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Status Updates posted by DramaQueen

  1. Alright

    Which one of you little suckers is on the genshin impact idea board and put a version of me in there?Furina-Genshin-Impact.thumb.png.b9327e296c483f5c70e9a110f3ffdc7e.pngScreenshot_20240709_153500.thumb.jpg.73c5239d92ae5b89c0a28879189c05fb.jpg

    Blue top hat, military-style jacket, queen vibes with the crown-like top of the hat, relation with the ocean (I have an OC/stage name/character that is an ocean goddess), does theatre???????? Fess up and give me my credit rn

  2. Guys Taylor Swift brainrot is eating me alive omg

  3. Woah it's my four-year Shardiversary.

    I'm not nearly as active anymore as I used to be, but I'm forever grateful for the friendships and community this site provided me back when I was active, and especially for the friendships that have lasted, some of which have even turned into irl friendships.

    Sure, this site might also have led to a rough and traumatic experience, but that honestly fades to irrelevance when compared with everything else that's a part of my life because of Brandon Sanderson and this fansite.

    Love you guys :)))

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Happy Shardiversary, it’s been great knowing you. The shard wouldn’t be the same with out you

    3. Aeoryi


      Happy sharderdiversity! I feel the same way as you here:


      I'm not nearly as active anymore as I used to be, but I'm forever grateful for the friendships and community this site provided me back when I was active, and especially for the friendships that have lasted, some of which have even turned into irl friendships.

      Sure, this site might also have led to a rough and traumatic experience, but that honestly fades to irrelevance when compared with everything else that's a part of my life because of Brandon Sanderson and this fansite.


    4. DramaQueen


      Oh also my DMs are always open even if I'm not online very often, I still love hearing from you guys :)) and feel free to follow me on discord too! @drama.queen27_11

  4. Okay so. I have two options. 


    1: live in my college town for the summer, it would be $775 plus utilities (about $25/month) for the full summer. I'd have to pay for my own gas and buy my own food. I would continue working my current job, which doesn't have very regular hours, but it pays pretty well. I would also want to get a more regular job, maybe at a thrift store or a coffee/drink shop or a cute little local restaurant. I would be near a lot of my college friends, so I could do things with them and continue wearing my less "modest" outfits and going by a more gender-neutral nickname sometimes and using multiple pronoun sets and just in general continue figuring myself out in that way.


    2: move back in with my parents. Free housing, free food, they'd probably even pay for my gas, I'd already have a regular, well-paying job that I mostly enjoy lined up, and I could try out for a production of Aida that would also pay. But I would either have to act like the version of me that my parents knew from when I was in high school, or let them meet this version of me when I'm not even sure I like this version of me and I'm actively trying new things to figure myself out. I know everyone is always a "rough draft" of themselves, but my current draft feels especially rough, and I don't feel ready for my parents to see it. There have already been times just over phone calls where it's felt like my parents and I are on the brink of a breaking point regarding my identity, and if I live with them over the summer it'll be even more difficult. 


    However, my program is also next year incorporating travel opportunities, so next year I could travel with a faculty mentor to New York, and the following year to London. I would, however, have to pay my own way. So, saving money by going home would be really helpful for that. But is it worth it if I would be living a lie all summer??


    Oh and I need to decide by Tuesday, because the girl whose lease I'd be buying if I stay needs to know by then.


    Any input/advice is welcome, lmk if you have any questions lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shortcake


      my brain completely skipped over the part where you said that you can continue living by your college friends and continue going by a gender-neutral name and having multiple pronoun sets

      I change my mind now, mainly because I struggle with that sort of thing as well

      you said that your current job pays well, and that you're planning on getting a second job

      and it's $25 dollars a month...

      I think you should stay in your college town

    3. Quivil


      Another question: Would it be NECESSARY to go home to get enough money to do all the traveling things you'd want to do starting next year, or just HELPFUL?

    4. DramaQueen


      Oh totally forgot that I posted about that decision on here lol, I ended up deciding to stay in my college town!

  5. Hi! 

    What's going on in your lives? 

    Feel free to answer that however you want, if you want more of a prompt you can tell me one thing that's been hard and two things that are good! 

    One thing that's been hard for me is figuring out if I'm going to stay in my college town for the summer or move back home with my parents. 

    Good things: one is that I got on depression medication! Wooooo! Another is that my run of The Tempest is going well, we close tomorrow (which is sad but good!)

    1. Experience


      Nothing much honestly. I'm kind of in a waiting phase cuz I'm going to start FSY in a couple months and then college. I'm super excited for it, but I still haven't found out my exact details for FSY yet which is driving me crazyyyyy.

      I got a new bike tho, so I've been going biking each morning which has been good cuz I haven't really been exercising much lately 😅

    2. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oo, one thing that’s been good is that tech week is almost over (hallelujah) and I’m super excited to open!

      Two things that have been hard are that the workload for classes is a lot, and that I went biking for the first time all winter today and I’m way behind where I want to be.

      (also on a funny side note, I saw the tempest at BYU a week or so ago, it was like for kids but they still did awesome, it’s such a fun show)

  6. Hey guys you should read the Webtoon Realta, it's what the bird in my new pfp is from and it's incredible.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Aww, that bird is so cute! I'll definitely give it a go

    3. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Dang it @DramaQueen I just started it an now I read for like an hour. I am a sucker for unique magic system's

    4. DramaQueen


      Yesssss good

  7. I'm really proud of this one and I'll love you all forever if you check it out :))


  8. psssst I write stuff sometimes (basically the only stuff I post anymore lol)

  9. Anyone else just...blame everything about you on one aspect of yourself?

    Like, sometimes I'll be like "oh yeah I'm obsessed with such-and-such thing, it's just cuz I'm gay" and sometimes it's something that makes sense, but sometimes it's just like "oh yeah I'm obsessed with mozzarella sticks, it's just cuz I'm gay"

    Which, to me, still makes sense. Somehow. 

    Or something like "ouch I just stubbed my toe dangit, it's cuz I'm gay" (and, therefore, cannot walk straight I guess??)

    Another frequent excuse of mine is "it's cuz I'm a theatre kid" but that one usually does make perfect sense.

    .....and tbh I'm a theatre kid because I'm gay, and also I'm gay because I'm a theatre kid, it's like the chicken and the egg dilemma. Which came first, the theatre or the gay? no one knows.

    (Oh and btw I'm using "gay" as an umbrella term here, I currently identify as a panromantic asexual demigirl lol she/they/neopronouns)

  10. Seriously I would be so so grateful to anyone and everyone who checks out my writing, I am a huge fan of feedback of any kind!!


  11. How's everyone doing? 

    Tell me one hard thing from this year, and two good things :))

    For me, I had a hard time managing my time and actually having time for myself, so I got pretty burnt out at times.

    But two good things are:

    1: I've been in four shows this year, and they've all been super fun, and I've made a ton of progress in my acting both in those shows and in my classes!

    2: I've gotten closer with my cohort, closer with some of my other friends, and been able to keep in touch with the friends that I'm now kinda far away from!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Scarletfox


      One hard thing: depression persists

      Two good things: Moving and being independent as an adult has been amazing and also I started anti-depressants which are the most amazing thing that exists and have changed my life. 

    3. Weaver of Lies

      Weaver of Lies

      One hard thing: feeling unwanted a lot.

      Good things: joining the shard and finishing the first draft of my book.

    4. Quivil


      Hard thing: I did badly in almost all of my classes this semester.

      Good things: I get to go home and see my family soon. I have friends I wouldn't have met without leaving home.

  12. Also! Friendly reminder that this exists and I love getting feedback on my writing :))

  13. I feel like a lot of people here don't know me very well anymore (now that I'm not super active 24/7 like I was when I first joined) so please ask me stuff!

  14. I promise I'll get to my Taylor recs, but first.




    I was in the top 0.5% of Taylor Swift listeners (and got a special message from her 🥰), and with how many MASSIVE Swifties there are in the world, I feel like that's a pretty big deal idk.

    Shocked that Clockmaker's Daughter isn't represented on here more...

    Oh but my top song? I didn't know it existed until September 9th, and I still listened to it that much. It was a recommendation from my crush, so. Checks out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DramaQueen


      I think it was sent out to anyone who had her as their top artist or some other qualification idk

    3. Lotus Blossom

      Lotus Blossom

      oh yeah i got a special message from andrew lloyd webber :D 

      also whoa top 0.5% is actually really impressive considering how many swifties i know-

    4. SmilingPanda19


      My friend got top 0.01% and I saw and went: Bro I don’t even know which is my favorite sibling - how the freak are you-

  15. Tell me what Sanderson character you relate to most and I'll tell you a Taylor Swift song to listen to.

    (Please check my about me to make sure I've read the book your character's from)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. DramaQueen



      The choices I'm most proud of are mirrorball for Shallan and You're On Your Own, Kid for Vin. Like. Get me a Vin YOYOK animatic STAT.

    3. DramaQueen



      Tien (to Kaladin): Safe & Sound

    4. DramaQueen
  16. Y'all y'all y'all okay so

    I'm a theatre major, if you didn't know that before, now you do.

    In the spring, I'm going to be in a production of Shakespeare's The Tempest.

    I'm one of four people playing the character of Ariel.

    "Wait, what? One character played by four actors???? How does that work?"

    Allow me to elaborate.

    Within the show, Ariel says that they "divide and burn in many places." Hence, we are all the divisions. There are two actors who will be kind of the "main" Ariels, so they'll have the bulk of the lines, but then me and the other other Ariel are internally understudying the main two, so that no matter how many Ariels go out (which, hopefully, no one will), as long as there's at least one Ariel left, we can still have the full character of Ariel.

    We're also going to do a lot of really cool movement stuff and I GET TO CLIMB ON THE SET AND STUFF. I GET TO USE THE SET BASICALLY AS A PLAYGROUND??? YES PLEASE OMG.

    And the COSTUMES??? I'm so excited. If you don't know, Ariel is a nature/wind spirit on an island, so they do a lot of magic stuff and aren't. Human. I love love love I'm so excited aaaaaaaaa.

    Also the other three Ariels are all gender-wiggly in some way and I have lately been having a bit of a gender crisis so it's possible that all of the Ariels are gender-wiggly lol.


    Also uh doesn't hurt that my crush is one of the other Ariels, that's cool too ig.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aeoryi


      I can send help but unfortunately I can only offer support

    3. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      Oooh that’s so exciting!! Good luck waiting until March…that’s too long.

    4. Lotus Blossom

      Lotus Blossom

      have funn!! i auditioned for ariel and miranda's role in the tempest a while back (last year i think?) with symph... neither of us got a role but its ok!! (bad casting on their part 👀) anywayy im 99.3% not bitter. this production sounds amazing though! i hope you don't overwork yourself with the understudying

      also this is v late and i realize that. i clicked on ur profile by accident and it brought me here-

  17. Taylor Swift is a genius that is all thank you for coming to my TED Talk

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Silver Phantom
    3. SmilingPanda19


      That’s quite fair. I do recognize the effect she has had and the value she has. I am not disregarding her hard work, dedication, or ‘genius’ qualities, I simply believe she is a little overrated. However, she definitely has worked hard to get where she is and I can certainly admire a hard working, talented, and passionate woman.

    4. Cash67


      Same arguments could be placed on Sanderson too. He is not everyone's taste (as much as I'd like him to be...), but no one can deny that he has put out obscene amounts of quality work and had a major impact on his industry. Change books to music and he to she and you have a pretty dang accurate description of Swift's  music. 

  18. Please please please everyone I am BEGGING ON MY KNEES PLEASE listen to The Clockmaker's Daughter it is probably THE BEST musical of ALL time it's SO GOOD I would commit so many crimes if it meant I could play Constance.

    If you do listen to it, please talk to me about your thoughts!!! DMs here are fine but I personally prefer messaging over Discord, my username is @drama.queen27_11 so HIT ME UP IF YOU LISTEN TO IT AND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LISTEN TO IT!!!!!!

  19. Rapunzel!!!




    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Experience



      do you mean you never thought I'd be brunette? Huh, I don't think I give off blonde vibes, that's really interesting!

      I new you weren't a blonde xD

    3. Ravenclawjedi42


      @DramaQueen yeah I meant brunette. I don’t know what it was, you just seemed blonde to me.

    4. DramaQueen


      That's so intriguing, especially cuz my pfps have always been brunette.

  20. Embellishments have started to be added!




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      That's gorgeous <3

    3. Experience
    4. Cinnamon


      OOOOooOOOOooOOooooOoo!! Rapunzel will soon be among us!

  21. Friendly reminder to drop your shoulders, take a deep breath, eat some food/drink some water if it's been a while, go to the bathroom if you need, etc.

    Listen to your body, take care of your needs.

    Also if you're currently procrastinating something (like I am) you should probably do it okay love you bye.

    1. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      Thanks, I needed this

  22. My childhood crushes but they get progressively more unhinged:
















    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. That1Cellist


      I have a hard time understanding having crushes on people you don't know.

      However, I do find this hilarious.

    3. Ravenclawjedi42


      The Quaker Oats guy was unexpected, but cool. I also found this hilarious.

    4. Channelknight Fadran

      Channelknight Fadran



      ...I don't know what I was expecting, really

  23. I'm curious.

    What's everyone dressing up as for Halloween?

    And if you're not dressing up, why not?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Silver Phantom

      Silver Phantom

      I just finished spy x family. It’s so good!

    3. Morningtide


      I'm being Marasi! My whole family is being Sanderson characters and Marasi is awesome with a cool costume!!

    4. Quivil


      Idek what I'm gonna do. Probably go to DI and get something Pretty and Halloweeny but idek...

  24. Ever feel like you don't actually know anything at all?

    Cuz me too.

    How did I get this far? Idk, just kinda BSed my way. 

    Do my thing, freak out over things, somehow panic-mode my way through those things, repeat.

    All while also procrastinating and not getting enough sleep and not eating healthy and sometimes not eating enough and trying to look cute and making some dumb financial decisions and never letting myself actually have time to do the things I actually want to do.

    Forming opinions and trying to defend those opinions, even when the person I'm defending them to is my dad who has so much more life experience than me and is much better at standing his ground against me than I am and a lot of the time I end up crying because I'm so passionate about it and I know what I believe but I DON'T KNOW how to explain it in a way that he will understand.

    Challenging opinions that I've had my whole life and trying to come out of challenging them with a stronger belief in them than before but it's so hard to find time to work on that so I'm just in a constant state of challenging AND believing which is NOT fun.

    Trying to keep my social life alive.

    Trying to keep myself alive.

    Trying to imagine how I could ever possibly be a mother and a wife and have a family and a house (and a job??? Idk???) when I can hardly balance college, work, and feeding myself.

    And pushing forward anyways because that's what we do.

    Time doesn't stop.

    There's not really any way to just. Hit pause on life so you can catch up.

    There are things I want in the future, things I've looked forward to for my entire life. Can I at all see how I'm going to get there? No. But I know I want to, and the longer I keep going, the closer I'm going to get to being able to reach those things.

    I don't know where I'm going to be in five, ten, fifteen years.

    Where I am now is different from where I thought I'd be five, ten, fifteen years ago (although I don't think I thought much about this when I was four. Or nine. But still.)

    But I know that where I am has so far worked out and been okayish because of (some of) what I did years and years and years ago.

    So...I keep going. Because time will always keep going. Because I know there's something I'm going towards.

    I just don't know what it is yet.

    But I think it'll be good.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DramaQueen



      And, genuinely, I don't think I have either of those.

      I've been really freaking sad, and I've been anxious, but neither of them are at all consistent or extreme enough to be depression/anxiety.

      I have strong emotions, but at a fairly normal level.

    3. DramaQueen


      I do realize that this particular post emphasized the feelings typically associated with depression and anxiety, but I assure you, they are not frequent enough to warrant that level of concern.

    4. Frustration



      Challenging opinions that I've had my whole life and trying to come out of challenging them with a stronger belief in them than before but it's so hard to find time to work on that so I'm just in a constant state of challenging AND believing which is NOT fun.

      As someone who has been doing this for years, it doesn't change.

      Only the particular subset of beliefs that you have to learn more about.


      Just give it time, ask in faith, and with time God will make all things known unto you.

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