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The Awakened Salad

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The Awakened Salad last won the day on January 29 2021

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    At the end of the rainbow

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  1. I had a dream the other night that I tried to log into the Shard but it came up with one of those prove you’re not a robot things, and I had to click all the boxes with sidewalks, but there were no sidewalks in the picture. So after I failed that it came up with the message You are a robot. You have been denied access to The 17th Shard, so I emailed the Shard and they said “well, we can’t do anything but here’s a coupon for a cruise to Scadrial” so umm the moral of the story is that all the inactive Sharders are actually on Scadrial?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      Since it’s supposed to be a punishment for bots, I’m guessing pre Catacendre? I’d happily go on a cruise to post Catacendre Scadrial too :lol:

      wait what if Scadrial is a bot prison and the characters are bots... 

    3. Tesh


      (Someone write a fanfic...)

    4. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad

      (Give me a couple days...)

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