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Condensation last won the day on December 17 2021

Condensation had the most liked content!

About Condensation

  • Birthday 04/08/2005

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    all the mental problems
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    BOOKS, theater, Star Wars, BOOKS, LEGO Friends/Elves, Writing, BOOKS, Netflix, Youtube, BOOKS, Hammocks, Running, BOOKS, Board/Card games, Sleep, BOOKS, Star Trek, Making subtle references to books and funny things for everyone who gets it and making everyone else confused, BOOKS.

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  1. I'm past halfway to 6,000! When did this happen? Also,


    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard



      Laughs in rant that has been prepared previously

      I'll have you know, we are comparing the rank and file of the Empire to the "heroes" of the Rebellion. In practically every case where it's disposable Stormtroopers against disposable Rebel Troopers, the Stormtrooper win; in fact, they don't just win, they win easily. A prime example is the opening scene of A New Hope. The Rebels were holding a choke point where only one Stormtrooper could get through at a time. In theory and in history, such a position could be held by half as many rebels against twice as many enemies for a long time. Instead, the rebels take more casualties than the Stormtroopers do before easily forcing the Rebels to retreat. Throughout the rest of the battle for the Tantive IV, the Stormtrooper continue to easily stomp the rebels. Then on the Death Star, they take a noticeable dip in quality, only for it to be revealed that they were ordered to miss on purpose, and allow the rebels to escape.

    3. Aspiring Writer

      Aspiring Writer

      Well... this escalated quickly.

    4. The Ward's Guard

      The Ward's Guard

      And that's not all!!
      You can count on me to blow any joke about Stormtroopers way out of proportions. 


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