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That1Cellist last won the day on December 21 2022

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About That1Cellist

  • Birthday September 29

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  • Member Title
    Lycoris Radiata
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    My field of broken dreams
  • Interests
    Cello, reading, discussing books and movies, video games, and observing behaviors of more usual people my age. Music, music, music, music.
    Also some manga

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  1. Hi! It's me! That1Cellist here, to rant about my fellow teenage boys and teenage boy stereotypes.

    So, I went to a youth activity tonight. It was a youth dinner, which sounded nice. I was going to be going there right after getting out of school because I had to stay really late for an orchestra. So, needless to say, I was also hungry. Being the fat pig I am, I was looking forward to eating food at this activity. However, on the way there, I discover that this activity was planned specifically the way it was in order to get the young men to come. Basically, they thought, "Oh, the young men like eating, so that's how we'll get them to come to the activity." Of course, the fools actually showed up, therefore proving to everyone that teenage boys are food driven idiots.

    I thought this entire situation was extremely stupid, and I felt insulted, so I didn't eat. But the fact that I even wanted to in the first place puts me far closer in personlity to those other boys than I would like to admit. And I hate that. So. Much.

    hahaha this SU was so stupid why did I write it jfrioahoglyuiaefh.hvbauks

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    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Ranting is good, we're agreeing with you about how dumb stereotypes are.

    3. Kajsa



      Sorry, everyone. I realize how rude that was. I won't do it again. I suppose I'm simply bitter. I'll remedy this.

      Hi, Cellist! You probably don't know who I am, but I heard you're a cool person and I wanted to check out your profile (and I may or may not have been stalking your activity the past few days--that's not creepy at all!)! So, to make things less weird, I'm Kajsa (KAY-sa), a teenage girl who's obsessed with cats, drawing, and *show choir*!!!

      I have a few things I'd like to say, even though I'm totally late to the convo :)

      First off, there's no such thing as a stupid SU (and if there was, I'd probably win the contest for most stupid SUs. Hahaha). But being human means having feelings, and having feelings means you gotta vent sometimes! And venting is not stupid, nor is it rude. Everybody's feelings are valid (and I want you to feel validated because that's something I'm struggling a lot with. And it sucks. Like, really sucks), and I hate to see the names you've called yourself. It might just mean you're in a rough patch, but don't call yourself those things! (And if you're struggling with that, try and figure out why that might be, and if you have things in your life you'd like to change, go ahead! For example, I'm struggling with identity a little, so I'm getting a haircut next Saturday to help me shape my personality.)

      And guess what? Pretty much the only reason I'd go to a youth activity at this point (struggling with the church--long story) is if there was food. Same with my three brothers and my little sister! And my parents! If there's food, we're going. That's just the kind of family--the kind of people--we are. Food's great! We all love it! We need it to survive. (And, can I just say, if there's someone who's NOT driven by food, they probably have a really poor diet/eating schedule, which may mean that they're struggling with body image. My pseudonym here on the shard is literally Quesadilla but spelled different--I mean, who doesn't like a warm, cheesy quesadilla?! Lol that got kinda weird but you get my point xD) 

      Anyway, this all goes to say that you should feel free to vent. It's not stupid or rude. Most teens are driven by food (lunch is the only thing that gets me through school some days! And haha, that rhymed). And you're a great person! We're so glad to have you on the shard.

      Keep being awesome, Cellist!



    4. Kajsa


      Oh, and (last thing, I promise--you're probably sick of hearing from me xD) for the record, stereotypes are hilarious because of how inaccurate they are. Like, have you seen teen girl stereotypes?! I can bust most of those, ngl.

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