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Channelknight Fadran

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  1. Today I hard reset my chromebook. After spending a solid half an hour backing up all my downloads, preferences, and whatnot onto my google drive, I slew everything that remained all so I could sign into my school account.

    But now everything looks wrong. My bookmarks bar is too thick, my fonts look wonky, and all my icons are just a tad bit larger than they used to be.

    That's all well and good, though. It's a factory reset; worse things have happened.

    Like, say, when I went to copy back all the stuff I backed up to my drive... it'll probably take 15-20 minutes-ish, but for a second there, I swear the progress bar told me that it had "five thousand hours and fifty-one minutes left."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Frustration


      Tech Guy: This is the worst computer ever made and will have tons of problems

      Schools: I want 2500 of them

    3. Tesh


      I have this laptop from 2006 that I'm actually currently using. Despite the fact that I can only use it when it's plugged in, as long as I don't have too many tabs open it works much better than my chromebook that I have for school.

    4. DramaQueen


      My chromebook works just fine, dunno why y'all's are so dysfunctional. Only issue is the school's blocked stuff.

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