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J. Magi

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Everything posted by J. Magi

  1. Penn begins packing up his picnic, it was far past tea-time. Probably. He glances at the others. "What on earth is going on?"
  2. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    1. the silly goofy kind 2. The drone beetle thing in skyward sword is super handy This is unpopular, but Moash for absolute sure
  3. As Cloud attacked, he looked for an opening of any kind. He still had his blaster on him, and even though the Sith had seen him use the strategy before, it was still a pretty good trick.
  4. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    lol yeah, MM is really incredible, I'm fully ready for it to take SS's place as my fav when I do get to play it.
  5. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    Okay so, I'm not entirely sure if my opinion on this game is valid because I've never actually played it myself (I simply don't have a copy). However, however, however. I love this game A good deal of loz experience when I was younger, was watching my older siblings play oot and mm. So I watched my sister play this game extensively. That, combined with watching an unhealthy amount of playthroughs, lore, and theory videos on youtube and I've gotten a really good idea of the game without ever playing it. Suffice it to say the entire thing is just *cheffskiss* I love the idea of storytelling that is supposed to creepy & horrifying but mostly just in subtext, which MM does masterfully (another example of this is over the garden wall). The artistic direction and aesthetics are incredible, and the format of the gameplay is indredibly unique. I will definitely find a way to play this game in the future, but I want to finish oot first, which was also put on hold by totk.
  6. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    I agree with this, I love both games, but sometimes I feel a little lost as of what to do next.
  7. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    Absolutely fantabulous. So the only zelda game I've ever finished is botw, but I got really far in skyward sword HD, (I stopped playing it cause totk came out and now im working on that), Even though I've never finished it, it's probably my favorite zelda game that I've played so far, I love the linear story line. Don't get me wrong, botw and totk are incredible, but I do find them sort of overwhelming, there's just so many things to do and keep track of. I know some people didn't like how linear SS was, but for me, it's one of the best parts of the game. Also the artstyle is fantastic, the mythical storyline is compelling, and SS zelink is lovely (though not my favorite loz ship). I will definitely come back to it after I'm satisfied with what I've done in totk.
  8. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    1. yellow-green 2. Absolute value of C
  9. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    Apricot for sure, apricots are my favorite fruit in general . . .
  10. J. Magi

    Ask jm Anything

    Hello everyone! I'm starting this because why not. yep.
  11. Penn, still sitting on his picnic blanket, decided to offer it some tea. He stood, pouring The Gaze a cup. "One lump or two?"
  12. Cloud immediately dashed towards the Sith, his lightsaber ignited. He made several slashes, trying to distract Krarik so others could attack. He opened his mind to see if he could sense anything from his enemy.
  13. Good Morning everyone!!!

    Today's my Shardiversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I should be doing Math rn but who cares!!!!!!!!!!

    Aaaanyway, I really can't believe it's been a whole year since I came to this place. It felt much, much shorter believe me.

    I just want to thank everyone here for being so kind and friendly, this is honestly the nicest corner of the internet-- and trust me, I've searched. I'm so glad I can be here and get to know all of you! and I'm so glad the school wifi doesn't block this site. Also thank you to the rp people for dealing with me being so incessantly annoying. 

    I honestly don't know how to express how much being a part of this community has helped me the past while. So just, thank you so much! 

    I'm thinking about starting an AMA thread in celebration if that interests anyone.

    Also update on the magic system thing: It has largely been put on hold because school is taking up all of my time and energy, but it will happen, someday, in the near-distant future. so :/

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      the main problem is I don't actually know whether I want to go with hard or soft worldbuilding, which is definitely something important to know, and it will change how I explain the magic system

      also, there's a heck ton of lore needed to even begin explaining how it all works, so I need to figure out all the lore too

    3. Cinnamon



    4. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      Thank you!!!!!!! 

  14. thank you!! Also I would've given you rep yesterday but I ran out lol
  15. Oh I like Margo! We're going with Margo! I do already have a character named Marnie, but it's a different universe so it doesn't really matter.
  16. I haven't been doing many finished pieces recently casure ----school---- so here's some crusty sketchbook stuff:
  17. I'm here! Day 1: dream I was going for daydreaming/ head in the clouds but it turned into some kind of day & night goddess person which honestly I'm not complaining. I'm gonna go do day 2!
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