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Cosmical Existence

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Everything posted by Cosmical Existence

  1. Yes. A bit. Not very well though. @Shard of Reading that's sounds interesting. I'll have to look into it. TPBM knows the difference between a discbine and a haybine.
  2. No, I don't. (It's one of my nicknames though) What kind of game is munchkin? TPBM has an obsession with collecting notebooks.
  3. Too true. My sleep pattern was screwed last week with reading RoW. TPBM is a Hufflepuff
  4. YES! I'd go as far to say it's my favourite SA book so far. TPBM knows what order of Radiant they'd be in SA
  5. Should. That's the key word. But I'd rather do something nonsensical. TPBM can't pick a favourite character from Sanderson's work.
  6. If the character you are talking about is *spoilered*, then yes, yes I do. Very much. TPBM is still waiting for their copy of RoW so they can know who *spoilered* is.
  7. (emphasis mine) Yes, reading is how I do my mingling as well. My only social life is with fictional characters...
  8. ...this idiot finished in 2 days... sleep? What is sleep? TPBM likes singing in the shower.
  9. I've been told, but *prepare to cringe* I don't think I am. TPBM attended the RoW release party
  10. I finished the book yesterday, and WOW! I think this is my favourite Stormlight book to date. The character interactions, the lore, the Cosmere connections... it was very good. I don't have my physical copy of the book yet, but I couldn't wait to read it so I just quickly bought the e-book Tuesday evening.
  11. It's down for me too. No wonder though, with so many people trying to watch.
  12. Hi! Seeing your speed of reading, the first thing that popped up in my head was, "Finally! A worthy advisory!" Welcome to the Shard! I'm certain you are going to like it here.
  13. XD I may or may not have pre-ordered from a different distributor, and then when I found out about the release party ordered a copy from the right bookstore... My friend who also reads these books may be getting a copy of ROW for her birthday. I'm so excited for the release party!
  14. I am a huge procrastinator... I have yet to finish a story... but I am a writer. Can I still join?
  15. The Lopen yee-clawed hastily around the hardware store to annoy 25 angry but groovy Unkalaki boomboxes.
  16. I usually get my books from Coles or Amazon if they are newer books, thrift stores, and the library. I try to read them first before I buy them, but sometimes I just browse the stores and grab whatever looks interesting.
  17. Christmas needs to stay in December. I love Christmas, it is my favourite holiday, but my birthday is in November. And if everyone starts celebrating Christmas too early, then my birthday gets swept under the rug. When Christmas is right around the bend people tend to think "oh, it's almost Christmas, I don't need to get her a gift yet or have a party yet. We are going to have enough gifts and parties already thanks to Christmas". And they sometimes forget about my birthday. I know this makes me sound selfish, but it is the truth. And as much as I love Boney M and Chipmunk music, there's only so much of it I can handle.
  18. Christmas needs to stay in December. I love Christmas, it is my favourite holiday, but my birthday is in November. And if everyone starts celebrating Christmas too early, then my birthday gets swept under the rug. When Christmas is right around the bend people tend to think "oh, it's almost Christmas, I don't need to get her a gift yet or have a party yet. We are going to have enough gifts and parties already thanks to Christmas". And they sometimes forget about my birthday. I know this makes me sound selfish, but it is the truth. And as much as I love Boney M and Chipmunk music, there's only so much of it I can handle.
  19. The zamboni just looks like it would be so much fun. I don't know why. Like logically I know it would probably be boring going around in circles, but emotionally? Emotionally it is one of my goals in life. Xp
  20. A little insulting at times, but at other points it is completely true. One example of a truth in that song. I don’t know if this is true about every Canadian, but I know that pretty much every Canadian I know wanted to drive the zamboni at one point in their life.
  21. I would accept Jake Gyllenhaal as Kelsier, but I don't think he has the charm to pull him off correctly.
  22. Canadian Stereotypes (and my reactions) -We live in igloos (its hilariously sad how many people actually believe this. totally not true) -We ride moose (again, its crazy how many people believe this. I've only ever seen 1 guy ride a moose, and that was on a youtube video that went viral. And the guy got into trouble after that) -We say "aboot" instead of about. (Not true. The only people I have heard say that is American's trying to be "funny". FYI, not funny) -We all play hockey/love hockey (Not everyone, but a lot of us. And those of us who love hockey, LOVE hockey) -We are all very polite (Too true, in my experience. Sure, there are exceptions to the rule, but if you find yourself in a grocery store in Canada, the classic line you’ll hear from someone walking past you is “I’m just going to sneak past you there". And I say sorry all the time. Even to inanimate objects) -We say "eh" (True. But I also say ya'll. The "eh" is pretty much all Canadians. I think the "ya'll" is mostly me due to my love of accents) -We drink a lot of Tim Hortons (True. I love a good Timmies coffee every once in a while. To be honest I make more of my own coffee, but Timmies is great. ) -Our money smells like maple syrup (I don't think its true, probably just the placebo effect. Though our money is the most gorgoues money in the world. So colourful and amazing) There's a bunch more, but these are the main ones that I can think of.
  23. Nope. But sometimes when I take a bath for too long I turn into a raisin. TPBM has listened to The Bobiverse
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