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J. Magi

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Status Updates posted by J. Magi

  1. Spoiler



    so I'm terrified my grade in ap art is gonna drop significantly

    because I think the teacher is gonna start grading us in a way he didn't explain or warn us about at all?

    and I kind of think the method super unfair, however I only overheard him talking about it and  so I don't know the details

    anyway so my super anxious self is very anxious about it,


    i cracked out the GPA calculator and worse case scenario (a D in the class) I still have over a 3.9 GPA

    which means that worse case scenario I can still qualify for the scholarship I'm working towards

    so worse case scenario everything should be fine

    I'm writing this to convince myself and force myself to stop worrying about it

    I literally should not care about this this much I know . . .


    deep breaths

    d e e p b r e a t h s

    okay we're good

    I think we're good

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I've never seen it, but my dad loves it so I do hear some of the jokes,

      never heard that one before though

    3. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm


      Adolin x Link = Adolink.

      Has a Master Sword Shardblade made of a spren named Fi.

      Rides a Ryshadium named Epona.

      (I love making things out of people's typos.)

    4. Ravenclawjedi42


      I sadly don’t really play video games so I don’t completely understand the reference, but


      Huh, I can’t find the button to change font size with the new update. Did they remove that feature, or am I just missing something?

  2. I finished The Final Empire last night and holy craaap!!! it was so goooood!!!!!!!!

    (NOOOOO KELSIER- i will never recover:()

    I think sometimes when I start a brandon novel I forget that its going to end like a brandon novel

    That man writes climaxes like there's no tomorrow.

    (also I couldn't help but love the scene where hoid shows up, does absolutely nothing, and then immediately leaves, it was fabulous) 

  3.  things are getting pretty wild where I live rn, its kinda crazy

    so on sunday, we got like a full foot of snow, which is unfortunate but not that bad,

    but yesterday, the HIGHEST temperature was -1 degrees, and it got so low (-24) that they delayed school because there was risk of frostbite (yikes), we had to use a broom to push all the snow of off our car that morning (which I find funny for some reason idk it was a weird experience)

    today, it's still really cold, and on top of that the power went out for a while all over the area (not at my school though so I still had to go). It went out at around 9:30 a.m., and I have no idea if it's come back on yet. 

    It's currently 0 degrees, which is better than yesterday so hopefully this is the tail end of it 

    haha I really don't like winter :D

    1. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      yeeks.... we've gotten exactly (0) inches of snow since winter started. and we're not even in a warm place, at all. so can't relate. but good luck! I hope you stay warm n safe!!

    2. J. Magi
  4. "Don't worry Mr. Teacher Sir! I'll get all my missing schoolwork done over fall break! I'm totally responsible and organized!"


    I have watched anime for 8 hours today


    that is not an exaggeration











    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      whoops there's an extra 3 there

      but yeah, fall break is pretty normal were I live

    3. Wittles



      That sounds really nice

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      yeah it is kinda nice ^_^ 

  5. *Ahsoka spoilers maybe, I tired to keep it vague*

    Me watching that one scene in Ahsoka episode 4, knowing full well that the rest of my family will complain about it (having not scene rebels) and dying a little bit inside.

    My dad the next day: I hate her so much-

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi



      I heard she's apparently revealed to be force sensitive. I'm fine with that, but apparently that's not the common opinion and I don't get it


      that's . . . not exactly what happened (and I'll tell you this because it's discussed in like, the second episode, so its not really spoiler)

      basically: Ahsoka tried to take Sabine on as a padawan, probably more because she already understands combat a good deal, and Ahsoka doesn't have access to a whole lot of other people she could train. 

      {mild mild mild spoilers, like I said above}

      the show discusses how they tried this apprenticeship, but butted heads a lot, and Ahsoka ended up calling it quits because things weren't working very well, (and in my opinion, I'm sure there were more important things taking her attention at the time), and because Sabine struggles to access the force

      time passes blah blah, Ahsoka finds the map to Ezra/Thrawn, this is the premise of the show as I'm sure you know.

      Sabine and Ahsoka decide to resume her training because they'll be working together to find Ezra anyway, and Sabine wants to be stronger etc. etc. they make up mostly and etc.

      But they make it clear that Sabine struggles to access the force. Shes not naturally gifted with it the way our general Jedi character would be. She's shown attempting to move simple objects and failing, attempting to use it in fights and failing. We haven't seen her use it on screen at all yet.

      Now, Ahsoka insists (correctly) that the force is inside everyone, and with enough discipline Sabine can use it. I think a good analogy for this would be Princess Lea, who really wasn't obviously gifted in the force and never used in the movies she's present in. But that didn't stop her from training as a Jedi and making a lightsaber because she did have a slight inclination to the force. 

      So, suffice it to say, yes Sabine will probably use the force. But (in my a opinion)i n a way that will be believable, and small scale enough to make sense. It's a bit out of pocket but I can see honestly see it working and it didn't really surprise me, especially since we've seen her use the dark saber to some effectiveness (which could hint at slight force sensitivity)

      sorry that ended up being super long.

    3. Wittles



      I actually really like how that works, that's cool.


    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yeah, I personally think it fits her character

  6. 6509a2a5172f2_Screenshot2023-09-197_29_54AM.thumb.png.e4e8e15e6a845d1700fb1e1033765a55.png


    I broke the shard lol

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      The site loads HTML elements before the custom stuff, so if your internet is spotty and your browser is crem it'll sometimes just give up and give you the bare minimum

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oh yeah, everything looks so ugly without css.

    4. J. Magi
  7. 6500a449a2e67_Screenshot2023-09-129_53_30AM.png.b1b94690ac4bee3b52283973f8fdd237.png

    It's changed already, but for a brief moment I know the sweet taste of glorious fame

    1. Wittles


      Just make sure to not let it go to your head!


      Just kidding! LET IT ALL GO TO YOUR HEAD!!


    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I shall rival megamind with the diameter of my skull!!

  8. 3 days in and I'm already procrastinating school work




    on the other hand it definitely could be done later . . .

  9. 800 posts, that's cool!

    I have to go to my robotics class now, which is terrifying but I know that smart kid so it's probably fine.

    my grade is suffering

    no I don't know what a transistor is sir

    sir I can't soder stuff after only watching one vague demonstration, I will burn the school down please help


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *explodes the LED*

    3. Ravenclawjedi42


      *Puts the wire in the goshdarn wrong place*

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *explodes it again*

  10. akldsjflajsd why is changing your school schedule so needlessly stressful?? why am I so stressed out about this? 

    I was looking at the classes available left to choose from, to fill in one last slot on my schedule. Basically: there was one boring option, and a higher level class that would be harder, but more interesting. I chose the interesting one.

    and now I'm immediately regretting it! yaaaaaaaaay! I think I underestimated how much work its gonna be and now I'm (as stated above) stressed out about it. 

    I genuinely don't think I can ask to change things again, because the forum said we could only make one change per semester. yaaaaaaaaaaaay

    maybe hopefully i can chat with my counselor about it but who knows at this point

    anyway, I hope ya'll are having a good day!

  11. alkd;ad;lskjdf;lkaj 

    been kinda sick lately, which is why I haven't been as active 

    today's the day I'm ever so slightly well enough to go back to school so yay

    having a greeaaaaat day

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I'm feeling better thankfully,

      also my friend gave me a tiny plastic turtle and it needs a name.

    3. Edema Rue
    4. J. Magi
  12. Can someone please explain "Ookla Season" I'm new here and I have no idea what's going on ^^;

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl

      I find your name fitting and well chosen.


    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      thank you ^^ I couldn't really think of anything else 

    4. The Halcyon Girl

      The Halcyon Girl

      Well, good job all the same.

  13. Dried cherries are much more tastier than I calculated they would be

    10/10 breakfast yum

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      they be sticky tho

  14. FUN Holiday Facts

    1. Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell,

    2. The really big TV (like its freaking HUGE) in my school's main hall is named Jumbotron,

    3. Koroks (LoZ) would probably be seen as holy to Rosharins because their name is symmetrical.

    34. You can smell an orange from several yards away

    6. I have an hour left of school before I go on break

    7. My history teacher can sing and play the ukulele (but for some reason he chose to play that one cheesy copyright free you tube song)

    8. "Remember, it is not what you say at the dinner table that matters, it is how fast you can put food in your mouth before you have to answer." -Also my history teacher

    9. One of my friends described the Mariah Carey song as chaotic evil and honestly I have to agree

    1. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      *gesp* All I Want For Christmas is You is the epitome of Christmas spirit!!! It is chaotic neutral at worst! More like chaotic good!

      def chaotic though

    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I must disagree, its evil for sure

      (don't ask me how though, its more of a vibe thing)

  15. Gavilar Kholin and Master Kohga are cinematic parallels

  16. Good Morning everyone!!!

    Today's my Shardiversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I should be doing Math rn but who cares!!!!!!!!!!

    Aaaanyway, I really can't believe it's been a whole year since I came to this place. It felt much, much shorter believe me.

    I just want to thank everyone here for being so kind and friendly, this is honestly the nicest corner of the internet-- and trust me, I've searched. I'm so glad I can be here and get to know all of you! and I'm so glad the school wifi doesn't block this site. Also thank you to the rp people for dealing with me being so incessantly annoying. 

    I honestly don't know how to express how much being a part of this community has helped me the past while. So just, thank you so much! 

    I'm thinking about starting an AMA thread in celebration if that interests anyone.

    Also update on the magic system thing: It has largely been put on hold because school is taking up all of my time and energy, but it will happen, someday, in the near-distant future. so :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      the main problem is I don't actually know whether I want to go with hard or soft worldbuilding, which is definitely something important to know, and it will change how I explain the magic system

      also, there's a heck ton of lore needed to even begin explaining how it all works, so I need to figure out all the lore too

    3. Cinnamon



    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thank you!!!!!!! 

  17. GUYS

    We got Tears of the Kingdom gameplay today!!!

    It was so good!!

    Go watch it!!

    Seriously though, this made me unreasonably happy for some reason, I've had kind of a crap day so far, but it made me feel way better. I guess it's just really satisfying to see the realization of something that has been a mystery for such a long time. It wasn't very spoilery as well, it just introduced some of the new gameplay mechanics.

    also links hair was beautiful (But I won't fangirl too much)

    1. The Bookwyrm

      The Bookwyrm

      I was a tiny bit sad about how similar the normal ground level Hyrule looked. (I swear I know that world like the back of my hand by this point...) But the implications of it and the reassurances that there are changes make me very excited.

      In fact I bet they designed the game at least partially for people who already knew BotW Hyrule like the backs of their hands.

    2. Potato's Wit

      Potato's Wit

      @Ranryu and I think his hair was ugly.

      It was very fun to see all the cool stuff though. Like, Keese eyes are useless, but not anymore! What other items we've just labeled as trash will be useful??

    3. Ranryu



      No comment. 

  18. Guys Guys Guys

    I've had an epiphany, a realization even.

    So remember when I was ranting about how I didn't know what I wanted my AP art theme to be? Like a week ago maybe? 

    One of the hardest parts about this class is I have to take all my reference photos myself.

    So I was thinking, with that brain I have in my head, what do I already have nice pictures of that I could paint?

    and then I remember how I obsessively take pictures of the clouds every time they're vaugely interesting looking. I have so many pretty cloud pictures.

    So what if that was my theme? What if I just painted clouds? I've never painted clouds before but it sounds fun!

    hehehehe I'm excited now

    1. Cinnamon


      That’s a great idea!! You could do landscapes and make cloud inspired architecture or characters or just lots of pretty clouds and storm clouds and… well there’s lots of things :P Have fun!

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ooh that’s awesome!! I have a friend who was in AP art last year and she did entirely bike themed and it turned out insane. I bet your clouds will be awesome!!

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Yeah! I'm super excited about it! 

  19. guys I have to write a speech in English

    and I can give it on anything

    but I have no idea what to do

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      oh, that's a good idea! just talking about the books I like, I might actually do that

    3. Rallohir


      I know this is off topic, but I freaking love the Legend of Zelda references you have in your contact info XD

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      oh thanks lol :P

  20. Guys this magic system is taking a lot longer to type out then I anticipated 


    uuuumm it's also really long

    It's still coming though! Just prepare yourself 'kay?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      ;-; I'm only half way done

    3. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      You should send it to me anyway I swear I'm good at streamlining these things

    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      no but like I legitimately haven't even finished typing out the barest of bare bones.

      It's a bullet point list with not context lol

  21. Guys! Guess what!

    I was talking to a friend of mine and the conversation ended up leading to me describing how Kandra work. And so she looked up mistborn and she said she's gonna try and read it!! I'm really excited about it!


    Yes I did give her the disclaimer that there aren't many kandra in the first book


    a potential new member of the cult has been found . . . 









    1. Wittles



      similar to that, I found out a friend from marching band has read Stormlight

    2. J. Magi
  22. Happy Birthday!!! Have a great day!!

  23. Hello everyone, good morning!!!! Late Happy Easter!! (to all who celebrate, and good vibes to those who don't)

    I'm sorry I've been kind of inactive recently, here are my excuses: 

    -I had this last week of off school, so my family was doing stuff and I was busy (sometimes)

    -Alternatively I also spent said school vacation doing absolutely nothing because school exhausted me and sometimes you just need to take a week to ignore your responsibilities.

    -I also generally spend most of my time on the shard at school, so the habit of checking it just wasn't there (but I'm working on this one!)

    Anyway, I'm back now, and I will get to reading Facepalms writing thread!! (that's my first priority :D). Its good to be back!

    I've used lots of exclamation points today but I don't care!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Morningtide


      Agreed! I don't know which one it is!

    3. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      I googled it, its both!!!!


    4. Morningtide


      Oh nice! English is funny sometimes! 

  24. Hey everyone, Stormform is starting a new DnD RP thread!

    I don't know If I can be involved yet but I'm sure it'll be fun!

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