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Everything posted by NewbSombrero

  1. But do we have any reason to believe the the Feruchemical symbols would be this cosmere relevant. We know that Aons are at least somewhat shardically connected as the specific forms already existed before AonDor was developed/discovered, and the early practitioners learned the Aons rather than inventing them. However, if the Allomantic symbols are any indication, then the Feruchemical symbols are probably just some in world alphabet that even seems to have followed some other line of adaptation from the mist based symbols in HoA that the Allomantic symbols ultimately derived from.
  2. Except most Aons are full of corners on account of Aon Aon. I think they definitely qualify. Also, the comment about spren being "more extensive" is interesting in that it implies that they exist elsewhere.
  3. I think the "not glyphs" that we would probably recognize are probably Aons. How this connects and what this means, I have no idea, but this was my first response to this.
  4. That's first quote Kurk dropped was the one I was initially looking for. Thanks for finding that.
  5. Well, TLR didn't need to age as indicated here: Just food for thought on your theory.
  6. Yeah. It's been a while since I've looked at that, and I didn't think about the fact that they might be separate.
  7. I don't know. Taking those two quotes together almost suggests to me that where the question about the Dor being both Devotion and Dominion may be off is the inclusion of Dominion, if that makes any sense. But at the same time, Dakhor, which certainly seems to be tied to Dominion more than Devotion also seems to draw its power from the Dor. I almost wonder if the pushing doesn't have something to do with the Shards not having holders to direct them, maybe sort of combining a couple of the ideas you presented.
  8. In reference to the Dor, here are a couple of quotes regarding its nature from the Q&A: For similar reasons to why the Dor acts so differently from Preservation's essence... The Dor's nature, and why it acts as it does, is in part related to this question. Source: Post #71 I don't know as if either of this definitively tell us anything, but they are definitely relevant information.
  9. Also, I think the fact that all of the Ars Arcanum were written by the same person rules out Hoid given that the HoA describes Hoid as "a mystery yet to be solved." Given that some 300 years later, Hoid has some members of the 17th shard on his tail, either they have solve that mystery at that point, or else they are trying to track him down to figure him out.
  10. Nepene, could you please put in sources for those Brandon quotes? I haven't seen a lot of those and would love to see the context around them, even if it's just a question, and it also indicates interviews I haven't read yet, and would therefore really like to. I ask because I'm horrendous at finding things on the Internet.
  11. We also have no actual evidence that soulstone is the fallen rock or that the superstition that the fallen rock was the body of a dead god actually ties it to a Shard if we want to start splitting hairs about this. Even so, based on some of my thinking in relation to the Shardic Color Theory, if it is, it would probably be Dominion. I only point this out to say that if we're trying to cut down on speculation in more info dump type threads, we should do just that and be much more clear about such things.
  12. That could also give tie into the five book break as well.
  13. I think this may be able to resolve those issues you're seeing, Meg. Maybe the regionally tied magic systems can be tweaked to fit other regions, which would probably take considerable effort. I think this is probably in keeping with all of what we've heard so far from Brandon.
  14. And what I think OP was suggesting is that the two are directly connected in some way, i.e., Odium striking when Alethkar tries to reunite. Do I agree with the idea? Not entirely, but I do think it may have some merit and be worth considering.
  15. You may run into some issues with the fact that we know Cultivation to be female, and the face certainly seems to be described as masculine. Quote on Cultivation being older would be nice. We have definitely been told that Honor and Cultivation got to Roshar at the same time, but that's all I've seen in relation to that. Now that is a very fun and interesting thought. I'll be curious to see where that goes.
  16. Yeah, I don't know. I actually never really thought about it and don't have reference material handy.
  17. I always thought that iron was the Canton of Orthodoxy.
  18. That may well explain a decent part of the presentation of the Street Slang.
  19. My curiosity mainly comes from a general interest in languages. I'm just wondering if the translations primarily use participles, gerunds, or some combination thereof in representing Spook's slang.
  20. What I'm trying to say is that maybe the level of Odium in the shardblades is enough to get Syl unhappy with them, but not enough for the violent reaction. We still really don't know how much of a Shard a Splinter is. As far as the negative evidence, I meant evidence against the common shardblades being of Odium.
  21. Except for the fact that she does have a very obviously negative view of the shardblades used by the Alethi, which she is not "surrounded by" by any means. The first time she and Kaldin come near one is Dalinar since Sadeas's camp has no shardbearers until Dalinar gives his to Sadeas. We really don't have much negative evidence there.
  22. It's entirely possible. We really don't know anything about Cultivation at this point, particularly when it comes to her current state of being.
  23. I realize this probably isn't the most elegant logic ever, but do we really have any solid evidence against normal shardblades being of Odium? I think the Syl thing is probably the only thing we have that in any way resembles evidence of who they might be of. That may also just be me. On the issue of Szeth's blade, I've been thinking further about how it may be of Cultivation. If I recall correctly (I don't have the book, so I can't really quote dig.), there is a comment about Szeth's blade fitting him perfectly, so to speak. I don't remember there being any such remarks about any other shardblades in the book, so this stands out to me as a pretty distinct difference that, in my humble opinion, feels Cultivation-y. As for Nightblood, some of my friends and I have actually hypothesized, based on the same evidence Cheese Ninja mentioned above, that perhaps Vasher is with the 17th Shard. (You know, since everyone else is. We can't go leaving Nalthis out of the mix.) This would provide some of those same opportunities that BS has suggested.
  24. That's a very interesting thought, especially since one of my friends has been suggesting that maybe Nightblood could be a predecessor to the shardblades somehow. That's a really interesting thought. Although there are some possible issue with that due to the fact that BS has stated that the theory about shardblades being Splinters of Honor is close (thus this suggestion that they're Splinters of different Shards), and that the divine Breaths of the Returned are our Splinters of Endowment. There may be some similar concepts going on, but I think Nightblood is probably something else.
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