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The Awakened Salad

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The Awakened Salad last won the day on January 29 2021

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    At the end of the rainbow

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    Every so often this past month my brain has been gently reminding me “it’s your Shardiversary soon!”, but now that I’m actually here I can’t believe it. I still feel like it was yesterday when I timidly posted an intro thread and found myself gravitating over to the Forum Games and Community side of the Shard, where I’ve stayed for most of my time here. Since then I’ve *wins*ed, rambled (often incoherently), joined RPs (which either died or I had to leave, whoops) and honestly stumbled across such a wonderful community to be a part of.

    To the forum games crew, you guys never fail to make me smile! I love going on adventures with you, granting boons and banes, and all of the general randomness that happens along the way.

    To anyone I’ve ever RPed with, you’re awesome and thank you for being patient with someone who had/still has no idea what they’re doing :P. This site is full of amazing storytellers and I’m so glad that I’m able to write with you all.

    And finally, thank you. Yes, you reading this. For making this community such a great one to be in. Whenever I’m in need of a laugh, a fun conversation, or a virtual hug, I know where to come. 

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. AonEne



      Most of my thoughts are just a keyboard smash if I’m being honest

      “oh hey a uno game” “NOPE, IT’S BLOODSHED TIME” 

      Okay this makes me feel immensely better because most times I’m thinking “jdswjeidjd i’M bOtHerInG eNe” 

      You remember! *happy Salad noises*

      I’m flattered that you still remember Rip it or Ship it ^_^. I’m glad you enjoyed it, even though I feel guilty about it dying. 

      Okay that’s the best thing I’ve ever read in my life because YES, may I quote that? 

      Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh I remember that, that was amazing

      That’s how I feel with like half the people in the world, so trust me, you are never a bother, you are one of my best friends and I love you, so there, anxiety. 

      Of course I remember! It was cool! And we were in sync with N!! :lol: 

      Okay, it was looking super fun though. I wonder if we could get it going again, maybe with timing changes because I think that’s what killed it last time? Idk. But I’m seconding Mist, that was Not your fault! 

      Sorry for taking a few days, it got lost in the notifications. 

    3. The Awakened Salad

      The Awakened Salad


      Okay that’s the best thing I’ve ever read in my life because YES, may I quote that? 

      That’s how I feel with like half the people in the world, so trust me, you are never a bother, you are one of my best friends and I love you, so there, anxiety. 

      Okay, it was looking super fun though. I wonder if we could get it going again, maybe with timing changes because I think that’s what killed it last time? Idk. But I’m seconding Mist, that was Not your fault! 

      Sorry for taking a few days, it got lost in the notifications. 

      Of course you can quote it!

      :wub::wub: *hugs* *beats anxiety with a microwave*

      If I become less busy, then I’d love to try and restart it, with some changes and feedback!

      *hands you a No Apologising card*

    4. AonEne
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