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Condensation last won the day on December 17 2021

Condensation had the most liked content!

About Condensation

  • Birthday 04/08/2005

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    all the mental problems
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    BOOKS, theater, Star Wars, BOOKS, LEGO Friends/Elves, Writing, BOOKS, Netflix, Youtube, BOOKS, Hammocks, Running, BOOKS, Board/Card games, Sleep, BOOKS, Star Trek, Making subtle references to books and funny things for everyone who gets it and making everyone else confused, BOOKS.

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  1. yay

    ookla season

    so hyped

    okay so stick and I were texting and I agreed that if he got more than half of the active members on a discord to "sign" a petition then I'd be ookla the short (because I trusted people ;) ) and then he got it but he wouldn't agree to the same but I tried anyway but no one saw it essentially because I went about it wrong

    it was a petition. how could I say no?

    fyi I am actually above average height and if you sig fig correctly while you calculate to centimeters then I'm technically the same height as both stick and fadran

    1. Show previous comments  32 more
    2. Chinkoln
    3. Doomstick


      Nowhere near West Virginia 

    4. Condensation


      Danex yes please!!!

      Mat, I have a new task for you, should you choose to accept it. come find me

      Fadran... very smol maybe? gas is esspensive

      Queen hecc yes~ we should plan this

      ooh and maybe rev too

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