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Status Updates posted by 2EmLee2

  1. I’m at an optometrist appointment right now and they put some eye drops in my eyes and now my eyeballs feel less squishy than normal

    this is weirdddddddddd

    1. The Wandering Wizard
    2. 2EmLee2


      Yep :wacko: (and I can’t focus my eyes up close so even typing this out is hard)

    3. The Wandering Wizard

      The Wandering Wizard

      Yup, good old dilation and the loss of reading for a few hours.

      Hopefully they'll go back to normal soon.

  2. I went to a white elephant gift exchange

    I gave: A pair of tiny decorative 18th century shoes

    I got: A fuzzy blanket

    Nevermind, it got stolen.

    I got: A box of festive chocolates

    Except, I can’t have large quantities of milk.

    Luckily, someone brought a thing of tiny lemon poppyseed muffins for a treat that no one ate so I got to take the entire box :) 

    1. Szeth_Pancakes


      I love white elephants :D

    2. Morningtide


      White elephants are fun! I went to one last night that had some exceptionally bad gifts. yours sounds more fun :D

  3. Something really weird just happened.

    I just got home from ballet when I start to feel like I’m falling and spinning at the same time. If I move my head even an inch, it gets worse.

    This has happened once before, a year ago. I was over-exhausted and the spinning was so bad that I barfed. Thankfully, it went away in the morning, but I stayed home from school the next day just in case.

    I might have exerted myself a bit too much today because on Mondays I have both Spin Club (like colorguard but off-season) and ballet back-to-back, and we did some strenuous stuff in ballet…

    I hope this goes away soon. :wacko:

    1. PyroPhile


      Oh noes… that’s not good :(

  4. I just went to see my school’s production of A Christmas Story: The Musical!

    ‘Twas quite good. Maybe I should try to be in a play…

  5. So I’m not even going to try to catch up on all my notifications.

    if anything super important or life-changing happened, I’ll look at it if you tell me where to find it. I’ll try to catch up on (some) of the RPs I’m in, but I just want to be present again (especially now that Mini-Mini-Enter has joined)! You people are storming awesome and I’ve missed being here!

    So a quick overview of what’s happened on my end:

    I started high school!

    We got another kitty! (Her name is Pepper and she’s a teeny tortoiseshell)

    We got a puppy! (Her name is Poppy and she’s a teeny cavapoo)

    I’m learning to sew!

    I met another Sanderfan!

    I’m in a DnD club!

    I’m in a club that is basically off-season colorguard!

    I have little to no free time each week and that free time is spent reading or procrastinating, but I hope to procrastinate by coming on here instead of doing something like watching YouTube.

    I had a goal to rereread the entire Mistborn and W&W seriess before tLM came out but I underestimated how much time high school takes up, especially with having one or two after-school things 4/5 days of the week. I’m currently on HoA and am trying to read faster so I can get to tLM!

    (oh also I’m sleep deprived :D)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 2EmLee2


      of course you can feast your eyes on the adorableness of tiny animals :D 


      and then Poppy got a haircut and looks like a completely different doggo but I don’t have any good pictures yet

      I would put more but there are some odd tech issues so some of the pictures aren’t loading


    3. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm




      they are so CUUUUTTTEEEEEEEEE

    4. Enter a username
  6. If you’re wondering why I haven’t been on since school started…

    Well, first and foremost, school and extracurriculars take up a lot of time.

    Second, 47B227EE-BAC7-4438-8F3E-E7242C214EC4.jpeg.facc6acc49ddaa6ff9b36745e6df8fce.jpeg.


    I don’t have time to go through 208 notifications! 
    Well I suppose I’ll be back sometime in the maybe near future.

    1. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      The way I sort through chunky numbers like that is by going through the threads I follow instead of actually messing with the notifs

    2. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      By the way, that's exactly the sort of problem I'm in the middle of solving now!

  7. My sister had her birthday party today, and it was draining. My sister is pretty loud on her own, but having ten of her running around and literally screaming was… definitely something.

    And so, like the introvert I am, I may or may not have just spent the last 3 hours watching YouTube in the dark pit that is known as my bed, eating candy I got from the piñata. (after all the guests left, of course)

    1. Channelknight Fadran
    2. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      And I may have dodged the whole thing by staying outside.

    3. Morningtide
  8. Two things.

    One: Yesterday, I went to a back-to school thing where we met our advisory class and got to know each other. We did an ice breaker thing where we stood in a circle and someone in the middle said something they like and you went to a different spot in the circle if you like that thing. When it was my turn, I said that I like books.

    Guess how many people moved.

    I’ll give you a hint: it was not a high number.

    If you guessed zero people, you would be correct! Zero people in my advisory class like books!


    Two: I made a design submission for the W&W T-shirt design contest! I would put a picture of it on here, but it isn’t letting me attach the photo. =(
    My idea was a “Mistdress,” under the category of an in-world product. Here’s a fun description I wrote for it:

    Introducing, the Mistdress!
    All the Alomancer ladies in Elendel want one! Made of reinforced, durable, and lightweight fabric, the Mistdress is perfect for any ball, party, or midnight Allomancing around the city! The bell-shaped skirt is made from hundreds of Mistcloak tassels, artfully arranged to be easy to dance, run, and shoot through the air in. Hidden pockets allow for easy access to metal vials and any other object a lady would like to carry with her. Hand-embroidered on the bodice are beautiful misty swirls, designed to allow near-invisibility in the mists. Bell-shaped sleeves mean easy mobility of the arms, with lots of room for a hidden glass or obsidian dagger or two. And, every purchase of the Mistdress comes with a free pair of black leggings!
    Get your Mistdress now! 


    1. Morningtide


      That's a really cool idea! Also I feel your pain about your advisory class. Good luck.

    2. SymphonianBookworm


      I'm so sorry... These kinds of things happen to me too...

  9. Describe me in 5 words (I'm doing a social experiment)

    (Anything can count- my sister said “never gonna give you up” and Enter said “Umm Ok Well Er Hurmm”- and one of my friends said “Currently doing a social experiment”)

    1. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      As noted above, I have already participated.

    2. Morningtide


      kind, cool, has good style. 

    3. Elf


      A pretty huge Sanderson fan

  10. I’m most likely getting a sewing machine in the very near future!

    1. Mat


      Make a Mistcloak :ph34r: 

    2. 2EmLee2


      I already have one :ph34r:

  11. I just got a spam call and I was like, Ooh, maybe it’s a call center and I can mess with them! It was, indeed, a spam call center. I made my voice sound old and went through all the pleasantries, then the guy on the other line said, “I understand you’re looking for the best Medicare plan.” And I said, (still in my old lady voice), “Well, I’m 14 so my parents take care of everything.” There was a pause. “Hello?” I asked.

    ”Shut up, [b-word],” the guy replied.

    Commence immediate laughter from my sister and I and a hanging up of the phone.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran

      Last time someone asked about my car's extended warranty I told them that my insurance company was God Himself

    3. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      Next time I get a call about my car’s extended warranty, I’m going to say I have a 2010 Sadeas model (or something similar)

    4. Morningtide


      My friend always answers spam calls by saying "hello, would you like to hear about your car's extended warranty?" And they always hang up immediately.

  12. Nachooooo






















    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      There’s another one that didn’t upload for some reason— EmLee, can you post the close-up of his face that I took?

    3. 2EmLee2
    4. Enter a username

      Enter a username

      Yup, that’s the one!

  13. I just found out that my cousin has cancer.

    Really, really bad cancer.

    If you’re the praying type, please keep him in your prayers that the doctors can find the right treatments and medications for him, and that he can be able to live a long, happy life.

    Thank you.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      I'm so so sorry, i'll be praying really hard for him. Storm cancer.

    3. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      That's awful. I'm really really sorry, that sounds unbelievably difficult.

      Of course I'll pray for your cousin- and your family. May we all find strength in hope.

    4. Morningtide


      I will absolutely pray for you and your cousin and your family. 

      I hope everything turns out well. 

  14. I just got back from a baseball game. I spent half as much time in the crowd as I did getting junk food.

  15. I just watched Barbie and the Twelve Dancing Princesses for the first time since I was little, and… well, the quality of movie graphics since then has definitely gotten better. I can say that it wasn’t visited by the Suckfairy, though!

    1. Morningtide


      Yay! Nice reference btw. I got it without the link :D

  16. Stake dances are fun. And loud.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 2EmLee2


       There’s another stake dance at a neighboring stake on Saturday in the state that your profile says you live in as well… what if it’s the same stake??? It’s very most likely not, but…

      @Matrim's Dice

      At the most recent dance at that stake (which I went to with some cousins) cops were called on us and they played a song from Frozen. Does this sound familiar? If so… then I know what stake you’re in. If not, then oh well.

    3. Mat


      I don’t think that happened but maybe I missed it :P This one is one where we’re inviting a neighboring stake.


    4. Morningtide


      My stake had their first one on Tuesday, which I successfully avoided. I might consider going to the next one lol. I'm glad you had fun

  17. Thank you for the follow!

    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      Ditto! You seem pretty cool :lol:

    2. 2EmLee2


      Thanks- you do too!

  18. Yesterday, I was playing around with one of those AI text generator things and ended up writing the first part of a story! But, then, the free version expired. I actually like the story so far, but I have absolutely no idea how to continue it. 

    Here's the story, if any of you want to read it:


    -chapter 1-

    Evi was walking in the woods, enchanted by the trees - sighing in the magical breeze, singing to the clear, blue sky The wind that rustled the branches swept through her long, auburn hair and her ed-purple tunic-dress. A rustling in the bushes distracted her from her thoughts.

    Evi scanned the area around her. The rustling grew louder, and she tensed, prepared to fight if necessary. 

    A man stepped through the underbrush, and she stifled a cry of surprise - almost no one ever came through the forest these days.

     "Who are you?" she demanded.

    The stranger stepped closer, and she saw that he was dressed in nice clothes, his dark brown hair styled elegantly. "My name is Adran," he said.

    "Why are you in my woods?" Evi asked, preparing in her mind her next actions.

    "I wanted to get away." Adran's eyes were dark, and he would not meet her gaze.

    "From what?"

    "From my parents. From my life." Adran's voice was full of bitterness.

    "And you thought you'd find refuge here?" Evi asked skeptically.

    Adran shrugged. "It's as good a place as any."

    "You can't stay here," she said finally.

    "And why not?" Adran asked, his tone verging on pleading.

    "Because this is my home, and I don't want you here."

    Adran's eyes flashed, and he took a step toward her. "And what are you going to do about it?"

    "Make you leave." Evi's hands started glowing with a deep red light, and she took a step forward, her power crackling around her.

    Adran's eyes widened, and he took a step back. "What are you?" he asked, his tone suddenly fearful.

    "I'm the Keeper of the Forest," Evi said. "And if you don't explain yourself, you'll regret coming here."

    Adran took a deep breath, probably trying to think through what he was seeing. "I told you, I just wanted to get away."

    "There's more to it than that," Evi said. "Tell me."

    Adran hesitated for a moment, then his shoulders slumped. "My parents are nobles," he said. "They arranged a marriage for me to a woman I don't love. I can't go through with it. I was running away."

    "And you thought you could come here and hide?" Evi asked.

    Adran shook his head. "I don't know what I was thinking. I just had to get away."

    Another breeze whispered through the canopy. Evi considered him for a moment, then she made a decision. "You can stay," she said. "But you have to promise me one thing."

    "What?" Adran asked, hope suddenly lighting up his features.

    "You cannot go back, not until ten years have passed."

    Adran frowned. "But that's such a long time."

    "It's necessary," Evi said. "The Forests are willing to protect you, but you have to be willing to let them. This is your chance to get away, Adran. But you have to promise me."

    Adran hesitated for a moment, then he nodded. "I promise."

    Vines covered in red light crept upwards from the dirt, entwining themselves around Adran's wrists and ankles.

    "What are you doing?" he asked, struggling against the vines.

    "Making sure you keep your promise," Evi said. "You will be bound to the forest until ten years have passed. If you try to leave, your body will be consumed by the vines."

    She waved her hand and the vines receded, but a single, faint mark was left on Adran's wrist, a reminder of his promise.

    "You will be safe here," Evi said. "But you must stay hidden from the outside world."

    "What will I-"

    Evi smiled. "The Forests will take care of you," she said. "You will want for nothing."

    "Nothing?" Adran asked, his brow furrowed.

    "You will have all that you need," Evi said as she turned to leave.

    "Wait!" Adran called after her. "What about companionship? Can the forest provide that?"

    Evi paused. "That is the one thing you will have to earn. After all, there is only one other person in this forest- me."

    Evi looked at Adran for a long moment, her expression unreadable. Finally, she said, "You can take shelter within my clearing. Don't expect any contact from me after the first few days, though- I can't babysit you forever."

    Evi led Adran to her clearing, her mind churning with thoughts. He was the first person she had allowed in the forest, and she didn't know what to think of him. She didn't know exactly why she didn't shoo him away like she did every other traveler.

    Adran followed her silently, his eyes darting around the clearing. "This is your home?" he asked. About twenty paces across, the area was devoid of trees, but the canopy of the surrounding branches reached through to cover the perimeter. She had set up a little nest of sorts in the center, where the sun shone, and she could see the starry sky at night.

    Evi nodded. 

    "Thank you for letting me stay," he said.

    "You're welcome," Evi said. 

    Evi prepared a quick meal as Adran inspected his surroundings. They ate in silence, neither of them wanting to speak. Afterwards, Adran said he was tired and retired to his own nest the forest had put together while they ate - made of soft leaves and moss, it was very similar to Evi's, except a bit bigger to accommodate Adran's broader frame.

    Evi sat by the cookfire, her mind racing. She was drawn to Adran, but she didn't know why. He had this soft but intense air about him, appearing to be one way on the outside, but implying a much deeper personality. Eventually, she retired to her own nest, lulled to sleep by the forest.


    -chapter 2-

    The next morning, Evi was already up, preparing breakfast. Adran could tell she knew he was up, but she didn't turn around or acknowledge him. 

    "Why do you keep yourself so distant?" he asked finally.

    Evi turned to look at him. "I told you; you have to earn my companionship."

    "And how am I supposed to do that?"

    "That's for you to figure out." 

    Adran frowned. "You said the Forests would take care of me. What did you mean by that?"

    "You can ask it for anything you'd like. As long as it agrees with what you want, it will provide. Like this," Evi stood and walked over to a tree, resting her head on its trunk. She whispered something Adran couldn't hear, and a small vine covered in bright blue berries crept down from the branches.

    Evi smiled and plucked one of the berries, tossing it to Adran. "You see?"

    He caught it and examined it. "What is it?"

    "It's a muioberry. Go ahead and try it."

    Adran took a tentative bite, then his eyes widened in surprise. "It's good!" The delicate skin of the berry popped in his mouth, like a blueberry, but it tasted like a mix between a blackberry and a pomegranate.

    "The Forests provide for all of our needs," Evi said. "You just have to know how to ask." 

    "How did you become the Keeper of the Forest?"

    Evi was silent for a long time. "It's a duty that's passed down in my family," she said finally. "My parents were the previous Keepers, and when they died, it fell to me. Someday, I'll marry and have a singular child, who will do the same. We've been looking after the woods for countless generations, keeping people out and preserving the magic."

    "And if someone comes in?"

    Evi's eyes hardened. "Then I make them leave."

    "What about me? Why didn't you make me leave?" Why did Evi allow him to take refuge in the woods? Why was he the only one here?

    Evi grew thoughtful. "The forest told me to. It said you were different."

    Adran rested his hand on a tree trunk and whispered, quiet enough so Evi couldn't hear, "Please, show me why you chose me."

    A fierce wind ripped through the trees, shifting the branches overhead. When the gusts stopped just seconds later, there was a singular beam of light piercing the green cover. The beam landed solely on Evi.

    Evi looked up. "How did you do that?"

    "I- I don't know- I think the forest did-" Adran stuttered.

    "It took me several days before the forest responded to me. Why would you be different..." Evi trailed off, her gaze distant.

    Adran watched her for a moment before he spoke up again. "Evi, what's wrong?"

    "I- nothing, it's just- I think I understand why the Forest chose you now."

    Evi looked at Adran, her eyes full of wonder. "I've decided- you no longer need to earn my companionship- you being chosen by the forest was enough." She turned away, cheeks glowing with the faintest of blushes. "Come. I need to show you something."


    Adran followed Evi through the woods, her footsteps sure and confident. He followed her, his mind racing with questions.

    Finally, they came to a stop in front of a massive tree. Its bark was a deep brown, but hints of golden veins shew beneath the bark. Its massive branches loomed hundreds of feet off the ground in a captivating, but comforting, way. From what Adran could see, each leaf was unique- each of a different color or shape from the rest.

    "When Keepers die," Evi started, her voice reverent, "they don't actually perish. When it is time for them to move on, they come here. They somehow merge with the tree, their soul adding to the forest's magic. They aid the current keeper and look after them, as the keeper looks after the forest. My parents came here when I was ten, as did my grandparents when my mother was ten. I will do the same with my future husband and fellow keeper when I have a child of ten years old. Do you understand what I'm saying, Adran?"

    Adran looked at her, stunned. "I think so," he managed. "You're saying that the Keepers are immortal?"

    Evi nodded. "In a way, yes. Our souls are bound to the forest, and as long as the forest stands, we will, too. I'll never forget my parents, but I know that they're still with me, in a way. This is why we look after the forest - to protect the thousands of souls inhabiting this sacred place. The forest doesn't just let anyone in, Adran. From what I can tell by the stories my mother told me, only the Keeper, their spouse, and their children were ever let into the wood." Evi looked intently at Adran. "Do you understand why I brought you here?"

    Adran nodded, his throat tight. "I think so."

    "Are you willing to fulfill what the forest wants to ask of you? For at least ten years?"

    Adran looked at the tree, then back at Evi. He thought of his parents, and the life he was running from. He thought of the forest, and the magic he'd seen within it. 

    "Yes," he said finally. "I'm willing."

    Evi let out a breath. "Thank you."


    -chapter 3-

    Evi showed Adran around the forest, introducing him to the different trees and animals. Evi could see he was enthralled by the magic of the place, and quickly fell in love with it. 

    It was the Keeper's duty to look after the animals- of one was wounded, it knew by instinct to come to the Keeper, who would ask the forest for guidance in healing. If a plant grew sickly or weeds grew where they shouldn't, the Keepers remedied the situation. The forest has magic but needed a Keeper to use it.

    The days passed, and Adran learned how to care for the forest. He went with Evi on her rounds, and he started to understand the duty of the Keeper. 

    They spent the days taking care of the plants and animals, and evenings sitting around the fire. At first, they stayed on opposite sides of the flames, barely conversing. As the days, then weeks went by, they slowly started to sit closer together and talk for longer, about deeper topics. They grew closer, acting more comfortable with each other.

    One night, after sitting in silence for a long while, staring at the flames, Evi spoke up.

    "What was it like, out beyond the forest?"

    Adran thought for a moment. "It was different," he said finally. "There were more people, and more noise. Everything was so... hectic."

    "Did you like it?"

    Adran shook his head. "No, not really."

    Evi was silent for a moment. "Do you ever miss your old life?"

    Adran thought about it. "No," he said finally. "I don't miss it at all."

    "Not even your family? Your friends?"

    "My parents were never nice to me, and I never made any effort to make any friends. My life was just... Not really life. When my parents put me in an arranged marriage, I just kind of snapped. I wanted to live my own life, not one that everyone else chose for me. So, I ran away. I've lived more here during these past couple weeks than I had in my entire life. So no, I don't miss my old life, and I don't regret leaving, either. If I could, I'd stay here, forever."

    Evi was silent for a long time, digesting Adran's words. "Do you think you'll ever want to leave?" She had begun to appreciate the companionship, the other human being to talk to. She almost wished he would stay for longer than ten years, if everything continued the way it was.

    Adran shook his head. "No, I don't think so. I'm happy here. I don't really see the point in leaving."

    Evi was silent for a moment. "What about when the ten years are up?" she asked quietly. Her head knew, logically, that he'd probably want to leave. Her heart pounded, anticipating his answer.

    Adran was silent, thinking. "I hadn't really thought about it, but... I know that I can't go back to my old life. I think I want to stay here..." he said finally. "If you'll have me."

    Evi looked at him, her eyes shining in the firelight. "Of course I'll have you," she said. "You're the Keeper of the Forest now, just as much as I am."

    Adran laughed. "I think I could get used to that."

    Evi smiled. "I think you already have."

    If you do read the story, do you have any critique or thoughts on how the story can continue? I'm guessing this is where the main conflict should come it, but I can't think of anything good.

    I've actually done something like this before with a different AI, and both times the AI has tried to steer me towards a romantic story. The first time, I went along with it, seeing where it would go, and it certainly is... interesting. This time, though, I'm trying to keep it as a side plot and not the main focus. Maybe I'll share the first one once I go over it and make it less garhiavblbowifb.

    (The first time I used SudoWrite and the second time I used OpenAI)

  19. I just had the best steak I’ve ever had in my entire life. And it wasn’t even a really fancy steak- all that is special about it is that we cooked it on a Traeger grill. It had so. Much. Flavor. So consider this free advertising for Traegers because they’re awesome. 

    1. Mat


      My uncle makes Sunday dinner on his traegers every week, and every time I’ve had it it was fantastic

      He smokes everything in those, like root beer :P 

    2. danex


      is that like, apart of the normal process for making root beer or does he just take root beer and smoke it just cuz he can

    3. Mat


      I feel like it’s just a step in making homemade root beer but honestly I don’t remember lol

      It was good though 

  20. Hi!

    Wow, it's been like 3 months since the last time I was on here... I have 320 notifications... A lot has happened... 

    This is going to take a while.


    Here's a list of all the things I've been doing (and if you want more details you can read what I put in the spoiler boxes)

    I went to a fun church thing and met another Sanderfan!


    Pretty self-explanatory: It was a youth thing, and we did a service project and there was an older speaker who mentioned Brandon Sanderson and I about died of excitement. After his talk, Enter and I went up to him and basically said, "Hi! We're also fans of Sanderson!" (Unrelated note, I wore my M-bot pin there and Enter and I were put into a group with one of my school classmates and someone from my ballet class who I didn't know was a member of the church)

    I got a phone!


    There was a sale at Costco so my parents bought my siblings and I each an iPhone SE 3rd gen. These are our first smartphones ever so that's pretty exciting! I get distracted on YouTube very easily and I think I've been reading less because of it, though it's been getting better recently.

    I got Invisalign!


    My teeth are crooked, specifically the two teeth on either side of my font top two teeth. It's pretty annoying to take it out/put it back in every time I want to eat something, but it's manageable. And it's certainly better than braces! (Because my orthodontist is a family friend, we got a discounted price, so that was nice)

    I did a Ballet performance!


    My dance studio's big performance was "The Golden Book"- the plot is fairly simple. There are these dancers who get sucked into this magical book and transports them to the book of their dreams- each 'book' with several dances in that genre. My classes' dance was in the Mythology book- we were Egyptian Goddesses. During the last 30 seconds or so of the dance, I was in the very front with everyone else behind me. I thought it would be scarier than it was. I learned that I actually like preforming onstage, so I think I want to do some theater when I go into high school. My parents brought my siblings and by friend to see my performance and we went out to eat afterwards. 

    My parents bought a house!


    At our house (which we were renting) there were some plumbing problems that our landlord blamed on us when it wasn't our fault. Our lease expired about a month or two after the sewage problems, so my parents started looking online for houses on sale. The first one they looked at was perfect for our family (And only 5 minutes away!), so they put in an offer. It was accepted the evening they put the offer in.

    I went to a theme park!


    My school took all of the 8th grade on a field trip to Silverwood Theme Park! It's only about an hour away so we were able to get there a bit after it opened. My friends and I took our science and math teachers on a Teacher Torture Palooza Extravaganza Hour where we rode a bunch of roller coasters with our teachers! I rode Aftershock (the most intense ride in the park) with my science teacher and I heard her say the S word! :blink: I got a funny parrot- I mean, chromatic chicken- hat and a purple stuffed bear at the gift shop.

    (By the way, my family and I are planning on going to Silverwood again sometime during the last part of the summer, so if any of you also live in that area and want to meet up...)

    I finished Middle school!


    On the last day of school, I wore a new light purple dress for the first time and now it's my favorite dress. Each class was only about 20 minutes long so we could say goodbye to our teachers and classmates. It was really fun but also bittersweet. I'm going to miss some of my teachers- I had some really good ones this year.

    We thought my dad might have cancer!


    One day, my dad started experiencing some pain in his lower back. He thought it was just a sore muscle, but it kept getting worse and worse. Then we thought it was a kidney stone, but even after it would have passed, the pain kept coming back. After 3 trips to the ER in two days and 3 CT scans, the doctors noticed a mass on one of his kidneys. A scope and a biopsy later, we know it isn't cancerous like we suspected. We still don't know exactly what it is, but at least it's not cancer!

    We moved!


    We got the keys to the house my parents bought on my mom's birthday (the last Tuesday of the school year), and we started moving the Monday after school got out. It was actually Enter's birthday, but he went to a church Young Men camp the week we moved so he didn't have to do anything. My grandparents and my dad's sister and her family came to help us move and I spent most of the time messing around with my cousins. We got more stuff done with our family than we ever could have done on our own. (Yay procrastination!)

    I visited family for the 4th of July!


    My siblings and I went to visit family for the 4th without our parents because my dad was to have a thing for his kidney on the 5th. 

    Some of the stuff I did while with family:

    - @Spensathecat made me try on jeans and a crop top and I almost cried because of how much I hated it. 

    - Watched a parade and got candy that got ruined from leaky otter pops.

    - Hung out at my cousin's relatives' giant backyard with a tree house, pickleball court, ginormous ball swing, and some swing sets and slides.

    - Met another Sanderson fan who has a son who is also a fan!

    - I went to the mall with Spensathecat and her sister! That was my first time going to the mall without an adult!

    - I went to the gym with one of my cousins 'cuz why not?

    - I played a card game with the adults and made my uncle swear twice :P

    I bought 3 tiaras!


    I never really gave up my childhood dream of being a princess. Now all I need is a ball gown!

    We got a cat!


    He's an all-black cat and his name is Nacho (After Nacho Libre from the movie of the same name). He's about 6 months old and he likes to play-attack you and he's freaking adorable. We were going to name him Alcatraz, but my dad convinced us otherwise. Also, he goes crazy for wet cat food so much so that it's hilarious.

    I went to a church Girl's Camp!


    Things I did at camp:

    - Swam in the river (Well, not 'swam' because I can't swim, but I used a life jacket to float around)

    - My tent group won an award for Best Acting for a skit we did on Skit Night

    - Played Uno and another card game that I forgot the name of

    - Did the polar dip 3 times

    - Made some crafts

    - Learned a line dance

    - Did a scavenger hunt

    - Watched a movie

    - Did a hike

    - Did some archery

    - Rickrolled some people

    - Sang lots of songs

    - Stayed up too late talking with new friends

    I went to my first church Stake dance!


    There's a Youth dance put on by the church every month for people 14 and up. My dad made Enter go with me, but he didn't really dance (Except when a girl asked him to dance a slow dance >:)) I only did one slow dance when a boy a year younger than me asked me to dance with him. Overall, it was really fun!

    There was a family reunion on my mom's side!


    A bunch of family on my mom's side that I haven't seen in six years came to town! I hung out with the group of 5 cousins my age the whole time and we did a lot of line dances together. There was a pioneer day thing that we all went to, and we did line dances there. There was another stake dance we went to, and we did line dances there. We did line dances on a hike. We did line dances at 3 in the morning when we pulled an all-nighter. So. Many. Line dances!!!

    We also played Mash several times and had some hilarious outcomes.

    My dad's parents made a surprise visit to us, who live 8 hours away!


    They arrived at noon and left the next morning. We hung out with them went out to eat, and played a card game (which I tied for first place with Enter)

    I went bowling!


    My friend took me, our other friend, my little sister, and her little brother bowling. We played 2 games, and I won the first game and overall. I got 2nd place on the 2nd game. I never knew I was so good at bowling- I've only ever played once or twice before.

    Misc stuff:


    I made an out-of-context list for my family that I'll probably dump onto Sharder One-liners one of these days.

    I have a goal to finish re-reading the entire Mistborn trilogy and the Wax and Wayne series before The Lost Metal comes out. I'm already several chapters ahead of my daily reading requirement that I set for myself.

    On the livestream yesterday, I put in the live chat that I made several hundred 7th graders read Skyward (It's technically true!) and one of the mod people said I was doing a good work :D 

    I saw Thor: Love and Thunder in the theater and I loved it. It was hilariously incredible, though some of my cousins would disagree.

    Yep, a lot has happened. Now excuse me while I go read through the 300+ notifications you all left me with- and don't be surprised if it takes a few days! ;P 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran


      Re: Bought a house

      Just... casually? Out of nowhere? "Oh hey. It's a house. Let's buy it."

      Are you parents both millionaires?


      Re: Purple dress & tiaras

      This is your ballgown. Those are your crowns. You are a princess in our hearts.


      Re: Not cancer

      Well thank goodness


      Re: Hated jeans and crop top

      ...were you almost crying because of the crop top? Or were you almost crying because of the jeans?


      Re: Being surprise adopted by Fadran

      I mean whaaaaaaat? I would never surprise adopt you and Enter!!! :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:

    3. Enter a username

      Enter a username


      Re: We got a cat!

      Specifically, his full name is Kris P. Nacho

    4. DramaQueen



      Re: might do theatre in high school


  21. Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about the Shard! I’ve just been extremely busy because a lot has happened since I last checked up on here. I’ll probably make another SU explaining what I’ve been up to (I’ve been up to a lot of things) when I find the time. But homework sucks, so y’know. It might not be until school gets out on the 17th that I find the time.

    Also, I’ve been having a lot of trouble with logging onto my account on different devices because it needs me to use the Google Authenticator app, but whenever I try putting in the code thing for it, It doesn’t work! If anyone knows how to help, please do. It would be much appreciated.

  22. Whelp.
    I’m having an arranged marriage.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai


      Please elaborate.

    3. 2EmLee2


      So, my dad’s friend from college and his family live near us so we go hang out with them a lot. The family has 3 boys: one my age, one my little sister’s age, and one who is 6 years old. Because my and the oldest are the same age and we are both nerds, my parents/his parents joke about us having to get married. Honestly, he wouldn’t be the worst person to have an arranged marriage with because he also likes books (though I have yet to introduce him to Sanderson), though it’s really weird to think about it because us kids are practically cousins.

    4. LukeWasTaken


      convert him to the Church of Sanderson.

  23. Ryad Hippy Bath!

    (Happy Birthday but scrambled up) :P

  24. I joined tennis and so I have like zero time after school so that’s fun.

    I had my first match on Tuesday. I was #6 Varsity singles and I lost. But it was really fun and it reminded my why tennis is awesome.

    I had a 6-day streak of reading one book every day. But then school happened.

    I read the Divergent series in four days (1 book a day, including the short story collection Four) and HOLY COW If you haven’t read it yet, go read it. It’s amazing. Though the ending is a bit…  controversial. But it’s so worth it. I think it’s one of my favorite serieses now.

    I also watched the first Divergent movie and it is nothing like I imagined the book to be. But it was pretty good.

    I need to write an essay by Tuesday without any help whatsoever from ANYONE and I’m stressed out about it because my brain feels like a black hole made of oatmeal whenever I try to work on it.

    I also read the Matched trilogy and it was pretty predictable. But it was good.

    I made a ceramic cup-thing. Half of it is pink, the other half is blue with a grey Allomantic steel symbol.

    Math is fun.

    I wrote an essay about how school start times suck.

    I like to look at memes and fanart about books I read right after I read them and I have wasted countless hours on doing just that.

    I am a big procrastinator. I am also very tired.

    I should probably go do my homework now…

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mystic Syn

      Mystic Syn

      Ah, Divergent. I remember reading that series; I also remember it being good. Looking back on it now… yeah, uh, I have some problems with the worldbuilding, but eh. If you enjoyed it, that’s all that matters.

    3. 2EmLee2


      My essay, for those who’d like to read it:


          Did you know that school administrators are inadvertently killing their students? Early school times have a massive impact on the lives of adolescents ranging from life-or-death situations to decreased mental and physical health, lower success rates in adolescents, and the detriment of the future of our nation as a whole. According to “How Would Later School Start Times Affect Sleep?” by Eric Suni, high schools in the US have an average start time of 8:00 am- much earlier than the average teen naturally wakes up due to their brain chemistry. School start times should be pushed back for the well-being of our students.

          One of the leading causes of death among youth is car wrecks. There is a strong correlation between auto accidents and school start times. Additionally, according to “Lack of sleep can turn teens into ‘Zombies’” by Stephen Ornes, most reasons teens don’t get enough sleep at night is because they have to wake up early to be to school on time. Sleep loss is also shown to cause higher risk of depression. Severe cases of depression can lead to suicide that could be avoided by later start times. Lack of sleep can also cause people to make unwise decisions, many of which could have life-threatening consequences. If students partake in drugs or alcohol, it may cause their still-growing brains to be affected in negative ways such as choosing to drive while intoxicated. Also, while under the influence, students may do things that can risk their life that their drug-addled brain classifies as safe. School’s inability to start later is causing fatal results, but early start times can’t just shorten lives, they can also decrease the quality of life as well.

          Many teens experience mental health issues and physical health problems, though they could be less severe if teens got more sleep. The article I mentioned above says that “Sleep-deprived teens… are more likely… to suffer from anxiety, depression, and mood disorders.” In that same article. It also says that sleep deprivation correlates with obesity. These two points illustrate the benefits of sleep, but there’s more. Often, when teens are tired, they drink energy drinks or other caffeinated drinks. This keeps them awake during the day but also disrupts their sleep at night. This causes them to be more sleepy the next day, and the cycle continues. Schools are causing students to lose sleep, meaning that they may be a major factor in many students having depression, obesity, and caffeine addictions.

          In addition to better health, more sleep can result in better grades. One former teacher (now a sleep scientist) says that most of her students (presumably in the morning) were half-asleep, not participating or asking questions. This meant that the students weren’t fully processing the information, which led them to get worse grades. This is reinforced by a graph titled “Student Academic Performance” where a strong correlation between later school start times and higher average grades. The informational study/article “Later School Start Times Promote Adolescent Well-Being” by the American Psychological Association has a list of benefits gained from sleep. Some of the points include improved memory, learning, attention, information retention and cognition, and student behavior in the classroom. It’s common sense that all these things would help improve grades, meaning that more sleep can lead to success.

          Some people may think, even after seeing these arguments, that it is still not a good idea to push back school start times because of the cost. In the article “Study: Later School Start Time Would Benefit Economy” by Kealey Bultena, it states that it would cost around $150 per student to make the changes required to push back start times. I would ask you this: How much is a life worth? I’d say that human lives are priceless, meaning that it’s worth any price to ensure the quality of the education of the students whose lives may rely on it. Speaking of the student's future, the kids of today grow up to be the adults of tomorrow. If we want our country’s - and maybe even our planet’s - future to be in good hands, we must educate the people who will be our future - and properly. They must get enough sleep so they can be educated citizens. Additionally, a study from the RAND company shows that moving start times back can add billions of dollars to the economy, offsetting the initial cost of moving back start times. Yes, it would cost a bit up-front, but it is worth it if moving back start times helps benefit youth’s lives, solidifying the future for students and improving our economy.

          I ask the students, current or past, when did your school start? Did you ever feel like you got enough sleep at night? If you didn’t, you’re not alone. We can change school start times for the future generations by sharing with school officials the facts about sleep and later start times: It reduces death in students. It increases both mental and physical health. It helps students succeed, and it can positively affect our economy and future. School start times need to be pushed back, and you, the reader, can help achieve that.

          Now go get some sleep.


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  25. Happy Easter!

    [Insert cannibalistic chocolate bunnies here]

    1. Morningtide


      lol. Happy Easter!

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