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Shard of Reading

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Everything posted by Shard of Reading

  1. No, I just use months. TPBM just started school today.
  2. Note to self: If I ever GM a game, include secret phrases. They make the game so much more fun. Edit: @Dannex is it bad that I only now figured out that Notani N Quisitor means not an inquisitor?
  3. This game was fun, after I died I figured out Mat and TJ, but couldn't really do anything about it. My secret phrase was: Maybe it's a friendly dragon.
  4. I don't really think we were spamming, it's just that our conversations typically consist of 1 sentence blurbs.
  5. What is this thread, and how do you make these quotes?
  6. Ehh... There are more people on TLT and they post alot more consistently.
  7. There's basically 2 minutes left... I'd rather just NOT have a last minute switch. Even if it means I'm going to get killed.
  8. And you are technically banned from this thread. But when have we ever cared for the rules?
  9. There is absolutely no argument about that.
  10. Cool. "Well, this is great. We're going to be lunched." "But, on the plus side we are going to get someone to shoot. We have power! Unlimited power!" "So, who should we shoot?" "I think quinn is a good idea." "Well, why would that be?" "I"ve had a bad gut read of them for a while, and them trying to get me stop shooting seemed a bit weird," "Yeah, but you can't blame them for bad math," "But that's not my only reasoning. They seem to have been acting weird for a while now. I don't know what makes it weird, but their defiantly odd," "Do you have any more reasoning than gut+slightly unthought-out logic?" "Not really," "Okay, prepare to be put out before the dragon," "We might be okay, Maybe it's a friendly dragon," "Has there been a friendly dragon yet? I highly doubt we are going to make it past this day," ""
  11. Well, if you're grinching me and don't want me to shoot anyone because I might be village, then why are you grinching me? (Sorry, I might be misunderstanding what you are saying here)
  12. I'm getting conflicted messages from you and illwei. (And then mat wants me to shoot XP) I'm in class right now, but I'm going to go try and figure out which one of you would be better to listen to.
  13. I think I'm going to wait until next cycle, because I kind of might maybe have a really bad idea, and I want to know the alignment of some of the people who voted on me. Sooo.... Books
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