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Everything posted by Quivil

  1. Halfway D, halfway (mostly a joke) F, mostly just that I tend to not start conversations with people I don't already partially know.
  2. Waitwait, if you make the heretics duel with each other, are they allowed to scheme about their strategy with each other?
  3. 10/10 As a middle kid, I can say that there is indeed something special about being the kid stuck in the middle. You get a turn at being the youngest AND a turn at being the oldest-in-the-house.
  4. For me at least, starting or joining conversations is easier here, but deep friendships are easier in person.
  5. As long as Wierdo and I stay on Cash like the villagers are supposed to, the only vote switching happening will be elim vote switching, which would doom them, so they won't do that. They'll take their coinflip at a win same as I would like us to.
  6. It makes sense. TUA/Cash are V/E and TUA flipped V, so clearly Cash is Elim. At this point he's just openwolfing in thread. Weaver isn't following the plan to flip Cash, and Wierdo is, so clearly Weaver isn't acting in the village's interest - we as the village CANNOT vote for different people or we die. Also, Cash is voting Wierdo, and saying it won't be a coinflip exe if one of the villagers switches to voting Wierdo. Thus, the elims are the two people currently (and permanently, likely) voting on Wierdo.
  7. Weaver! Unless you're evil, you should be voting Cash, because everyone knows FOR SURE that Cash and TUA were not teamed.
  8. It's just about The Game. The one that you lose whenever you remember it. -------- I am not entirely caught up yet, but I do have some thoughts. TUA/Cash are probably not E/E (I know, this is obvious to everyone else, just let me get my thoughts down.) Weaver/Wierdo are (probably) not E/E I'm leaning village on Aet. I'm leaning a bit elim on Weaver and TUA, but the reason I'm leaning elim on Weaver is likely NAI. (things changed while I was typing this up.) TUA said to vote Cash and that he'd explain later. This could be to get us to lylo (where e!TUA would probably win,) and I don't like that idea. From what I've seen, even with homework and school Wierdo is being quieter than I'd expect. (Maybe that's just because he's better at managing priorities and such than I was when I first started playing SE in school *shrug*) Also, often SE has a way of taking over your brain space whether or not you want it to if you're checking it enough. Edit (sorry): I suppose if TUA and Cash were e/e, TUA would not be trying to die on the "Kill Cash!" hill.
  9. I know Sorry, my tone didn't make it through cyberspace very well
  10. *adds to town list* Liking salmon is rEALLY not a good reason to read someone as village Just sayin'
  11. Salmon is really good, cooked right. I'd prefer to skip the murder, but I did sign up for this, so I can't complain. Edit: Also, sorry, I'm still on cycle one right now and don't have thoughts to share yet. I can get caught up more later.
  12. Quick question -- Why is this a cult? Edit: I see I am interrupting something. Feel free to ignore me entirely; I apologize for my intrusion.
  13. What does aziphrale mean? Google thinks I'm asking for a different word and I don't know how to make it not.
  14. Question, just for curiosity's sake: What's the difference between being in the closet and being in the egg? Are they different?
  15. uh


    maybe I'm back

    maybe not

    I don't know yet

    1. Experience


      Heyo! How you been?

    2. Quivil


      I have been!

      Mostly good, but with some random crying thrown in.

      My family missed seeing the long eclipse even though we drove a few hours to be in the path of totality because clouds happened.

      I got to take care of small children after their school day ended. This went on for several weeks and was quite fun, but also not.

      Also, College. It do be.

  16. Most of the interactions I have had with boys I'm friends with have been with my brothers or cousins. Maybe that just means I've had a weird life. I'm trying to figure out the non-physical differences in how the interactions should be because the physical ones are obvious and nobody ever really talks about the mental/emotional/social/intellectual/whatever-other-not-physical-types-of differences in how the interactions should be. Should I tease him and talk to him and treat him and support him and encourage him and worry about his problems and try to help him and fight with him like I would one of my brothers? Or differently? If differently, how? In trying to understand this all it doesn't help that I kind of stunted my own social and emotional growth. That's probably why I need this help. (Oh also, this is specifically in regards to someone who likes spending time with me and probably knows I like spending time with him.)
  17. Semi-awkward question I would really like an answer to: In the non-physical ways, how ought one treat someone they like* differently than they ought to** treat a sibling***?
  18. I found these in my clipboard.

    I may have written this one, it sounds like something I maybe did: "It broke. It broke and I cannot fix it. I cannot build it, I cannot break it again. I cannot name what is broken, I only know that it Is and I will never know how to mend it again." Did I steal it and forget I stole it?

    I'm sure I didn't write this one, it doesn't sound like me (it's too good) and I have not even a vague memory of writing it (or something similar) like I do with the other one: "One day the world will be too much for me. Too big. Too vast. I will be unable to stomach it. I will take my first sip of despair and I will watch as the light in my chest goes out. I will keep living, knowing what it once was like to be hopeful."

    If one or both of these are yours, or you might know whose they are, please tell me?

    1. Quivil


      Heyyy I found them!

      I did, in fact, steal them and forget all about it. I'm still not sure where I stole them from tho.

  19. I've been doing habits wrong.


    But hey, now that I know that (and how to do them better) I might be able to manage essays better!

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