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Everything posted by Trusk'our

  1. Could you kill, or at least seriously harm all of the Fused by having a bond-smith enhancing the Connection that one of the Fused had to all the other Fused, then shoving a ton of anti-voidlight into that one by using a raysium weapon? We’ve seen that a radiant will be injured by having their spren destroyed, so maybe this same principle could be expanded on.
  2. Alright, even though it probably won't work...here's one more way I thought of to create the 'perpendicularity grenade' Could Dalinar store his ability to create a perpendicularity in an unsealed metalmind, and then that be used in conjunction with an allomantic grenade to force enemies into the cognitive realm?
  3. Yeah, I’m not sure how my brain managed to spawn this many questions about one subject within such a short time, but I’ll just put them in one post, so as to keep them a bit more together. What are some possible applications for Feruchemical Connection? We know that if you fill your metalmind, you automatically Connect to the land you are currently in, allowing you to speak the language of the natives. But could you do the reverse, like what Dalinar does with Connection, and tap a large amount in order to forge a Connection with someone, granting you an understanding of their language? Can you forge a Connection with one person, then forge a Connection with another person, and act as a bridge between the two? Could a strong Connection between people be used to perform telepathy, similar to how a radiant and their spren can use telepath with one another? We also know that you can control hemalurgic constructs using feruchemical Connection, so could you forge useful bonds with other entities, such as spren? Since spren normally are the ones who would make such a bond, thus giving them control over it, would you instead have control over the bond? After you made such a Connection with a spren, could you store the abilities in nicrosil metalmind so that you wouldn’t need the spren any longer? Would these forged Connections disappear immediately after you stopped tapping the metalmind, or like with Dalinar’s Connections or an allomancer’s domination of hemalurgic constructs, would they persist for a period of time? If not, could you create a strong Connection, then hemalurgically remove it and more or less permanently grant that Connection to yourself or someone else? If you tap feruchemical Connection, is it a passive ability with witch you have little control, it merely being an enhancement like when an allomancer burns pewter, or can you control it a little, like allomantic steel and how even when you burn it you don’t just automatically push on nearby metals. Can you store specific Connections to certain things, like how you can store specific senses or memories, or is it just a general storage of all your Connection? If you were to make a strong enough Connection to one of your other metalminds, could you tap it without needing to touch it?
  4. Hemalurgy uses a smaller portion of power, just enough to hotwire the spiritweb. So, could Forgery reasonably be used to create a hemalurgic spike that functions as any other spike would?
  5. Um…slightly morbid-ish question here. If a shardbearer’s arms get broken in battle or because they needed to be contained in prison and their captors didn't want to kill them, could they still summon their shardblade, or would their perception prevent them from doing this?
  6. Can you Feruchemically store the memories and Identity of yourself while under the influence of a Forgery, then after the stamp runs out, tap the metalminds to regain what you had been granted by the Forgery?
  7. Is there anything that special about Sand Masters compared to other magic users? What are they even good at doing, aside from making sand ribbons? They honestly seem to have the least potential of any magic system I can think of. But then again, maybe I'm wrong. any objections?
  8. Can an allomancer burn a piece of metal that is held within a thin container, or has a thin coating? If so, then maybe this method could be used to burn Harmonium or Tanavastium, if the metal pieces were kept secure and didn’t break out.
  9. If multiple people had unsealed metalminds that allowed for Dalinar’s bond-smith powers, could multiple perpendicularities be opened simultaneously?
  10. You're probably right. Still, it was pretty fun to come up with!
  11. I've got to get on there somehow.
  12. I meant if you pulled the spikes out first, then healed it with gold feruchemy. The spiritual damage should disappear after the spike is removed, as with the koloss in Secret History when they died, leaving only the physical wounds to heal. Plus, I don't think that aluminum would be a problem, as it blocks the flow of investiture through it, it doesn't absorb it or anything (I think).
  13. It’s been mentioned by Brandon Sanderson in his mistborn annotations that metals piercing your body can be allomantically burned. Could someone burn away a sword stabbed through them? Could they compound a metalmind too large to swallow by having a small part of it pierce their body?
  14. If you were to create a strong Connection to an invested entity, perhaps through feruchemical Duralumin, and then hum an anti-Rhythm of their investiture type, would it cause them more harm then it would otherwise do? Could a mistborn or powerful soother who was controlling a hemalurgic construct cause them harm by attuning an anti-hemalurgy Rhythm?
  15. Can you teleport through the spiritual realm via perpendicularity use, since time and space have no meaning there? If you could teleport using this method, would you be limited to where you could travel by what you have a strong enough Connection to? I haven't seen any proof of this yet in the books, but it feels weird that even though people can enter the spiritual realm to see the future, we haven't seen anyone use it to teleport long distances either.
  16. Could you turn a full nicrosil metalmind into a weapon by combining it with an “allomantic grenade”, to create a mini perpendicularity that sends your enemies to the cognitive realm? And if that doesn’t work, maybe you could create it instead by combining an unsealed feruchemical metalmind containing the surge of transportation with an allomantic grenade.
  17. Could you create a new Bands of Mourning metalmind by hemalurgically granting yourself all the necessary powers while in an air-tight aluminum box, so as to avoid being mind controlled by the local shard, then remove the spikes before you leave (using feruchemcal gold to heal the damage of removing the spikes, of course), and simply use the special unsealed metalmind to retain the powers?
  18. Will having someone tap a goldmind after recently granting that person a hemalurgic spike containing a human attribute cause the transformation to be slowed, stopped while tapping, or speed up the transformation? How much will perception matter in this case, since hemalurgy changes their spiritual aspect?
  19. If a human were to hemalurgically gain a gemheart and take warform, would they grow carapace? If so, would it be less pronounced since they don't naturally have any? Would you be able to have two or more forms at once using hemalurgy? If you hemalurgically granted someone a Fused surge, would they gain physical traits reminiscent of that Fused Brand? Can you hemalurgically take a greatshell’s gemheart, and use it differently than a singer’s gemheart?
  20. He could spike the cryptic itself. However, you are probably right; as powerful as Kelsier is, he's not likely beat Hoid, rigged match or not.
  21. What about his cryptic bond? And it doesn't necessarily need to permanently disable Hoid; Kelsier could use stolen powers to boost himself, so long as he's careful.
  22. I think you're probably right. Unless, of course, Kelsier starts throwing hemalurgy into the mix and ripping away Hoid's powers
  23. Can an item of biological origin be turned into a type IV bio chromatic entity? If not, could you achieve something similar by dumping a lot of breaths inside one?
  24. If a gorilla were store its strength in an unsealed pewtermind and a human tapped it, would they get more fast twitch muscles in addition to bigger ones?
  25. Is it possible to have more than one resonance, or would they interfere with one another too much, and become something else? Is there some way to go about gathering resonances if that was the only thing someone wanted, and not the powers involved (for some reason yet to be discovered)?
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