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Channelknight Fadran

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  1. Is it...


    weird to be a dude concerning himself with the toxic culture surrounding males and masculinity in a world where the patriarchy is still very blatantly in charge? Like I get to an extent that gender issues in general are kind of just everyone's problem (i.e. if guys didn't have so much pressure to be the 'alpha' or whatnot then there'd probably be a lot oless sexual harrassment in the world), but sometimes I feel like I'm the old white skinhead saying "nobody has it harder than the white male" in a world where literally any other demographic is trying to express themselves for the first bloody time.

    But on the other hand, there's really not much I can do about the ladies and the enbies and... kinda just any other demographic. I'm very much a straight white male (technically 1/4 korean but that does not show through at all), and another massive problem surrounding various prejudicial issues is the idea of the white savior. Obviously it would be nice if every white guy ever sat down in a room and had a good long chat about how to stop being racist and mysognistic, but that's still really just the patriarchy taking charge and enforcing "equality" - which is, at its core, the same problem; even if it's well-meaning.

    So I think my conclusion is that being supportive of other peoples' strengths is the best I can do for them. In the end I have my own problems to deal with, and in the end I'm just one guy who everyone else's problems means very little to. It's none of my beeswax and I have no right to assert myself in any of those situations unless prompted.

    Meaning I think I can worry about stuff like toxic masculinity and such...?



    this has been Fadran's Thoughts at 1 AM - Part II

    1. Edema Rue

      Edema Rue

      (Fadran go to sleep)

      Honestly, i agree. I feel like everyone ought to just…well, this’ll never happen and it’s kind of childish to want, but just agree that everyone has problems, and then let them live their lives while supporting as best you can. People are people, ma dudes. Just because white males had it the easiest in the past doesn’t mean their lives are easier now. And the same goes for everyone; people all have their different struggles, and judging them for things they can’t control won’t help your life. 

      idk either

      This has been: Eddie’s rambling wish for the universe.

    2. The cheeseman

      The cheeseman

      Like Edema said, people are people. Our world is broken to the core, and so, people do bad things. Every person does. Changing the minds of a crowd is easy, but changing the mind of a single person is one of the most difficult things you can do. Also, compared to today, life throughout history sucked for everyone. Even though--especially in recent Western history--White men have had it better, suffering is one of a few constants in the universe. It doesn't matter who is in power, there will always be an oppressed demographic.

      This had been The cheeseman being pessimistic.

    3. danex


      idk i just watch cat videos

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