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The Awakened Salad

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The Awakened Salad last won the day on January 29 2021

The Awakened Salad had the most liked content!

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    At the end of the rainbow

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  1. Hello person visiting my profile!

    I don't know if anyone reads these, but I'll leave this here.

    I'm going to be a bit inactive for the next couple of weeks (though I mostly lurk anyway so it's not really that much of a problem?). I'll still be around, but I probably won't log on every day. 

    So it'll be like my usual lurking levels x2 :D.

    1. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      Oh, forgot to mention, sorry if this slows down any RPs I'm in (particularly Take a Deep Breath). I'll try as hard as I can to keep going, but I don't know how often I'm going to be able to post. 

    2. Honorless


      Hello! We all need to catch a break sometimes and there ain't nothing wrong with lurking! 

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