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Everything posted by Coffeecat

  1. @Ashbringer That 'Poller' had him interested. so devote to the shop, looking for his master's interests... he seemed hardworking and competent he should get himself someone to tend the shop while he was gone. he currently used a piece of paper saying: be back soon, don't knock the door the few times he left the shop. and although he did not get any customers, it was still distracting to have to talk to whichever passerby that entered, or newcomer asking: Is this Cassandra's metal emporium? and Oh, sorry then, can you tell me how to get there? Yes, and an assistant would keep the shop tidy for him... he was messy by nature, but liked to see everything in place. this was the most evident when there was an important customer such as... damnation, i spaced out again. "Pardon me, I was only thinking. I have no fixated price for this fabrial." There, good pick up. now she knew he was willing to bargain. "Figure, it was surprisingly easy to get hold of it! A friend of mine owed me a favor and went all the way to Roshar to get one." "It is also surprisingly easy to get currency in the cognitive real over there." "But anyways, I think i have settled, this is an important device, but it came to almost no cost to me. I am sure we can agree among the lines of 300 Chrysts?"
  2. I was thinking one PM message. well, i thought adolin was going to die quickly, possibly revealing one elim, and securing one or two villagers. Although it could make it more interesting, making the village less powerful. you mean both of these? it actually makes sense, i actually planned to have both Elokhar and Dalinar NPC. then opted to have dalinar a real player, and elhokar just be part of the write ups. so Dalinar NPC and nerf bridgeboys. Bridgenoys: Each Bridgeboy can target someone else, if two Bridgeboys target the same player, that player is protected. The Bridgeboy have a doc to communicate and have the same goals as the Royal Entourage. Dalinar: outed NPC
  3. "Yes, let me get set up, i will tell you about the fabrial while i work." He promptly begins to install the smoke fabrial, while explaining all about the stormlight shifting fabrial, which he found out already existed, although they are quite rare and hard to get, he was able to acquire one. "So, do you want to come to my shop?" he asks once he is finished.
  4. Thanks for all the ideas. Yes, i was thinking about adding the one in white szeth-son-son-vallano wants to kill dalinar. has a kill used every cycle. (adolin dies if he visits szeth.) and yes, grave's people want to kill Elokhar so dalinar takes the throne. I was thinking perhaps one PM per cycle? perhaps remove kaladin. also the bodyguard protects dont work for when adolin visits someone. also, if the one in white or the elims target adolin when he visits someone, the kill doesnt work. plus, if adolin visits the target of a kill, he dies or is protected along with the target. Oh, and perhaps add something like... Jasnah wins along with the villagers, but only if renarin is dead. can target any player, if the player targeted is renarin, he dies. if the player targeted is not renarin, that person is notified. and one of Adolin's girlfriends wins along with the elims, but only if adolin is dead. if they vote to kill someone and that player is adolin, adolin dies.(even if all other elims voted someone else) thanks again for all the ideas! and for the formatting, it is perfect. tell me what do you think about the one in white. oh and... the cycles last 48 hours, ending and starting midday UTC. one PM
  5. So i am interested in hosting a game... I have a few ideas, although it most likely needs balancing. factions: Bridgeboys about four? most likely four bodyguards. vote who to protect and have a doc. if there are 4 bridgeboys, one protect vote means 25% chance of surviving a kill. these votes stack. E.G random1 votes to protect random, random has a 25% chance of surviving a kill directed at them. if random1 and random2 vote to protect random, random has a 50% chance of surviving a kill directed at them. if random1 and random2 vote to protect random, and random3 and random4 vote random2: random has a 50% chance of surviving a kill directed at them and random2 will have 50% chance of surviving a kill directed at them. looses and wins along with the royal entourage. An... interesting position. #stormmoash will hate or love this game. depends on if moash dies or not... has access to both docs(elim and bridgeboy) is both one of those 4 bridgeboys, and one of the 5 lets kill the king! wins along with lets kill the king. ALSO looses if all bridgeboys(moash himself doesnt count for this matter) die. needs to keep bridgeboys alive while helping the elims win. The Royal Entourage needs to kill all lets kill the king. looses if Dalinar dies. looses if the lets kill the king outnumber them. Lets kill the king! five players? including moash get an elim doc. they vote which player to attack. the player with most votes wins!(a free death.) looses if Dalinar dies. looses if all lets kill the king(including moash) are dead. wins when it outnumbers the village. roles: Moash can vote to protect one person with the bridgeboys. can not vote to kill with the elims. Adolin can visit one person of their choosing. what do they do is up to the imagination. if the person adolin visited is lets kill the king adolin dies. this does NOT include Moash. Renarin can see if someone is lets kill the king or not. (moash will appear as not lets kill the king.) Kaladin is just like the other bridgeboys, but can survive one lynch or kill. Once in the game they can take matters into their own hands... and kill one player. after that they die. Dalinar i dont know weather this role should have abilities. no one wants to lynch or kill this role. so they are kind of overpowered. claim first cycle and you will be invulnerable so this is it. please tell me how to make it better i would really love to host this. I think i will need an IM right? perhaps a co-host cause i will struggle to keep up with everything.
  6. "Both!" he said happily, "I can install the smoke fabrial immediately if you wish, but the soulcasting will have to happen in my shop." He looked exited as he set down his equipment on the floor. "I also have news on that other farbial you asked about!"
  7. another thing... even if i am an elim impersonator(which i dont see why you would think that. you are assuming that the elims have every ability, and that seems way overpowered), wouldnt you want to lynch an escort or extort instead? so bugsy can kill and attack elims? even if it were beneficial for us to let bleeder kill, i dont see how lynching me helps. I can really say that if you lynch me, it is going to be bad, since the elims wont even try to take a vote off me. i am village, and they want bleeder alive in order to use her. what will happen is i am going to die, you will have missed a lynch, and you will have let bleeder alive for elims to use. we need to eliminate bleeder, this will both remove the SK and take a tool off the elims
  8. OK, i really think this should be a tie, i am resigned to die if we lynch bleeder. i dont really get why you think elims have an impersonator or a vote manip at all. also, what happens if you vote silber 6 bugsy 5 and i am not elim? you just lynched a villager, and missed a lynch on bleeder. you didnt even tie. i think we should vote the one who is harming the village. bugsy is a tool you say? then lets kill him. take that tool away from both elims and bleeder.
  9. I agree, kyne is too valuable for finding elims. the risk that they are village is too high.
  10. Uh why did everyone who is not supposed to claim claim this game? Should we expect Wisting to claim now? Still, this claim worries me. what would bleeder expect to get out of claiming? Did they do it only out of spite? as their post seems to indicate? Does bugsy(@Bugsy) really want us to choose to die by fire over drowning? I say we try to lynch bugsy, and if possible try to tie with a suspect. I dont know how the tie is going to work today, but im not voting myself I would really prefer to vote an elim or bleeder. for now, bleeder. Edit: huh, we only need to lynch bugsy once... they already survived one attack... does it work like that joe?
  11. @Ashbringer So this was it, the famous metallurgy shop. It would indeed burn easily, this was true for most buildings, but for this on particularity so, at least if the anvil was used in the main lobby; imagine the furniture catching fire. "Hello there," he said nervously to the eager assistant seated in the corner, behind a bowl of colorful candy,"i am here to see Cassandra, about those commissions from the shop down the alley." He adjusted his optic helmet two millimeters to the left and smiled disarmingly.
  12. Hm, again, please ping me if you are going to vote on me. Hmm... I don't remember that. You mean when I asked why we weren't lynching karnage? I just found it weird that everyone had the 'Kill whomever survives a kill' mentality, and the first person who survives is believed when they claim flogs. I found the message Basically, i just asked why: "lets kill everyone who survives a night kill, oh but not karnage." at that moment i thought bleeder might have claimed flogs because they were exposed. Again, there were about 200 posts that day, and i missed basically everything about straw and pyro.
  13. Interesting. two kills. and two survived, i find it difficult to believe both of them were 'luckily' protected by a bodyguard. even if they protected themselves... I have no real suspicion of any of them, although xino is harder to read since they keep on posting on The Longest Thread... I really only vote on them because of their survival, and please tell me if there is evidence of any of them being village. or anything of that sort
  14. I dont think the elims will try to protect pyro if they have a bodyguard. even if they were planning to, our conversation will probably dissuade them. now that you think of it, we could wait for bartender to kill pyro, although that is a little bit more risky.
  15. Well, they died of inactivity, while i think bleeder submitted quite a few kills.
  16. Hm, as long as it has a reason... I still think we should be lynching Pyromancer.
  17. Does this apply to lynching? If it does i guess elims know the alignment of a lot of people, perhaps even bleeder. Pyro might want to tell us... we could also look for people who changed their vote off Elkanah after they claimed Dowser. Someone care to explain why you are voting on Coda? It seems strange that you both jump on someone who is not the outed and claimed elim? It is a bit too obvious, but i don't know. One of you could be bleeder, and the other an elim or village doing something weird. I don't think Hammond was bleeder, so megasif is not bleeder. still might be DeTess. or they are both elim. I dont know, i just think we should at least kill the elim first.
  18. Hello! Weekend! Could i have stabby stab count? I might provide some thoughts. EDIT: Silly me, there is a vote count up there. So, more on the matter, can anyone tell me what is happening?
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