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S. Stormy

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Status Updates posted by S. Stormy

  1. So, I made a video.

    A very silly video.


    Spoilers follow for the entire Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

    Also, I'm sorry.




    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The cheeseman

      The cheeseman

      Why not?


      You absolutely should read it. Tolkien's writing is the foundation of modern family fantasy and the cause of a lot of tropes and conventions that we have today. That's not to say he invented fantasy, as I've heard said. He modernized it, brought it to the forefront of literature.

      I could recommend any one of more than a dozen fantasy series, but if someone hasn't read LotR, I always suggest they read that first. It is an incredible piece of writing, and well worth the read.


      Also his prose is gorgeous.



    3. Kajsa


      @The cheeseman it’s just not something i’ve made a priority at this point

      it’s definitely smth i wanna read eventually, i just haven’t gotten around to it yet haha

    4. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      @Kajsa That's sad. You should also watch the movies if you ever have a chance. Extended edition if possible :D And thank you for the compliment!

      (i'm not trying to be aggressive, watch what you want, but you should see it at some point in your life. And read it too, because you don't want to miss the singing, dancing version of Hoid that isn't in the movie that you will NEVER understand, because nobody does! And also the evil trees that eat you and the wizard-ruining-your-childhood scene.)

      So, yeah. I second @The cheeseman's motion, haha, sorry for the torrent of words

      @Just a Silvereye Thank you for the compliment! Yes, this is quite a song. I just Connected this song with The One Ring and couldn't get them unConnected.

  2. Got my ears pierced! A week ago today. Just little teeny metal balls, not much to look at.


    And I haven't even heard my dead brother's voice telling me not to trust anyone!

    Also, hi. I still exist!

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue



      I had the same issue when I got mine pierced. Not sure if they did it wrong or if it’s a me thing?


    2. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      HA! That made me laugh out loud.

  3. you have disappointed me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      i don't know who this is

    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      He's just a friend of mine IRL

      I thought he'd do stuff here

      But he didn't

    4. Immortal Platypus
  4. Your member title is correct.

    1. ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ


      And yet he still won’t join the rp…

  5. Have any of y'all seen The Chosen in theatres?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      No, I think the Crucifixion will happen in season 5. Dunno what'll happen then.

      Nah, it’s been confirmed that that is season six and then season seven is his resurrection. 


      And it's not just John's death, there's more awfulness

      Oooh can’t wait

    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      You sure? I usually like drama and sadness but this hit HARD

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      I write drama and sadness to a ten as much as I can while not going into depression, I’m down.

  6. I wasn't following you before? That's a shame. Remedied!

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      Thanks Shallan!!

  7. The OG French lyrics of Les Mis are very interesting.


  8. Wait I just realized my member title goes perfectly with my username. That was not intentional.


    A LOT

    1. The Honorable One

      The Honorable One

      Thank you.

      What can I say more?

  10. Is your Ookla Title by chance referring to the warm-up song/round that goes like

    "Black socks, they never get dirty

    The longer you wear them

    The blacker they get

    Sometimes I think I might wash them 

    But something keeps telling me

    'Don't wash them yet

    Not yet

    Not yet

    Not yet

    Not yet

    Not yet'"?

    1. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      that would've been a smart reference, but no.

      It's a reference to a gag in an rp with one of my ocs and one of @Ookla the Yellow Sock's ocs. They were trying to insult each other and Panda's called mine a black sock and then mine called hers a yellowed sock.

      It was so funny that we kept on referencing it again and again and again.

    2. SmilingPanda19


      Of course Mr. Black Sock 

  11. I know you're wondering.

    My display name is a Les Mis reference. Joly is one of the Friends of the ABC. His nickname is Jolllly, so that he may fly away on his four L's. Ailes, I believe? is French for wings. L's, ailes. Fly away on L's, fly away on wings.

    Also I drew Gavroche! Daniel Huttlestone's Gavroche. Yeah, he looks too sad. Gavroche is a happy person (even though he has absolutely no reason to be) but I was going off a reference picture where he's kind of scowling so here we are.

    MY gavroche.jpeg

    1. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Don't you fret, M'siuer Marius, I don't feel any pain! 


  12. So
    I finished Les Mis, the unabridged version. Skipping the random-unrelated-to-the-plot parts.


    I don't know if I can forgive Marius for ruining the last years of Valjean's life! He pushed him away the year he was dying. It made the ending hurt a lot more! Valjean was miserable and lonely for the last months of his life! And they only came to see him in the last few minutes. I don't know if I can consider that ending fully bittersweet, it's just kind of bitter! Although that's also partly Valjean's fault for saying "I'm a convict" but not saying "I've changed and besides all I did was steal some bread!!" It just... hurt. I cried. A lot. Why did Valjean push himself away from the only person he loved?? Also! Marius, in the book, didn't really seem to mind that all his friends were dead. This bothers me.
    If Les Mis is Cinderella, Jean Valjean is Cosette's fairy godmother. It's funny that Les Mis is a serious book about sad people's sad lives, but then there's a random Disney love story. It cracks me up how the narrator never refers to him as "Valjean" or "Jean". He is Jean Valjean EVERY time he's mentioned. "Jean Valjean did this, Jean Valjean did that." Also I love Cosette and Valjean's relationship, it's the sweetest thing ever.
    OH!! My favorite character! Maybe! If it's not Valjean. Valjean kind of represents the struggle in all of us for doing what's right versus what's easy, and he just keeps doing the SUPER HARD THING because it's right. And I really love him. But I'm also kind of mad at him for not standing up for himself.
    So here's my fave, maybe. 
    He's so snarky and sarcastic! But he's so sweet, anyway! I love him. Both book him and musical him(although book Gavroche is also pretty musical. Didn't expect him to die singing a song in the book too.
    This great little soul had taken flight...


    Rest in peace, Fantine you who lived and died for your child
    Rest in peace, Bahorel, you who died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Jean-Prouvaire, you poet killed for your cause
    Rest in peace, Eponine, you who died in your love's arms
    Rest in peace, Gavroche, you who lived kindly and died bravely
    Rest in peace, Bossuet, you who laughed in your struggles and died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Feuilly, you orphan who adopted the people and died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Courfeyrac, you friend to Marius and to everyone and who died for your cause 
    Rest in peace, Joly, you who feared disease and what it caused, but allowed yourself to die for your cause anyway
    Rest in peace, Combeferre, you who died saving a soldier.
    Rest in peace, Enjolras, you who lived and died for your cause
    Rest in peace, Grantaire, you who died?
    Rest in peace, Javert
    I guess

    Rest in peace, Jean Valjean, you who lived for others and died loved by those you loved best.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I love the musical with a passion. i need to get around to reading the book

    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      I love the book so much!! The first time I read it it definitely went mostly over my head, but rereading it it's all so...heartbreaking...

      I cried so hard. I got tears on my glasses. I was not okay. POOR VALJEAN GOES TO LOOK AT THEIR HOUSE EVERY DAY BUT DOESN'T GO IN AAAH THAT'S TERRIBLE

    4. Edema Rue




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      I love it and I hate it

    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I'm reading the book right now and came across the SADDEST quote: 

      "It was harrowing to see the poor child, in winter, not yet six years old, shivering under the tatters of what was once a calico dress, sweeping the street before daylight with an enormous broom in her little red hands and tears in her large eyes.

      In the neighborhood she was called the Lark. People like figurative names and were happy to give a nickname to this child, no larger than a bird, trembling, frightened, and shivering, first to wake every morning in the house and the village, always in the street or the in the fields before dawn. 

      Except that the poor lark never sang."

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


      There’s one about Fantine that I love, one sec lemme see if I can find it.


  14. Eddie Redmayne deserves twenty-four thousand, six hundred and one Oscars. All I see for Oscars, though is Anne Hathaway, which I find strange because I think Empty Chairs at Empty Tables is far more soul-crushing and heart-shattering than I Dreamed a Dream.

    In other words, I had some friends over to watch Les Mis. A group hug was necessary at the end. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      *not true

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      *incredibly not true

  15. I








  16. Eyyy Whispering Skull. He/it's hilarious.

    Wait is your AIM from Chronicles of Prydain??

    1. Lord Spirit

      Lord Spirit


      Have you read it?

    2. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Indeed! Hwoinch!

  17. My new member title named after a guy who cheered me in a Cross Country race by saying my member title while holding a stuffed elephant. It was really amazing. All the other XC people, are there any other random cheers you've gotten?


    That hill.



    It was weirdly terraced? So it had flat and then really steep parts. Was painful.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SmilingPanda19
    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue


    4. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy



      (please note that this was a random stranger, as was the elephant guy) Also someone else random cheered me on by saying "You are a 10."

      It's the random unexpected ones that help.

  18. HI THANK Y'ALL IT'S NOT ACTUALLY MY BIRTHDAY BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I just made this my birthday because Frodo and Bilbo! Sorry for the misleading.bother.thumb.png.fa9299bf14fcf2887051fe5caf665724.png

    Cus, you know, Internet safety and all that.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood


      That's awesome-

      I should switch my birthday to some book character's one.

    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      You SHOULD! March 1st is Aragorn and Johnny from Outsiders's.

    4. Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Thaidakar the Ghostblood

      Aragorn is a good one! Maybe I should find out when Dalinar's birthday is, or whenever Alcatraz's birthday is.

  19. I'm very amused by this:




    1. Immortal Platypus

      Immortal Platypus

      well, I am. I don't dare make a thread, cause the mods would probably shut it down, but I am the president of the Anti-Shallan Republic. I still associate with people who do like Shallan though, so you're ok. :P 

    2. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Not just that, that you're Anti-Shallan but Shardbuddies with Shallan.

  20. The epilogue of Bands of Mourning had some intense Marvel-post-credit-scene vibes.

    1. Cinnamon


      I can now not get this out of my head

    2. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      Hehe I'm RIGHT, aren't I?

    3. Cinnamon


      Indeed, quite so.

  21. Hey all! It's been a while. Sort of. Except it hasn't really. Whatever.
    I made some shoes. Actually I didn't make them, I decorated them. I'm not a cobbler.
    ANYWAY! They're super nerdy and suited exactly to my unique taste and I'm so happy.
    Here they are! Well, here are some pictures of them. I'm not magic.


    Les Mis section64ed56620eb42_IMG_20230828_1909449462.thumb.jpg.45f7f4b3a18a6c053b335dd3d829844d.jpg
    Stormlight section part 1IMG_20230828_191019951.thumb.jpg.6da97e48354fa19c71189b0f4b88f4fd.jpg
    LotR sectionIMG_20230828_191036214.thumb.jpg.61c7fdd66e0257fae615aafa8c95820a.jpg
    Outsiders section(s) part 1IMG_20230828_191056718.thumb.jpg.c46383ead55a9873fc3bba7ce0745fb9.jpg
    Stormlight section part 2IMG_20230828_191113900.thumb.jpg.debd70b66a2d1186e42711fcfc6b9a20.jpg
    Outsiders section part 2IMG_20230828_191127534.thumb.jpg.e17d64baf8733e6b538052137c0b0fae.jpg
    Wingfeather section64ed566dd6e03_IMG_20230828_1913205232.thumb.jpg.b4f36843e3a0f76fa86a4f05db2c98de.jpg


    Also I had XC practice today in a temperature of around 102 degrees, Fahrenheit(duh). It was... not fun.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      I read "and rain will make the flowers grow" and almost started crying. Les mis has way too much of an effect on me.

      That sounds terrible. Running hurts. Drink lots of water and don't get heat exhaustion, I promise it isn't fun.

    3. Slowswift


      Cobblers don't make shoes either. ;) They mend them. Someone who makes shoes is, disappointingly, simply known as a shoemaker. 

      (In all seriousness, those look great. Good job.)

    4. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy


      I do not miss XC.

      But those are really cool shoes!

      Why thank you. I love the people in XC. Not the running. And thanks!


      They look really cool! 



      Cobblers don't make shoes either. ;) They mend them. Someone who makes shoes is, disappointingly, simply known as a shoemaker. 

      (In all seriousness, those look great. Good job.)

      Oh, sad. Now I feel silly! It's okay. I am silly. And thank you!


      I read "and rain will make the flowers grow" and almost started crying. Les mis has way too much of an effect on me.

      That sounds terrible. Running hurts. Drink lots of water and don't get heat exhaustion, I promise it isn't fun.

      Same! Except I listened to the songs too much and became a wee bit desensitized. Whoops. That's me with the Outsiders. Very often when I think about



      I tear up. I'm an ol' softie.

      Oh, and we got to go in for 7 minutes in the middle of it to cool off, and warmed up and cooled down inside.

  22. Don't you hate it when that guy you really, really dislike shows up and proposes to you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      When you finish, watch pride and prejudice and zombies. It’s pretty great.

    3. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I'm scared to. I'm less than fond of gore and stuff...

    4. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ah. Our drama teacher always uses it as an example of what good stage combat should be like, witty dialogue surrounded by violence (like throwing chairs at Mr. Darcy), which is probably the only reason I enjoy it so much.

  23. *A single thread in a tapestry*

    *Though its color brightly shine*

    1. J. Magi

      J. Magi

      *Can never see its purpose*

      *In the pattern of the grand design*




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      It looks so good

    3. Cinnamon


      I know!!!! My best friend texted me as soon as it came out :P IT LOOKS AMAZING!! 

    4. S. Stormy

      S. Stormy

      I think he's going to have a lot of chances for the Tom Hiddleston Hairflip™ in this season. We already saw it... twice, I think? Maybe three times? In the trailer.

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