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Lecky Twig

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Status Replies posted by Lecky Twig

  1. Assuming the Shard isn't messing with me, happy birthday!

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      Thank you!!! the shard is not messing with you.

  2. I have... an idea. And it's a massive one.  Some people I think may be interested include...
    @AonEne @Fallapede @The Ward's Guard @xinoehp512 @Lecky Twig @Channelknight Fadran @Condensation @Vapor @Emi @Jaywalk @Doomstick
    If you were mentioned here, that means one of a few things. Either you've been a part of CBST, you know a lot about it, you've expressed interest in it, or I think you might like participating in this. That does not by any means imply that if you weren't mentioned you can't join. In fact, I'd like a TON of people to join this.

    So almost all of you guys reading this know the acronym CBST and perhaps that it stands for The Cosmic Battle to Save the Thread and that it was an RP started on TLT. Well, the CBST-verse is a MASSIVE one with cosmere-sized potential. CBST as it is now is... well, it's not exactly what I want CBST to be. And not just because the RP thread for it is pretty dead. No, see, as I said, CBST started on The Longest Thread and if you know anything about TLT, you know that it's a chaotic hot mess. That's not the most stable place to start a storyline. In the 2 years since CBST started, I have made massive leaps and bounds to organize the craziness that started there and I THINK we could really make something fun out of this. If y'all can't tell, I'm just begging for more CBST content, please send help.

    So here's what I'm proposing. I think we should essentially re-tell CBST. That implies that we'd just be re-doing CBST stuff, but that's not what I mean at all. There are so many different worlds, magic systems, and plot lines that could be explored here. If this sounds interesting to you AT ALL, just say so and I will add you to a PM. This will require some explaining of the magic (which I will explain as concisely as I can and allow for a ton of room for y'all to experiment) but I am STOKED for this to maybe take off. So thanks for reading all the way through this, I guess, and I hope you join up. 

  3. Do you ever feel...........................like a plastic bag?


  4. I think I'm going crazy :wacko:. Today in English, my teacher wrote 'I am sick at heart' on the board, and for a good minute my deluded self thought she wrote 'I am a stick at heart.' 

    My brain was like: "well, that's actually not too far off.' :lol:

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      Hmmm, I would post that except I've already got a build of of ideas fir that thred that I just havent gotten around to yet :lol:

      Its a little sad that i'm not posting as much as I was last month because school is talking up al my time. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. I think I'm going crazy :wacko:. Today in English, my teacher wrote 'I am sick at heart' on the board, and for a good minute my deluded self thought she wrote 'I am a stick at heart.' 

    My brain was like: "well, that's actually not too far off.' :lol:

  6. One of my chickens just died. 
    A neighborhood cat snuck into the coop and ripped its head off. 
    I will be leaving the Shard, maybe permanently. Because of many reasons. Bye. I love y’all. 

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      Noooo poor chicken.

      Bye bye Bearer, I wish you well for everything you’re dealing with.

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  7. Okay, just had this conversation with two of my best friends while playing this game we created called do or die. It's similar to would you rather but the questions are like, would you do this thing and get a million dollars for it or just die. So the question my friend asked strayed from the rules a bit but it was funny.

    Friend A: If you had 24 hours to study before taking a Skyward quiz against Starborn, so you get a million dollars if you win, whereas you die if ya lose, would you do it?

    Friend B: NOPE

    Me: Kay, what it you had a month to study?

    Friend B: Well.....

    Friend A: She can recite the whole book dialogue from memory.

    Friend B: Good point, I'd still be signing my own death warrant. NOPE.


  8. Hiiiiii, I'm alive! (That's a lie)

    Sorry for being so inactive recently. On Chinese new year holiday and having to study for six assessments...

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      UMM, I don't know what notifs you get, but nothing important has come up in my notifications. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hiiiiii, I'm alive! (That's a lie)

    Sorry for being so inactive recently. On Chinese new year holiday and having to study for six assessments...

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      Chinese new year is today (cuz time zones) and the countries that get formal holidays for it are in the east. (sigh, I want chinese new year holiday).

      good luck for your assessments :D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. That moment when you're pulling a late-night to finish every scrap of math homework and you finally finish it and realize you have absolutely no work whatsoever (yet) and can finally work on your writing and watch the new AoT episode in peace... is so storming sweet.

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      That'll be me tonight, I reckon I have about 3 and a half hours of math homework to finish off and I haven't started yet. 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Here's the next one!

    You're my silver: you keep the shades away.

    10 days until Valentine's Day!:wub::wub::wub:

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      My fam will think I’m weird if I say something like that to them. I’ll probably tell it to my friend who is sad at the moment.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. So, this beaut arrived in the mail today. I read A Game of Thrones a few years ago but even though I absolutely loved it, I never got around to reading the rest of the series. But now I have all the 'A Song of Ice and Fire books *excitement increases*. Finding the package at my doorstep when I got home literally made my day :lol:.



    And yes, that is The Shard open on my monitor in the background if you were wondering. 

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      I know right! And I'm absolutely in love with the slip case XD

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. So, this beaut arrived in the mail today. I read A Game of Thrones a few years ago but even though I absolutely loved it, I never got around to reading the rest of the series. But now I have all the 'A Song of Ice and Fire books *excitement increases*. Finding the package at my doorstep when I got home literally made my day :lol:.



    And yes, that is The Shard open on my monitor in the background if you were wondering. 

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      Unfortunately, it is not a beanut. But if someone were to send be a beanut I would be a very happy human.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Here's the next one!

    You're my silver: you keep the shades away.

    10 days until Valentine's Day!:wub::wub::wub:

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      I actually really like this one....I might use it (even though I got no one to love)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. Okay so according to my teacher I am now my classmate's uncle.... 

    (There's an "a" because there's two ppl with my name in my class)



    Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 2.38.03 PM.png

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      The grammer constables doth hath tried to arrest me many times before. They never hath succeeded in this grandiose feat.  

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  16. Okay so according to my teacher I am now my classmate's uncle.... 

    (There's an "a" because there's two ppl with my name in my class)



    Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 2.38.03 PM.png

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      Youeth areth correcteth, I hath learned some these things in my (somewhat) extensive studies of The Bard's plays. I often use terms of his time frivolously when I am tired and bored. 

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  17. Okay so according to my teacher I am now my classmate's uncle.... 

    (There's an "a" because there's two ppl with my name in my class)



    Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 2.38.03 PM.png

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      You shan’t 

      I was also born hours before Sana.

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  18. Okay so according to my teacher I am now my classmate's uncle.... 

    (There's an "a" because there's two ppl with my name in my class)



    Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 2.38.03 PM.png

  19. Okay so according to my teacher I am now my classmate's uncle.... 

    (There's an "a" because there's two ppl with my name in my class)



    Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 2.38.03 PM.png

  20. Okay so the boys in my class have developed a strange addiction to saying LOL and LMAO out loud and its so scudding weird....

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      Being wired is fun, verbalising LOL is kinda cringe.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  21. Okay so according to my teacher I am now my classmate's uncle.... 

    (There's an "a" because there's two ppl with my name in my class)



    Screenshot 2021-02-04 at 2.38.03 PM.png

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      ^^^ this.

      if that’s you’re real name, then we have very similar names XD

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)

  22. Okay so the boys in my class have developed a strange addiction to saying LOL and LMAO out loud and its so scudding weird....

  23. After a 32-hour hiatus for an as of yet unidentified reason, I am back!

    Why did I feel the need to make this status update? It is 0:30 currently and I am intoxicated by sleepiness!

    TL;DR I'm back now, I'm tired, I'm wondering why I needed a tldr for something that is three sentences, I'm confused at my typo of "deeded" instead of "needed," and I'm especially confused at why this tldr is about as long as the rest of this (or longer).

    I clearly expect this to be funny, but I don't trust tired me, so stop meeeeeeeeeeeee.

  24. Hey peeps, hope y'all wouldn't mind explaining how the RP here works. **noob much**

    1. Lecky Twig

      Lecky Twig

      Yaas!! You’re thinking about joining rps!! *much excitement*

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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