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Everything posted by NameIess

  1. But then the entire world turned into stick, causing the octopus to float away into space.
  2. Granted, You become a feruchemist. your curse is that you live in Era 3 of Mistborn, and are forced into slavery by the government, who force you to constantly store all your attributes, allowing them to make Fullborn weapons that they use to control the populace. The public doesn't know of your fate, thinking you to be doing this of your own free will, so they hate you. You are eventually kidnapped by terrorists who give you limited access to an A-gold hemalurgic spike, and force you to use it to survive them spiking your attributes out constantly. I wish to be an A-pewter, F-bendalloy twinborn.
  3. The perfect command for a sword (in my opinion) would be: Follow Kaladin's ideals.
  4. When Shai soulstamps herself, she has to be restamped every day, I don't see why this would be any different.
  5. Ah good, things are back to normal. *Wins secretly*
  6. Granted, you get a Ryshadium pony. only problem is that it hates you and tries to kill you whenever you attempt to ride it. I wish for these powers: power: The ability to manipulate any form of energy, including kinetic energy, laser, energy shields, heat, and flame, or I can absorb it and release it whenever I want to treating it as my own energy, however, I cannot convert between different energy types, or generate energy by myself, so I must absorb it from outside sources, like bullets or nuclear explosions. Secondary power: time manipulation, I can slow or speed up time for myself or others, even freezing it in bubbles for as long as I want. However, I can only freeze a certain area/number of people at a time, and I have almost reached my limit for unknown reasons. Weakness: letting people I love die. I have permanently frozen in time my hometown to keep my family safe, which puts serious limits on my time powers.
  7. The premise may be similar, but the stories themselves are completely different. In Skyward it focuses more on Spensa wanting to fly, while Ironsides is afraid of the "defect" and as such refuses to let Spensa join the DDF. Gurren Lagann looks like it focuses on blindly disobeying your leaders and rebelling against them, regardless of whether they have good reasons or not, while Skyward focuses on the struggle of whether Spensa really is too dangerous to let fly.
  8. Kelsier didn't know about spikes. All he knew was that Vin was a Mistborn.
  9. Shardblade. Since you didn't specify that it was dead, I will assume it is alive. Would you rather be an Elantrian after the events of Elantris, or a Windrunner at the fifth heightening.
  10. I didn't think it was badly written or unrealistic, I just didn't want to watch all the new people he had just met, whom I understood and wanted to learn more of, die.
  11. I don't like Kaladin freezing up in the Elhokar scene in OB, I was basically yelling at him to use a basic lashing to stop the fighting. Edit- I meant full lashing
  12. Remember capitalization and punctuation! Quite A. Jerk laughed maniacally as he watched His G. Enemy die from his sugar allergy. "Yes!" Quite shouted, "My plan succeeded! the common cold has resulted in my His G. Enemy's downfall!!!!" he laughed maniacally some more.
  13. She blinked. No, that was Kaladin with with a Sylthrower.
  14. Skyward isn't in the Cosmere, and will not be in the Cosmere:
  15. It is just Slaves vs Freemen, my bad. I was getting it mixed up with when it is mentioned that Kaladin is getting paid three times as much as a regular soldier in WoR.
  16. A Zinc ferring could probably kill a Mistborn by Storing Mental speed, then tapping it in order to predict the Mistborns next move, then react based on that at the last second like Vin did, only considerably more easily. It would take the Mistborn being dumb enough to attack at close range as opposed to shooting them with coins from a distance.
  17. Except that you get paid twice as much money, and are allowed to use a sword.
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