Sabine will probably use the force. But (in my a opinion)i n a way that will be believable, and small scale enough to make sense. It's a bit out of pocket but I can see honestly see it working and it didn't really surprise me, especially since we've seen her use the dark saber to some effectiveness (which could hint at slight force sensitivity)

      sorry that ended up being super long.

    3. Wittles



      I actually really like how that works, that's cool.


    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yeah, I personally think it fits her character

  4. Guys! Guess what!

    I was talking to a friend of mine and the conversation ended up leading to me describing how Kandra work. And so she looked up mistborn and she said she's gonna try and read it!! I'm really excited about it!


    Yes I did give her the disclaimer that there aren't many kandra in the first book


    a potential new member of the cult has been found . . . 









    1. Wittles



      similar to that, I found out a friend from marching band has read Stormlight

    2. J. Magi






    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      maybe . . .  - _-

    3. shortcake


      I'd say show it to him first, and then as you're showing them to him, give him the context so that you can have the satisfaction of confusing your teacher for a hot minute :3

    4. Cinnamon
  6. Dried cherries are much more tastier than I calculated they would be

    10/10 breakfast yum

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      they be sticky tho

  7. Sooo . . . this week is supposed to be Rush Week (week when all the school clubs have like a table you can visit and sign up for their club during lunch). I'm vice prez of the art club which means I've gotta help out at my clubs table and I made a whole bunch of origami butterflies to give out to people as a fun little thing.

    The only problem being I have no idea which day this week Rush Week actually starts? In the past I remember it just being Thur-Fri but I have reason to believe it might not be? So I might just be carrying around a shopping bag full of 88 origami butterflies all day for no reason but y'know. 

    also now I've typed week too many times and it looks weird.

    1. Cinnamon


      Ah yes the joys of semantic satiation :] Good luck with Rush week!

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thanks! Its going pretty well so far, my friend brought their ukulele to play, its really cool!

  8. I finished RoW today


    my brain has completely and utterly imploded



    yes I did cry


    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I may or may not have thrown out my back from all the craning over the book . . . cause I finished the second half of the book in less then 48 hours

      my neck also hurts

  9. my content count is 444 rn which is kinda cool

    also fun fact, there's an edm version of Book of Mormen Stories out there and it slaps

  10. its happened again

    I've had an idea for another cosmere animatic that I have neither the time, skills, or energy to create.

    why am I cursed like this

    1. Tea Leaf

      Tea Leaf

      You are cursed with creativity, some have it, some don't. Those who have it treat it as a curse and those who don't have it, want it. 

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      The curse is less being creative and more not having time to actually make my ideas ;^^

      though I guess its also my own fault for not buckling down and committing to a long term project

  11. 3 days in and I'm already procrastinating school work




    on the other hand it definitely could be done later . . .

  12. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

    400 posts!!!!!! 


    yeh thats all

  13. akldsjflajsd why is changing your school schedule so needlessly stressful?? why am I so stressed out about this? 

    I was looking at the classes available left to choose from, to fill in one last slot on my schedule. Basically: there was one boring option, and a higher level class that would be harder, but more interesting. I chose the interesting one.

    and now I'm immediately regretting it! yaaaaaaaaay! I think I underestimated how much work its gonna be and now I'm (as stated above) stressed out about it. 

    I genuinely don't think I can ask to change things again, because the forum said we could only make one change per semester. yaaaaaaaaaaaay

    maybe hopefully i can chat with my counselor about it but who knows at this point

    anyway, I hope ya'll are having a good day!

  14. kajf;alskdjf;las 2 weeks till school starts

    I'm in denial about how stressed I am, but that's fine. Fake it till you make it right?

  15. kay so I haven't read tress of emerald sea yet

    but consider:




  16. Petition to stop using the very over-used "we've got company" line in fiction, and replace it with the much cooler "something wicked this way comes."

    1. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      "This enemy is beyond any of you. RUN!"

    2. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      "Oh, look, enemies! Maybe they're friendly!"

    3. The Isochronism

      The Isochronism

      Are those guys your friends, Jim?

  17. Hey everyone, Stormform is starting a new DnD RP thread!

    I don't know If I can be involved yet but I'm sure it'll be fun!

  18. You never know true tragedy until you loose all 25 extremely important and irreplaceable tabs in one go

  19. Shoe #2 is done!




    Its definitely kind of messy here and there, but I'm really happy with how it came out

    (Also I may have worn these shoes out a few times before finishing it, so the black and the white rubber isn't as pristine in these pictures lol)

  20. Shoe #1 is complete my friends





    Shoe #2 is not so complete . . .  but I don't think I can do much more painting today lol

    The progress so far:




  21. Me: wow I have so many things I should be doing right now because its the end of the school year

    Also me: make this random thing



  22. I finished Warbreaker!

    and all of a sudden, Oathbringer makes much more sense lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. That1Cellist


      Really? What order?

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I started with Stormlight, which is not the best idea seeing how a lot of the subtleties of those books are references to books I hadn't read at the time.


    4. That1Cellist


      Yeah starting with  Stormlight is rough.

  23. Is there a reason why everyone's pfp's are green all of a sudden? Or maybe I'm just going insane?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      . . . what is it? or is it a secret?

    3. That1Cellist


      It's mental health awareness month

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Oh, that's really cool

  24. Happy Birthday!!! Have a great day!!

  25. So I was at a family gathering last night, and my sisters fiance asked if anyone had any complicated/interesting fantasy book recommendations. 

    Me: *casually grabs a mistborn book I had with me*  "Y'know . . ."

    my entire family, in unison: "NOT AGAIN"

    anyway, I got him to borrow the first trilogy from me, hopefully he actually reads it ^^



    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      It depends on the person like with everything else. I liked it though I never read any of his other stuff for a while :P

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      huh, interesting

    4. Cinnamon


      This is the best thing ever! Well, maybe not ever but it sure is great

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