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Shining Silhouette

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Everything posted by Shining Silhouette

  1. The deciding stage. How would you rate your self-confidence?
  2. Milisecondly Actually not too often Are you still in school?
  3. Yes! I haven't read it for years but it was big in my childhood What's Brando Sando's worst writing skill
  4. How do you feel when someone uses their nails on a chalkboard? Yes of course! I'd have to be crazy not to!!
  5. I accidentally tackled my friend to the ground cause a spider was crawling down my shirt. What's your favorite thing to throw at your friends?
  6. The metal spren fly off their bars and block the goal, moving to the exact spot to block it full seconds before the ball reaches the goal. They collectively smack the ball towards the other goal with resounding force and a loud SMACK
  7. Silhouette's metal spren players shift back and forth without being touched, and the ball seems to curve back towards wizard's goal with every play
  8. Silhouette smiles smugly as be nonchalantly takes a sip of a tiny vial and then drops the metal ball onto the table
  9. "Ohhhhhh! I understand!! So you guys are like crazy!" "I challenge you to a Brandon-themed foosball match! I call the spren team!"
  10. Strawberry jam is the strawberry's jam Blackberry jam is the blackberry's jam Ketchup is the tomato's jam
  11. First off, do "your people" have a name? Like Fadollowers or something?
  12. I get slightly more than average. Do you get a lot of tornados?
  13. Silhouette finds the book of Sando's brain thoughts and starts to have a seizure
  14. Go outside your swimming suit and just lay there the whole day basking in the wonderful weather. Do you get a lot of snow?
  15. *dies from sheer awe* *comes back to life realizing that dead people can't read books* Silhouette stood up straight. "I don't know my way around here yet. I must be spatially challenged. I just have one question: where...is...the ...library?"
  16. Reading! Or playing jazz What's the worst way to spend a rainy day?
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