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Everything posted by Whysper

  1. Aww man, we lost. I woke up and saw the headline for this and only read a couple posts. Still need to go through the rest later. On my phone and out getting brunch now. I see Araris was one of the Elims. Man I was recently reading an Elim doc from a previous game and seeing how sneaky he was. Was he a Hema? I was recently working on trying to figure out the last Hema. At first I thought of Books, but recently matched up speech and words to Araris and think it's him. But I thought he was Villager and that's why I was starting to wonder if any Hemas were Elim. Anyway I'll look through this all later when I get a chance. Congrats to the Elims.
  2. I'm in Taiwan, so I likely won't be around for EoD either. I hope others will take a stand and vote as well. We need to see people more active now that we are on D8 already.
  3. Well, I didn't get around to blocking you before Hentient started his turn, so I think yours goes through. But I am blocking Hentient's foreign exchange now before the next player goes.
  4. Actually yours might have gone through since Hentient already started his turn.
  5. Ahh okay. How about the green then? Not needed for blocking? Oh, but it does say to do the coins and cards for challenges, so blocking is somewhat like that, right?
  6. Okay, then. As Duke, I block your Foreign Exchange. Cards: 2 Coins: 2
  7. Anyone can challenge, right? Not just the next player?
  8. How can the TLR prove themselves to the Elims? The Elims aren't notified. The TLR doesn't get access to the doc and doesn't know the Elims. I think for most people, if they are TLR, they will want to align with the Villagers. It is difficult to play the lone wolf. They won't know the Elims right away and have to wait until they happen to scan one before they can safely communicate with them through PMs. If the TLR aligns with the Villagers, they can be much more useful throughout the game. They just need to scan a couple people they sense they can trust to find a Villager, then start communicating in PMs. Their scans will be useful for finding Elims and they can feed the info to the trusted Villagers. The TLR can help build a town core by letting Villagers know who they can trust. Now an Elim might try to trick a Villager into thinking they are the TLR, so it might take a few cycles before trust can be developed. But in the long run, I think the TLR has the potential to really make a difference for the Villagers, whereas they can't do much but just hope they survive if they align with the Elims. Remember, the TLR actually has to survive to win with their team. I side more with Quinn's line of thinking that communication is best in all this. We should be discussing Elim strats. It's not like they won't be discussing their strats anyway. Now if you think of something particularly special and something that has a high chance of being overlooked, then yeah, maybe keep something like that to yourself. But otherwise we should discuss potential strats. Yes, on the surface it always look bad when we start MLing Villagers. But that's the nature of the game. I think there are usually around 80% Villagers and 20% Elims, give or take a few percentages. So yeah, there's a much higher chance to hit a Villager with each lynch. But each night kill has 100% chance to hit a Villager. Or to express it another way, each lynch has 20% chance to hit an Elim, but each night kill has 0% chance. And with each night kill, Elims tend to take out the players who appear most like Villagers, so this just makes it even harder later to figure out who to lynch. So we need to take those small chances to hit the Elims while our numbers are getting reduced anyway. Yes, I like how this is expressed. And the mention of voting patterns is good. It can help later to see where people voted, or which people avoided voting. So if you are a Villager, you should to take a stand on each vote as best as you can. Don't worry that you might hit a Villager. It's going to happen a lot, especially at the beginning. Just make sure to express your reasoning for a vote so that people see your line of thinking. How or where is this done? Sounds like a good idea. Ahh sorry, I might have been catching up on the thread on my phone while I was out, but didn't get all the way through to this yet. But this long wallpost has my thoughts so far.
  9. Oh, I've often heard about Resistance but never had a chance to play. Sounds cool.
  10. Yeah, the version I played was with the Inquisitor. But I do think it replaced the Ambassador.
  11. Ahh cool, yes, I'd like to join. I replied to the thread in the link. Not sure if too late. But thanks no matter what.
  12. I see a bunch of people mentioning Coup. I love that game, too.
  13. Oh man, I know. When I first joined my homesite of FoL, I was getting read as Elim sometimes just because of my emojis and writing style. Haha. One guy in particular just hated all the emoji. Oh, and in an anon game, people use emoji just to imitate me. haha.
  14. Oh, that does sound appropriate. And wow, she has a lot on her About Me page. And a few games under her belt. Cool. Whereas Danex has basically nothing on About Me. Though you do have an album. I didn't know you could do that.
  15. Haha, fun to talk to because of my incorrect guesses? I've been wondering about this more and more. It does seem like there should be one. The thing is, I think I know all the remaining Hemas and I'm not totally confident any are Elims. Condensation is the only one that gives me some Elim vibes, but I could see them just being this way and playing this way as newbie Villager.
  16. I basically like this list except for Burnt, who I think should be way down the list. I'll get to Burnt more later. I like your reasoning on putting Vapor a bit lower. I'd agree with either Wind or Silber for today's lynch. I kind of want to get Silber, but since you already voted Wind, I'll just follow for now. Wind You are correct that Elims will tend to do this. And Burnt didn't ask me this same thing. We talked about other stuff relating to roles, but nothing about who Elims would want to get rid of. Though you can ask Burnt later to confirm or deny whether this was part of their conversation with Connie. This sounds like a reasonable explanation. And I doubt Connie is making it up since Burnt is still around to confirm or deny it. Haha, you do realize Mist is just openly playing around with us at this point and trying to cause confusion and dissent, right? She was insinuating that she was working with Connie and trying to help Connie's claim by saying the same thing happened to her.
  17. Hmmm, losing invincibility just to get access to some doc doesn't sound like an improvement to me. Haha. But okay, got it. Thanks! Oh, and Danex, I guess that means you are right that it doesn't matter now if we want to put Condensation in that PoE now.
  18. @Lord_Silberfarben Okay if you don't think you should be lynched next, suggest someone else.
  19. So are you saying you should get a free pass every game? By not playing and not helping to find the Elims, you are anti-Village at the very least. BTW, you seem very concerned suddenly about being one of the next targets in the PoE. Interesting.
  20. Basically you fit the profile of the remaining Elims. Lack of activity and/or little experience. Severe lurking since D1. You talk about how you wait until D5 to start contributing, yet even at that point you haven't. You make just enough posts to stay in the game. Asking if there's anything you can do but saying there isn't much. And okay, you might say you are busy and couldn't. But then why are you hanging around now and not doing anything? Oh, I suppose to top it off, you just only had time for that statement to say "oh look, I'm such a Villager, I have no idea who the Elims are" So go tell all those Elim friends of yours to kill me tonight, otherwise I'm coming after you as the next lynch.
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