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Channelknight Fadran

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  1. Today -


    ...Yesterday was absolutely awful.

    I mean it. It was abhorrent. It was miserable.

    I woke up in the morning from a nightmare. Don't even remember what it was about. I just woke up super angry and frustrated for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

    Went downstairs and signed up for housing (I'm going to college soon). That was difficult. The UI was awful. I hated it. Made me more frustrated.

    Went to work. I actually went upstairs and took an off-the-record break and took an actual nap on the table for a paid half an hour because I was so exhausted. It was awful. I couldn't stand, I couldn't keep my eyes open, I wanted to go home.

    Highlight of the day: my phone got stolen! (did I say highlight? I meant the "it gets worse" part). I was helping a customer get a skateboard and then came back to realize both my phone and my water bottle were missing. Figured I missplaced them (after all, who would steal a phone and a water bottle?) but then found out that the water bottle had been found and returned and the phone had not. Called my parents on the company phone, but turns out they can't track it anymore and the thief powered it off so we can't even call it.

    I still had six hours left of work at this point and dredged through the next two absolutely miserable. After the miserable ended I was just incredibly angry and frustrated. I hit my hand on a toy at one point and literally kicked it from beneath like a ninja. Felt good but thank goodness no one else was around to see me do that.

    Bought myself hot cocoa from the starbucks kiosk. That made me feel a little better. I managed to finish work somehow.

    Now I'm back here and I'm just so depressed. I got practically nothing done at work and I keep worrying that the b@stard who stole my phone is gonna break into it somehow and spam all my friends or something.

    So there's my rant.

    Copium: I'm gonna start a new RP soon to accompany my Fight Scenes RightingWrite. Please consider joining. I swear it won't be quite as boring and railroaded as Cytocorps.

    Aight luvya bye

    1. danex



      as someone who has also had their phone stolen before

      you have my sincere sympathies 

      that is absolutely not a fun thing to go through

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