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Cosmical Existence

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Everything posted by Cosmical Existence

  1. I loved this chapter. I think this one and the chapter with Venli are my favourites so far. The interactions between characters, the implications and hints of things to come... I didn't think it was possible but I'm even more excited about Dawnshard than I was before this chapter. Rock has always been one of my favourite characters, and now I have a feeling I'm going to fall in love with his family and their story. And Hoid! I can't wait to see more of him, and Rock seems to know more about him than we do. I wonder what we are going to find out about him from Dawnshard. What does Rock mean by calling him a god? Aldo I think Kaladin should go to the Peaks. I liked the interaction between Pattern and Veil, poor Shallan going to have to explain where babies come from... it's going to be close to the level of "No mating!" for Shallan. I like it that Radiant is acknowledging that The Three are not doing as good as Veil or Shallan would like everyone to believe. And the fact that she thinks Kal helps is interesting. Though I don't think that Brandon is trying to hint at Shallan and Kaladin are going to be a thing after Adolin dies. Or at least I hope not. I liked their interactions in the previous books, but more as friends rather than potential love interests. And Syl is amazing. I love her. She is so smart, and funny, and beautiful, and just... amazing.
  2. Finished reading Thrawn and Thrawn: Alliances (by Timothy Zahn) yesterday.
  3. Exactly. I don't understand the hate and animosity toward her, in my opinion she is a well written character, and I relate a lot to her struggle with finding her identity. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, of course. Mine is just that Shallan is a good character.
  4. In my choir the Altos were the favourite. But then again I'm a Mezzo-Soprano (Soprano 1 or 2 in that choir though, depending on the song), and I was one of the teacher's favourites. Not to brag or anything. That person doesn't know much about choir or singing in general then. You should teach them, I think that they would benefit from learning.
  5. I've had people suggesting I read his works for a long time, but I just never got around to it. Until my local bookstore had Mistborn in part of a buy 2 get 1 free thing. I read it, and the next time I went book shopping I bought every single Cosmere book I could find. And I've been hooked ever since.
  6. I tend to like the characters most other people don't. Exactly.
  7. I don't think it's negative, you can learn a lot about someone by what character they dislike. The problem is with Sanderson's work there isn't really a bad guy you can hate. Most of them you can understand why they would do something. Though I would have to say Elend's father is the character I dislike the most. I really don't like him.
  8. That is a gorgeous tattoo, and a beautiful story behind it.
  9. The craziest cosmere related thing I've done is buy all of the cosmere books in one shopping trip. My wallet wasn't very happy but I sure was glad I bought them all at once. Yes, I have some good people surrounding me. I will be forever grateful for their recommendations of Sanderson's work. And I try to be that person for other people. My favourite Sanderson character is Shallan. I relate to her on so many levels, and she is just amazing. Hoid is a close second though. I like the mad, crazy, bonkers characters who know more than you think they do at first. Hmm... favourite magic system would have to be either Breaths or stormlight. I'm an artist and a singer, so the concept of Breaths fascinates me.
  10. Hi *wave* I started reading Brandon Sanderson last year after his work was recommended to me by many many many many people. I started with Mistborn, and have been hooked ever since. When Brandon released the Knight Radiant Quiz I took it as soon as the site was up and working again after it lagged that first day. I am of the Order of Lightweavers. Anyways, that's like the bare minimum you need to know about me. I'm excited to find my way in this new world. Onward!
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