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Posts posted by GreyHive

  1. Last year I posted my end-of-the-cosmere theory, which can be found here. In lieu of breaking the spoiler policy (who would do that??), I am posting updates here and linking. I am open to feedback/criticism! TLM didn't do much to support it, but I also don't think it rules it out.

    Supporting my theories:

    • The army of Autonomy appear (lookswise) to be similar to the Iriali (Gold skin). The alignment Autonomy and the Iriali make sense thematically.
    • Autonomy's goal of spreading to different planets and investing avatars, align with the motivations I've put forth above.

    Detracting from my theories:

    • Bavadin is confirmed as holding Autonomy. 
      • I still believe Bavadin could use the Sleepless to accomplish her goals (stated above). She may have also created them, as they are not native to Roshar.
  2. Questions I'd ask Brandon if given the opportunity:

    • Can Sleepless swarms re-constitute if they choose to identify as one being?
    • Would a hordeling, born on Nalthis, whose swarm had been there for generations and whose Identity is linked to the location, and holds a Connection with Endowment,  be born with a Breath?
    • If a Sleepless were to hold a shard and a hordeling were to break away, would it be a Sliver? An Avatar? A Splinter?
  3. Hello all,

    I just finished listening to the Old Cosmere Theories Shardcast from last year. I've got a theory cooking in my head and could use some help validating or poking holes in it!

    Theory: The Sleepless will be the mechanism to reform Adonalsium and will be the primary antagonist against Hoid in the endgame of the Cosmere

    Supporting Evidence:

    • A vessel picking up a shard requires a sapient being in the Physical Realm.
      • The Sleepless are sapient beings in the Physical realm.
    • A vessel must have sufficient Connection to a shard to hold it.
    • A being can be Connected to multiple shards. *
    • Connection can be tied to an area (ex. Shardworlds) in the Physical Realm. This can cause beings that are heavily invested to be "stuck" in a specific location. *
      • The Sleepless are Cosmere aware and have the ability to world hop.
    • Connection can be inherited. * 
    • The Sleepless can selectively breed hordelings for a purpose. *
    • The Sleepless bodies are thousands of hordelings, sharing a single mind. *
    • There is an underlying theme of Identity and self-perception in the Cosmere. A table does not think of itself as multiple pieces of wood or nails. It sees itself as a whole. 
      • Hordelings have the ability to separate from the hive mind to operate autonomously, presumably changing their self-perception and Idenity in their spirit web. *
      • They can even lose contact Cognitively. *
      • Sleepless reproduce by forming multiple beings from their existing horde, meaning (presumably) all Sleepless are ancestors of a single original swarm.
      • Through a mental link (presumably in the Cognitive Realm) they can communicate with other swarms.
    • The Sleepless will play a very important role in Mistborn Era 4 *
    • Hoid will be a main character in Mistborn Era 4 *
    • Hoid's goals are unclear, but he may wish to reform of Adonalsium. Another entity doing so may interfere with his goals.
      • A Hoid/ Sleepless race to collect shards could be a major plot point towards the end of the Cosmere.

    In plain English: I believe the Sleepless, over thousands of years, will spread across all of the shard worlds, adapting to the local geography, cultures, and magic systems. Independent swarms with be Connected with the local investiture and shardic intent, and when the time is right, they will take up the power of each shard. Once possessing all of the shards, the Sleepless (communicating via their mental link) will re-identify as a single entity, pulling together all of the aspects and powers of Adonalsium.

    This, IMHO, is the most elegant way to overcome the barriers of a human or dragon reforming Adonalsium, namely geography and Identify.

    Other facts that seem connected, but I don't know what to do with:

    • The first Sleepless swarm to come to Roshar were said to look like spiders. * Could this play into the Spirit Webs?
    • The Iriali's religion of a single entity breaking into smaller parts to have diverse experiences, only to one day reunite. They are aware of the Sleepless. *
      • In this way, the Sleepless thematically match the shattering of Adonalsium.

    Known contradictions:

    • The Coppermind says once a vessel ascends, they lose connection with their former species. 
      • This is lowercase c connection. I disagree with the interpretation of the WoB, as question was more about classifying the vessel.


    Bonus Theory: Kelsier will inhabit a Sleepless body and will be that primary antagonist in MBE4

    Supporting Evidence:

    • The Ghostbloods have a Sleepless aligned to their cause.
    • Kelsier is bound to Scadrial.
    • Kelsier is known as the "Lord of Scars".
    • Sleepless, when imitating humans, have lines along their body where the hordeling intersect, appearing as either scars or tattoos.
    • Kelsier and Hoid have had conflicts. Hoid considers him very dangerous. *
    • The Set are said to have a longer timeframe for their goals
    • The Set are aligned to Trell (presumably Autonomy)
    • The Sleepless have a long timeframe, taking hundreds of years to selectively breed to meet their needs. *


    Bonus Theory: Autonomy now, or in the future, will be held by a Sleepless (maybe Patji)

    Supporting Evidence:

    • Autonomy is referred to with male, female, and non-gendered pronouns.
      • The Sleepless can present themselves as male or female and use non-gendered pronouns.
    • Autonomy has many avatars on many planets
      • The Sleepless are present on multiple planets
    • Autonomy has been known to appear in various forms
      • The Sleepless have the ability to change form by configuring different sets of hordelings
    • Patji (linked to Automony) is a shard of Adonalsium *
    • Patji (the island) has locations named after body parts (ex Eye of Patji, Patji's fingers)
    • Sleepless hordelings have been known to get as big as buildings. Perhaps they could continue to grow to the size of islands.

    Known contradictions:

    • Brandon was explicitly asked if Bavadin is a hive mind or an Amian, to which he said no. *
      • This question was about Bavadin, not Autonomy. Bavadin's coppermind page lists them as the original and current shard of Autonomy, but the citations don't appear to confirm this.


    PHEW! That was a lot. I look forward to hearing your thoughts, both confirmative and constructive. 

  4. @Georion / @Stormcrown - I hope your RoW reads went well and were spoiler-free. I know I'm about a month late in responding. 

    Looks like the day after this discussion, the Time Machine was rolled out: 


    This seems like the most elegant way to handle avoiding spoilers on recent releases. 

    If you are as far behind the overall Cosmere as I am, the spoilerblock code I whipped up has been working like a charm. Browse Coppermind without fear of spoilers.


  5. @Chaos / @Starwatcher / @Argent

    I've got an example mockup working on the Coppermind using the User/common.js and User/common.css that @Starwatcher recommended. After some consideration, I think this would work best as something people can configure individually.


    A few notes:

    * This should work with all existing pages within the Coppermind. No updates / on-going maintenance.

    * This is written in native Javascript, compatible with modern browsers. 

    * Anyone looking to implement would need the ability to create pages.

    * The book is hard-coded. 

    * I'm hiding the whole parent element. With more time, I could refine that down to just the sentence related to the citation.

      // Collect all citations containing Dawnshard
      // TODO: Dawnshard is hard coded. Would replace with any unread books.
      var spoilers = document.querySelectorAll('\*[id^="cite_ref-Dawnshard"]');
      // Add the spoiler class to the parent element of all citations
      spoilers.forEach(function (userItem) {
      /* Black out any spoilers */
      .spoiler {
        color: black;
        background-color: black;
      .spoiler a:link {
        color: black;
        background-color: black;
      .spoiler a:visited {
        color: black;
        background-color: black;
      /* When hovered over, reveal original text. */
      .spoiler:hover {
        background-color: white;
      .spoiler:hover a:link {
        background-color: white;
        color: blue;
      .spoiler:hover a:visited {
        background-color: white;
        color: blueviolet;

    Example of a hidden section


    Example of a revealed section (by hovering over)


  6. 55 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

    Hello there. You got the Staff's attention quickly. Like seeing your suggestions for spoiler protection. I myself tend to not care as I'll take any info I can get, but I see why we would want that. My question to you... Would you bond Kelsier?

    Hello @Aspiring Writer

    Of course. Kelsier is fantastic. He's in my top 4 Mistborn era 1 characters ( Sazed, , TenSoon and Vin)

  7. 33 minutes ago, Chaos said:

    I'm still skeptical even if the tech side worked that it would be feasible to actually write prose to do this. Like, as you say... you can't see an old version of Voidbringer. But in that article's case, that would mean we are supporting two totally different articles solely based on spoiler reasons. I am deeply skeptical this would be scalable to the literal thousands of articles we have. I don't know. I wouldn't want you to do work that we ultimately decide just doesn't fit things.

    All good @Chaos. Totally understand. 

    Tell you what, I'll mock something up this week.  I've already got something partially working. You give me the go/ no-go. 

    No pressure on this! I know there will be a lot going on this week. 


  8. 4 minutes ago, Starwatcher said:

    My thoughts are pretty similar to Argent's; something like this would be nice for readers, but MediaWiki if often... difficult to deal with and I don't think we're in a position on the technical side to implement something like this. On top of that, we already have a small group of editors and lots of content work to do, so any theoretical solution that would require lots of upkeep (plus the work to apply to all the current articles!) is basically a nonstarter. If you are aware of a wiki that has something like this, I'd certainly be interesting in hearing about how they make it work.


    The one other thing I would note is that there is, in fact, a way to see what the Voidbringer page (or any page) looked like before Oathbringer (or any other book). If you click the "History" tab at the top right of a Coppermind page, it will show you every edit ever made to that page. From there, you can click on the timestamp of any given edit to see what it looked like immediately after that edit. So, if, for example, you pick the last edit to the Voidbringer page before Oathbringer was released on November 14, 2017, you would get this: https://coppermind.net/wiki/Voidbringer?&oldid=66869. Of course, I know that's probably not practical all the time, especially if there are a lot of books you haven't read or if you want to read an article primarily about something from Secret History that touches on content from earlier books like Elantris, but it is an option that exists.

    Hi @Starwatcher!

    Understood. I am looking for ways to get involved with the community and current work in tech. This might make for a good side project. Based on how I am thinking about it (hiding elements based on annotations), it shouldn't require any changes or upkeep.

    Thank you for sharing that functionality! I'll check it out.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Argent said:

    I feel like even if we wanted to try something like this - which I agree would have value to the casual/new reader, there's a lot of "don't go to 17S/Coppermind/Arcanum until you've read everything" going around (and with a good reason...) - the technological challenge is still something we likely can't get around, MediaWiki is pretty limited in what it allows us to play with. Plus, our focus with the wiki has always been content, so any effort that takes away from writing content really has to be worth it, for most people. 

    I am personally not opposed to some kind of solution that gives readers better guidance (maybe instead of tagging individual sentences/paragraphs, we can tag entire sections, or entire pages), but I suspect it's going to be tricky to both come up with and implement; and it has to be a low-to-no maintenance solution too, because some version of this wiki will probably stick around for the next 30+ years...

    Hey @Argent! Love your content on Shardcast.

    Very understandable. I'll look into MediaWiki to see if they allow custom plug-ins or something.

    I may also look into writing a Chrome extension for this functionality. Most of this could be accomplished with Javascript. 

  10. 16 minutes ago, Koloss17 said:

    Hello! If you were to destroy any aspect of one magic system and replace it with another aspect of a different magic system in any of Brando Sando’s works, what would make the most interesting results?

    Woah! That question made me think!

    My favorite element from a magic system is Resonance. The idea of taking two sets of powers and combining them in unique ways is really intriguing! Would love to see that in Mistborn, perhaps replacing Duralumin. I think "super charging" ones abilities could be explained in a different way. 

  11. Woah! @Chaos I just watched/listened to a ton of Shardcast episodes. It's an honor to chat with you. Thank you for all that you do for the fandom.

    I thought about this. You are absolutely right. These wiki pages are living documents that change over time. Our understanding of a topic changes each time something new is added to the canon. 

    Two additional thoughts I'd like your opinion on:
    1)  As a casual reader, I'd be willing to trade off continuity / completeness of an entry to ensure I don't see spoilers, especially if I have the option to reveal the spoiler to see the full picture. If you make this an "opt-in" option, the majority of folks would see the Coppermind as it is today. Those like me will have the option to turn it on or off. 

      a. In your example, if I had not read Oathbringer and I went to the Voidhbringer page, I'd see a wall of black, letting me know lots of updates happened during this book. To my knowledge, there is no way currently to see what the Voidbringer page would look like with just WoR content.

      b. In your second example, if you were updating pages based on Mistborn: Secret History, you'd annotate them as normal. For users with "hide spoilers" turned on and Mistborn Secret History marked as read and Elantris marked as unread, all sentences / facts attributed to MSH would show and anything related to Elantris would be hidden.

    2) In a perfect world, each sentence or factoid would be attributed to a certain book/chapter/page etc. It'd be incredible to have a slider that would allow you to see how a page has morphed over time. Let's say you are reading Oathbringer and you wanted to brush up on Voidbringers, seeing that snapshot in time from WoR would be ideal. I say all this know it would be impossible to implement after the fact. :lol:


    I hope I understood your comment! If not, correct me and let's keep the convo going!


  12. Hello all! 

    I am new to the forums, but an avid user of the Coppermind. I apologize in advance if this is posted in the wrong place or if this has already been discussed. I tried searching for this and did not see anything.

    As I prepared for RoW / read Dawnshard, I realized how difficult it is to avoid spoilers once the Coppermind is updated. The site does a nice job of highlighting when a page contains spoilers, but if you still need info, it is tough to avoid specific "spoilery" sentences without looking at the bibliography/notes mentally blocking out those lines.

    THE IDEA: In your profile on the Coppermind, you select the books you've read. As you navigate the pages, any sentences attributed to books you haven't read are "blacked out", allowing you to reveal them by clicking. 

    I've built websites before and know this is possible. Not sure what the tech stack is for the Coppermind, but I could see this feature being useful in other Wikis/ fandoms.

  13. Hello! I'm new the forum, but an avid user of the Coppermind. 

    In preparation for RoW, I watched all of "The Overlady Reads" recaps, along with several late nights clicking through the wiki. Feeling very excited for Tuesday.

    I'm looking for ways to get involved with the community. Open to suggestions!


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