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Everything posted by Coffeecat

  1. spanreeds? that would be interesting. perhaps make something like a watcher(Just vanilla player) who is working for a smuggler/tycoon. the watcher can make a free PM with a smuggler.
  2. "That sounds interesting." "And what exactly might you be looking for?" He waves around, "I have magnets if that is what you mean" He smiles encouragingly.
  3. She stared at the pencil in her hand for a few seconds, then a wave of dejection, and then realization. Of course, why hadn't he thought of that? "Oh, I wish I had something of that sort." "We might have to wait for the next storm indeed, whenever that is." "But that idea of yours, a contraption to move Stormlight," he looked back at her, "Would you be interested in commissioning it?" "I will look into it anyways, I have some Cosmere theorists among my friends, but if you commissioned it yours would come at a great discount." "What do you think?" EDIT: Sorry, there is something wrong with my quotes, and I am not able to fix it
  4. "Oh nononono, don't worry." "It is just a piece of stone to me, and I don't think it will break if it is not suitable."
  5. Im pretty sure it doesn't matter when it starts. I have only played two SE games before this, and in both RP started with the game. but i dont think anyone minds if it starts a bit before.
  6. Interesting, thought Lord, perhaps we could arrange something profitable for both of us. Getting metal was not hard nowadays, but a soulcaster--He assumed this... Cass, was a soulcaster due to her metal looking arm, which he had learned happened to soulcasters who worked too much with the same material--would be very useful, since he could ask her to turn a wooden sketch into metal. This could be very profitable. he could carve a piece of wood and turn it into metal! A soulcaster indeed. "Oh, I am sure I have a few... lemme..." He headed back through his reading room, and into the storage. After a few minutes, he emerges with a box with a few color stripes at the top. IIII "I had an epic make these for me. You see. They are almost useless to me! I only had to design her a Hoopak like the one I have!" "There," he said putting the box in the desk and opening it, "See, I really hope created amethysts work as fine as the natural ones." "Are you interested? I'm sure we could arrange a mutual-benefit deal, I'm always in need for more metal! And the ability to turn anything into metal..."
  7. He is, but probably a non-noble like lady Arielle doesn't know that. she just heard that the paintings sold with very high prices, and deduced he was a great painter
  8. hmmm Locke... MMM LIES "Lord Silberfarben, of the house Silberfarben, if that's not obvious enough for you" "And you are..."
  9. Lord looked left, lowering his thick spined book. A customer, so soon? He scrambled out of his couch and hastily left the book in the small table, the only other furniture in the small room Through the door, on the other side of the stained desk, a customer made her way cautiously around the objects filling the room. By the one who adds, blast it! He thought has he realized he still had his ocular contraption--He still hadn't given it a proper name--attached to his head. He touched it, considered taking it out, but the costumer had already seen him. Too bad, he had planned to present himself to his costumers without it. Upside-down view would not slow negotiating, but having a storming machine strapped to his head would. Too late. "Oh I sell whatever you ask for," he waved his hands towards the shop, "Most of what you see here are antiques I found thorough the alleycity." "Oh im Lord-son-son-son-Silberfarben," he said proffering a hand, "pleased to meet you." "And the most interesting of my pieces are by commission only. Any piece of ingenuity you ask for! We make it."
  10. Someone flew over his head. It was a party, of merriment, but that person didn't seem happy as they fell facefirst into the cobblestone of the sidewalk. Nor did the van that person had crashed into. Nor did the group walking towards the van. Not many people looked happy, once he started noticing those things, but the people trying to be inconspicuous and serious-faced at the same time looked particularly unhappy. These were not normal, there was an aura of danger about them. it was the aurea that most invested humans had, sure of their own deadlines, while also wary of others like them. Something very important and dangerous was going to happen. Perhaps if that had happened when he was less vulnerable... No, he would not risk it. He turned right on his tracks and ducked into an alleyway. The dirty alleys, despite being safer than the thoroughfare he had just left, still prompted him to keep his hand close to his hoopak as he made his way to his newly instated shop.
  11. A little shop. Above the door, a wooden sign subduedly claims: The Silbershire Don't break anything or face our wrath Don't presume to know what something will do Something leaves the shop unpaid, and it will be forcefully retrieved If you can't find something, talk to the clerk, I will get you anything for a price Don't even dare bring fire into the shop, if you value breathing. The inside of the shop is not much better organized than the alley outside. Disorderly and crammed with outlandish inventions, it is a place of nooks and crannies, where everything seems part of a single, big and awkward body of wood and metal. Through the maze-like confines of the shop, stands a desk. Behind the desk is Lord-son-son-son-Silberfarben.
  12. Interesting! I brought a bodyguard to the party. A very suspicious fellow by the name of Nahr. He is a Thug hireling of mine, he has been working with me for a few years on and off. After a few months with me, he says he wants to get a real job, he wants to write books. I tell him that being a bodyguard is the only thing he is good at, but he doesn't listen. after a few weeks after he leaves he returns, usually starving and ragged. He is cheap labour, so i haven't disposed of him yet. (^^^^Kill this guy please, he is annoying. he leaves me without a reliable bodyguard for weeks.^^^^)
  13. yes, exactly what i meant. but can we have two characters? one that is killed at the start and one to play?
  14. What about those NPCs? How do they work? could someone be both a player and an NPC?
  15. First one! I was the first one, but Straw was faster Ehem. Another game I can screw up. I am joining! if I am welcome. I will be (Finally my name fits something) Lord Silberfarben. A sneering and hateful crime lord.
  16. That last few cycles... really good work elims. and sorry drake.
  17. A year had passed already. Incredibly fast, yet sluggishly slow. He had memories of willing time to go faster, and of being horrified at the passage of time. But that time was gone now. Now he could be outside and enjoy the night. No one in the whole city would mark on him, or his strange-looking mask. More of a helmet than a mask. This 'mask' did well to hide everything about him, his facial expressions, his face, and his... eyesight problems. It even remedied the last one. That is why he could enjoy this night. He looked at the beautiful patterns of people. So chaotic yet orderly. for the first time in months, he could see them without feeling his head trying to turn on itself, what he saw incongruous with what his body and his logic told him. Soon he would make a name for himself and hopefully train himself to ignore his reversed sight. Soon, later. Now enjoy.
  18. sorry, I don't mean to be disrespectful or even mean... or thick... I'm just the fool! I seem to always suspect a team, and you and megasif seem a team, for some gut reason. i really am worried the elims control voting. coughlooksatdrakeandmegasifcough
  19. sorry, drake. first. why vote amanuensis? they will most likely die of inactivity. (sadly) you seem to be voting the low profile players when the most would agree the elims are the most active. you had megasif as very suspicious, but instead, you vote an inactive player. sorry if you are village.
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